In The Club

"You must relax your body and mind. Focus your inner chi into something great, something worthwhile." The female instructor taught us.

It took a while, but Soyoung was able to succeed in getting me into her Yoga lesson. I was always under the impression that Yoga classes were for women, yet it was more than that. I could stretch in places I didn't think I could stretch. Together Soyoung and I performed calming breaths and stretches while relaxing music played through the air.

Throughout the exercise, I watched as Soyoung was deep into the movement in a flawless and graceful manner. It was clear that she felt the Namaste or whatever it was we were supposed to be feeling, flowing through her. While her eyes were closed in concentration, I was struggling to keep my balance on one leg while holding the other up. I found myself wondering if girls were naturally good at this, because I was exhausted.

"Foot down. Now the reach down with your upper body like your making a sprint." The instructor said. While walking around for progress, the instructor stopped around me, just as I was starting to lose balance. Tenseness and fatigue were to getting to me.

When my ankle slipped, I landed on the face first on the floor mat, once again meeting the laughter of Soyoung.

"Well it would seem like someone is not fully in sync." The instructor noticed my pratfall.

"Sorry, he is new to this. It might be to advanced, you know, since it's for women," Soyoung smirked.

"Fuck me, I said I was sorry about that, you hag," I whimpered while getting back into position and trying not to let the pain show.

"I know. It's just fun to rub it in," she chuckled.

"I guess I deserve that."

"It's alright, the hour is over anyway and you look like you need a break the most," The instructor ended the lesson with some cooldown stretches before leaving us be.

Soyoung walked out of the heated room a happy and fully enlightened woman, while I could barely walk as if i just donated blood. With every step, I tried to gain control of his body after the private session.

"Oh man, I don't know how I let you talk me into doing this." I moaned from the aches and sores. "Not even Ashton has stretched my legs that far apart."

"Oh come on Dan; if we just stay idle all day, they'll just try to have sex the entire trip, you needed the exercise to relax your muscles and I need to be proactive and stay in shape. Plus this builds stamina so we can outlast them."

"Well, I guess I do feel a bit relieved now." I felt was slowly starting to heal now that everything was a bit numb and uncomfortable.

"Now then it was not all that bad was it." Soyoung playfully pitched my cheeks.

"Hey come on; I'm not a baby," I removed her hands from my cheekbones, still feeling sore from the fall.

"No, but you are adorable. If only Sam was this pretty," not willing to take the mocking to my face, I turned my face away from her. It did not stop Soyoung from teasing me further. "You're like the good brother I've never had. We must hang out more."

"How badly are you getting made fun of in school?" I asked.

"It's really nothing much. It's a girls school, no one really gets along except for a few people. It's child's play compared to going to school in Korea, though people have been backing off since I've been engaged to Sam." 

"Does it ever bother you?"

"I was raised by parents who gave me the highest self esteem and made sure I knew what was really important. Also, I knew that they were jealous that they couldn't keep their composure like I could. I have always maintained the image of a perfect lady. I've always been the most qualified bachelorette for anyone who has a son. Luckily Mr. Kim and Sam see that value and respect it, so outside validation is no longer needed. I'm untouchable, as always. The only thing I have to do if finish school and take care of my husband, who's making big deals."

The perfect lady. "I can see that. You definitely do stand out in the crowd and you do match Sam really well. He seriously fell hard for you."

"Just make sure you don't, Dan."

"Sure thing, Soyoung," I assured her. "So do you want to check out this library with me?"

"Oh yes, I can sure use some notes for the fall class coming up. I intend to work hard when I get back. That and a new diet."

"Gee, when did you become so strict, you're fine just the way you are."

"Well, I'd like to look better for Sam by the time we go back to Korea. The Upper circles over there are a lot more critical, especially of women."

"What happened to the self esteem thing?"

"Oh please, getting called fat and ugly your entire life will eventually take a toll on someone. I'm trying everything I can to lose some weight since my stupid parents won't let me get lypo! You know why? Because my face reminds them of eating rice balls in Japan!"

"Soyoung, you aren't fat. You're just voluptuous." 

"Idiot, that's just the nice way of saying fat," Soyoung pouted. "You truly don't know how to comfort a lady do you Danny? I know I'm not obese, but I can still drop fifteen pounds, then I don't have to wear black anymore."

"Why not just flaunt your status," I asked.

"Because it's tacky. I have to lose the weight so you're my workout buddy from now on." Soyoung placed her hand on my shoulder. "Then we have to go out on the town and show off how good we look. Imagine it, the two sexiest friends in the world. Rich! Married! Untouchable!"

"What does yoga have to do with it?"

"Ashton will get to see how flexible you can get. I heard men like a flexible woman. And you should stay as nimble as possible if Ashton is proportionate." I felt my face heat up at her inaccurate depiction. "Oh, is he below average?"

"He's freakishly above average," I confessed. 

"Do you guys have sex a lot?"

Every chance we get it seems. "Yeah, but it's because I can't help myself around him."

"Is that how it works for guys?"

"Yeah, I don't think Sam wants you just for your body. He loves you so he wants to do stuff to you all the time. It's annoying as hell sometimes, but it feels good. Girls don't think that way, right?"

"Mmmm, I don't. Sex isn't the only way to show love."

"But it's the best way. Sam said it's the best from you, that's why he does it as much as you let him."

It was Soyoung's turn to be red now. "H-he never told me that!"

"Ah, my bad. Sam's my best friend so he tells me a lot. He even gave me a lot of ideas to get down with Ashton."

"I didn't expect you to be such a horny person."

"I'm a man, it's normal to have a high libido," I brushed it off. 

"You must've been raised around some pretty gruff people," Soyoung rolled her eyes. She hit the nail on the head. "Let's hit the showers, looks like the boys decided on what to do tonight. I'll help you get ready for your night out! I can't wait to see how you react to how the elite party. After you shower, come to my room."

"I don't think Ashton will-"

"You're gay and I'm a girl. He'll get over it quickly, trust me on that, Dan. Hurry up, I'll let the boys know not to bother us until we're ready! Now go!" Soyoung pushed me from the dusty library we had yet to start looking through and went to our respective bathrooms.

The walls were painted a light-azure, blending nicely with the pristine and unbroken porcelain-tiled floors. A conjoining room left of the showers led to a small, square chamber, where the floors were carpeted and mirrors presented themselves at one side, complete with a few counters and bars to hang clothes.

Naturally, the air was damp and cool, and the atmosphere was deadly quiet. I took a walk around the huge bathroom, just to make sure i was the only soul there, and having satisfied myself, I entered the conjoining room and stripped off my smelly clothes.

I stood underneath the shower, twisting the tap. The warm water contradicted the cool atmosphere, raining down on me pleasantly. I guided the water with my fingers, rubbing myself down as throughly as I could to get rid of the sweaty smell, craning my neck to the side so the water could easily run down my body, rubbing my ears and wiping my face just to freshen up.

Besides that, I enjoyed the sound of the water. It reminded me of a steady-flowing stream. The heat which accompanied my shower was just as soothing as well, and it reduced my stress level to a certain extent, causing my shoulders to loosen up and making me close my eyes. I looked upwards and allowed the gentle water to hit my face, humming slightly in the process.

Suddenly, the door creaked, signifying the arrival of another person. My eyes flew open and threw a quick, sharp glance to the door, forcibly brought out of my relaxed state. The intruder shuffled around a bit before I heard the door shut once more.

To squash my paranoia, I ran into the attached room to dirty clothes were gone and in their place was a floor length robe. Other than that, I was still alone. I can't believe I forgot about all the staff that worked here.

There goes a peaceful shower.

As I stepped back under the water, my mind became crowded with worries. Was Ashton really going to allow Soyoung to dress me? Just how did Sam feel about his girlfriend wanting to dress me up like I was some kind of doll? Just what are those two planning to do? I know it'll end in sex but what exactly was going to come before that? What did Soyoung mean when she said 'how the elite party'?

Thank god the hot water doesn't run out here.

As soon as I stepped out of the shower and into the robe, a staff member led me straight into a room on Sam's side of the house. There were several scented candles and other minor personal effects to finish off the decoration. Everything was clean and neatly arranged, just what someone would expect from a person who dedicated their life to the art of healing.

Or maybe Soyoung had OCD.

I watched as she went into her closet and pulled out a stack of clothing. It only took a moment for her to finish the task and lay it all out on the bed. After stepping away she motioned for me to look through it and try it out.

In the end, she ended up picking out an outfit for me. A nice black turtleneck, some retro black jeans, a brown belt and shoes to match. She then fussed with my hair until it was styled exactly as she liked it.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"I look like a fuckboy, but it looks really nice," I said checking myself out in the mirror as Soyoung did her makeup. Nice was an understatement, I looked expensive.

"Of course it looks nice, it's all designer," Soyoung said. "It costs more than anything you've ever worn before in your life, so of course it's nice."

"Excuse me for being poor."

"Forgive me, I'm just upset at how good your ass looks in those jeans," she giggled. "You have to get used to it, we'll probably bump into a lot of personalities wherever they take us."

"There's so much I have to get ready for," I sighed. 

"I've got your back, so don't worry." Soyoung came up behind me dressed in a stunning black dress that hugged her in all the right places, adorned with a brown belt, hat and shoes. Her hair was in a chic side ponytail and her minimal use of makeup made her cubby face look absolutely adorable. It looked like we were in couples clothing. "How do I look?"

"You look great!"

"No notes?" 

"Why would there be? You look amazing," I insisted. Soyoung rolled her eyes and said something about me being useless. Was I supposed to find fault with what she had on? Sam was going to love it, so what did it matter what I thought?

Just as I was about to ask what I did wrong, a knock sounded at the door. Soyoung opened the door to reveal a super cleaned up Ashton and Sam. They both wore some really expensive looking casual suits and had fixed their hair perfectly.

"Hello, casual suits you." I took a step back, looking Ashton up and down with an approving smile. Ashton grinned back, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Suits you better. I brought you something." He wiggled the little box, wrapped in its ribbon. I raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a curious smile. I took the box, opened it and let out a laugh.

"Really, Ashton?" I raised the necklace up in my hands, looking from it to my boyfriend. "Are you going to help me put it on?"

"I hired a few extra cars. I figured it would be worth it." The mischief in Sam's voice made me raise an eyebrow at him, a wide grin now spreading across his face as he looked to Ashton. I wonder what they 

had planned. "Especially since my date looks better than yours."

"That's impossible, Dan is the most beautiful tonight. Finer than frogs' hair split four ways!" Ashton's southern drawl poured in heavily.

"What's that mean?" Soyoung asked.

"That he looks just darlin," Ashton kissed my hand.

Deciding to play the gentleman, Ashton held out his arm. I gave him a very sarcastic look, sighed, and took it, letting him lead me to the car. Ashton even made a show of opening the door for me. "What kind of club is it?"

"You didn't tell them, did you?" Sam asked Ashton in an accusatory manner.

"Didn't tell us what? Where are we going?" I asked.

Apparently, tonight was the re-opening of one of the hottest exclusive clubs in town. The owner Emily Swan wanted a complete remodel of the scene, she wanted to stay up to date on the latest trends, and now after six months it was finally open. Anyone who was everyone was in attendance, celebrities came by the droves. A person couldn't go to the bathroom without running into a celebrity or the insanely rich. The kitchen was run by a five star chef from Italy. The club catered to the upper echelon of town and we were automatically classified as the upper echelon and then some. Ashton flashed an ID and the bouncer let us all in. 

The club offered up a fairy tale theme, with waitresses dressed as fairies, and in the back of the club was a waterfall oasis with a statue of a knight centered in the middle. The club was almost similar to The Rainforest Café, Disney style. Our small group made their way through the bodies and found a table near the dance floor and took a seat. A waiter came up to our table quickly and took drink orders. 

"See, I knew it was worth mentioning your name Ashton, immediate service! They're depending on you for a good review," Sam gave Ashton a thumbs up.

"A bunch of people took photos of us, is that going to be alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, it'll be fine. We're the real celebrities here tonight," Sam bragged. "At some point people will start approaching us, then the fun starts."

"Soyoung?" A shrill voice sounded from next to us. She was wearing a slinky evening dress slit up the thigh, made of glittering, shimmering vermilion cloth. Manufactured sparkles fluttered to the glossy wooden floorboards with every step she took, her faux-ruby earrings swinging like pendulums, dangling from her earlobes. Her dress was low-cut, exposing a swell of creamy cleavage. She was beautiful and seductive, hair coiffed in a honey-blonde bob....but her voice made her sound like a dying parrot. "Is that you?"

Soyoung immediately fixed her posture and suddenly took on the arrogance Sam had, while pulling a sour face. "Is there something you wanted?" 

"Just to say hi? I'm surprised to see you here. I never thought you would've attended one of these things," she smiled. At once I could tell that it wasn't genuine and this girl didn't like Soyoung at all. She took a look at Sam, Ashton and I before tucking some hair behind her ear. "So you really do have a fiancé? How did you two meet?"

"We met at a party, one you would never be invited to join," Soyoung smiled back. "It's just too high class for your kind."

"W-well that's good. I heard you were going back to Korea soon. Are you going to teach English there?" She asked. "Usually all students that study abroad always teach English."

"Usually smart people would've sensed that they aren't wanted by now," Soyoung sipped her drink. "Oh, right. This is my fiancé, Sam Kim. Only heir to Kim Bio Labs."

The girl blushed before turning her attention to Ashton. "Hi, I'm Brittany. You are?"

"Not interested," I shoved her hand away. "And stop acting like you don't know who he is. You came here because you know who he is."

"Who're you?" She snapped. "I wasn't even talking to you!"

"Well I'm talking directly to you! Don't look at my man, ya bitch!" I snapped. "And while we're at it, home wrecking is an ugly thing, and so is the makeup you have on tonight."

"It probably because of that makeup that she can't land a man like one of ours," Soyoung giggled. "Ugh and that perfume she's wearing."

I didn't smell it, but I played along as soon as I saw the girl quickly check herself. "Yeah, it's hurting my nose too. Ashton, get it away, I think I'm allergic."

Ashton put his hand up in a beckoning manner, which prompted four different members of staff to rush up to our table. "Do you mind removing this lady? She's bothering our table?" 

The staff nodded and escorted the stunned girl from our table under the watchful gaze of the entire club. Suddenly I felt extremely uncomfortable.

I suddenly felt like I was back at the horrible place Vincenzo used to force me to go with him. As soon as he would turn his back, one of his friends usually tended to push me around. Every time I tried to ask for help or get these people to stop, Vincenzo would just stare at me like I had grown a second head and tell me to get lost. 

Usually when I was finally pushed to the ground, lots of people would watch as I desperately tried to get get away from them by hitting, kicking and screaming. Eventually, someone would get my arms and legs and I'd have to take the beating or whatever humiliation I had. Of course after a while, they let me go.....

I quickly pushed it out of my mind as this was not the same as that was. This girl came to try and embarrass Soyoung and tried to hit on Ashton. She received her embarrassing moment due to her own actions, and she wasn't being manipulated to do this by someone else. 

"You ok, Babe?" Ashton nudged my leg. "I must've not been able to smell the perfume. My nose isn't as sensitive as yours."

There was no perfume, but it was cute that he thought there was. "Yeah, just glad you sent her away. It was awful."

Soyoung gave me a huge smile and a thumbs up. "I'm glad we can make her look dumb on camera. That's a front page story we just created right there, all the girls at school will love it. Anyway, we're going to go dance."

"Yep. Yep. Fine. Absolutely, completely fine," I smiled and watched Sam and Soyoung slide from our table to head to the dance floor.

"Very convincing too," Ashton said with half a smirk, and reached out to fix my hair. 

"I didn't think you would try and fix my hair." I shook my head in amazement. "Did I mess it up already?"

Ashton reached out and touched my face lightly, "it doesn't need any fixing, it looks lovely." Ashton blushed. He drew his hand back quickly. "Anyway," he said, "food should be here soon. I just ordered standard things from the kitchen. Should be good. Could be terrible. Hope not. It's a nightclub, so it'll be edible."

I laughed internally at him. It was obvious he was eager to please me somehow. I touched my hair where he did and smiled. I hadn't been sure about my hair when Soyoung did it at first, but I would definitely be repeating this hairstyle now.

"Is this your first time at a night club?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've never been given a reason to go until Sam told me today," Ashton admitted. "He said it might impress you and it's a good place to show you off. But I can see you aren't really aware of what's going on."

"Like what?"

"It's just like the party at Sam's home. You're truly not aware that you're the new talk of the town? You had half the bar staring at you as soon as you walked in, but they're lacking the spine to simply approach and ask you anything since you're with me. That girl was a sacrificial lamb," Ashton cleared his throat and exhaled deeply. 

Ashton slid from the table himself and walked around to the other side of me. Did he truly intend to ask me what I thought he was? To dance? I don't know how to dance in a club, but I hadn't specifically been instructed not to dance, and uncle Mickey taught me a few moves years ago. And to be quite frank, considering how much fun Soyoung seemed to be having, i'd be lying if i said that I had no intention of dancing at all... just a few minutes on the dancefloor couldn't hurt.

Ashton didn't speak a word when he slowed to a halt before me, but his gestures said it all. Cupping my hand in his, and with a small wink and a smile in my direction... my breath suddenly hitched as her knees grew weak. I almost wished he would have simply asked me to dance. Was he even aware of the power a simple wink of his had over me? Where did he learn this from? I was certain there were entire operas written about men of his beauty and charm and yet....god he was hot in his suit.

"Ashton, everyone's looking at us," I pointed out that people were staring.

"Don't worry about them, it's just me and you right now," He smiled warmly as he took my silence as a yes, guiding me to the dancefloor. I almost shivered as he gently placed my hand at his waist, taking my hand in his as he slid my other onto his shoulder. There was so much space between us and yet my nerves could barely handle being so close. And as the soft melody picked up, he began to guide me as we glided across the dancefloor, his steps fluid and delicate even though we were childishly spinning in circles not knowing what else to do.

The strange irony of it all almost made me snicker. Ashton had so strongly opposed rich people just a few days prior, expressing how uptight nobles were; and yet here he was, dancing as gracefully, yet more childishly than any noble in the room, his gentle steps almost second nature as he kept his tender gaze on me.

"Are you having fun," I laughed feeling more relaxed knowing that Ashton wasn't taking the dancing seriously. We must look like fools right now! 

"I always do with you, lovebug," he slowed down our spinning as we ventured against the side of the dance floor in a tight embrace. "You know, I was born into a life of luxury. Ever since I was a child, I've always been seen as...different from those around me. An outsider of sorts. I've been resented and hated. There have even been attempts on my life. I don't believe I've earned such treatment, but that's how it goes for people like me."

I had heard talks of attempts on the elites lives in the past. It was sad to think about, but Sam and Soyoung had confirmed that it was simply part of being a future leader of the next generation. Still, to hear him speak so candidly of his past, and to still see a small glimmer of sadness behind his silly grin...I couldn't help but pity him. To experience this brief moment of trust and honesty and vulnerability strangely made me more sad than happy.

Is this why he got so riled up about his succession?

"If anyone knows what I'm talking about, it must be you. Eh, Baby? I get the feeling you know what it's like to be an outsider. The moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew you weren't like everyone else." It's scary how similar we were. "Bless ya."

"Do you believe in God?"

"Of course, miracles can happen. And by that, I mean things that are completely outside of your control. Things that only seem to add up if you believe in the concept of fate... Things like... well, meeting you, for example," Ashton brushed some hair from my forehead.

I blinked and pursed my lips as his words as I contemplated them in my mind. Did he truly wonder if our meeting was a result of divine intervention? Such a thing sounded much more suited for someone that was childlike, though they would be nothing but empty words if they were said out loud...

We must have been dancing for quite some time. The dancefloor had already begun to empty, and Soyoung and Sam were already back at the table drinking. Or perhaps I simply couldn't focus on anything other than Ashton's blue gaze, reading my every thought as we swayed across the dancefloor.

"Before I met you, I never imagined that it was possible for someone like you to exist. And yet, now that I know you, your presence in my life has quickly become invaluable. In fact, it's hard to imagine making my dreams come true without your help. Because of that, I can't believe for a second that our meeting was just a coincidence. That means it must have been fate. Maybe it was a miracle. Or maybe some god empathized with me and my dreams."

Did he have to say it that way? Did he have to be so cringe that my cheeks turn crimson and my palms sweaty? Did he have to add that genuine happy smile and that stupid wink along with it? His words had already cast their magic on me; the rest was just overkill.

Did he somehow know that I asked myself the same questions sometimes? How it was possible for someone such as Ashton to exist? How I thanked my lucky stars every day for the twisted fate that brought us together? Maybe Ashton dreamed bigger dreams than i did; dreams that spanned beyond the boarders of my imagination. And maybe, just maybe, he couldn't imagine those dreams coming true without me by his side. After all, he had said as much...and I believe him.

I get it....not exactly god, but something benevolent.

"H-huh? Oh shit baby," Ashton suddenly said. He slowed to a stop and blinked in confusion, snapping me out of my trance. What could possibly have made him stop dancing? And just when I was enjoying myself so much...


What happened to the music?

Ashton and I glanced around the ballroom, only to find it almost completely devoid of dancers. We barely noticed they had lost track of time and had been dancing alone for awhile because we were lost in our own world. I snickered as Ashton took a small step back, holding both my hands in his. "Looks like we overstayed our welcome, huh?" he chuckled.

"It seems like that," I smiled, "I'm sorry for keeping you so long."

"No apologies needed. I'm sorry for keeping you away from all the people who wanted to dance with you."

I giggled. Certainly, that couldn't be the case; no one other than him asked me for a dance and he was always paranoid about this. He must have been teasing me again. Although i much preferred this outcome, if i was being honest.

"Hey, Baby?" I lifted my gaze, admiring the gentle smile he displayed uniquely for me. The after-effects of his charms had long faded, yet I couldn't get my face to cool down and a foolish grin remained plastered on my lips. I swear, Ashton and his captivating smile was going to be the death of me. With one arm at his back and one folded in front, he gave her a short yet earnest bow. "Thank you for dancing with me. Im having a great time. In fact....I think it was the first time outside of a professional setting."

I'd be lying if I didn't agree. If only the night would never end. "Me too, Ashton." And as he raised his eyes to meet mine again, i felt my heart melt. "I had fun trying this out."

"Hey gorgeous! Why don't you dance with me? I'll show you an even better time. I promise!" A greasy looking man that I'd seen walking around earlier in the crowd. I heard Ashton growl and before I knew it I was standing beside him as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"No. He doesn't want to dance with you," Ashton answered for me, his voice dangerously low. The offending guy just grabbed hold of my arm and attempted to tug me free of Ashton's grasp.

"You're not giving him a choice. He should have a say!" The guy shouted over loud overlapping conversations.

"Would you stop talking about me like I'm not here?!" I asked.

"Sorry, love." Ashton apologised.

"So, you'd like to come have a round with the Mikester? I'm sure you've heard about the famous 'Mike Newman Experience'. I could give you a little preview if you're really good." He smirked at me intentionally ignoring Ashton.

"No thanks, I'm perfectly happy here with my husband," I said casually. It was Ashton's turn to smirk. This Mike guy's expression was one of pure shock. He still hadn't let go of my arm. "Please let go of me." I said politely, endeavouring to tug myself free. His grip tightened.

"Do you know who I am? The heir the Newmans Own! I said – dance with me." Mike growled. Ashton snapped in that moment. He pushed me behind him and put a hand on Mike's arm.

"I suggest you let go of him if you want to keep your arm," He said. To prove his point he squeezed Mike's arm extremely tightly making sure to flex the muscle that still looked intimidating under his suit. Ashton has seriously sexy muscles! I saw Mike's face contort with pain and he released me. Then, with a death glare to Ashton, he left.

"Are you alright?" I asked Ashton. His eyes were closed and he was pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

"Sometimes I have a problem with my temper, Baby. Especially when it comes to assholes like that trying to take who I consider mine," He answered slowly, opening his eyes. His gaze lingered on me then swept the dance floor before meeting my eyes again. "Are you alright?" The intensity of his eyes startled me.

"Yes. I'm fine." I said simply, lost in his green pools. "Thanks for helping me. Now hug me, please."

"Fine." He smiled down at me and put his hands back on my hips and I put my arms around his neck. In that moment, I could literally feel him deflating. Just then Sam and Soyoung came up.

"Hey, are you okay? I saw some creep with you."Sam said when he reached us.

"I'm fine. I just decided not to indulge in the 'Mikester'." I replied. Soyoung snorted with laughter.

"Mike tried to get you too? Not surprising. He tried to get with me a few minutes ago. Luckily we had our big strong men there to help us out. I didn't think he would have the nerve to do it again after Sam scared him off!" Soyoung said. I laughed freely with them noticing that Ashton still seemed tense.

"Ashton, chill man!" Sam boomed, "he's not getting anywhere near them while we're here, so don't worry about it."

"I thought it was kind of hot," for some reason, every time Ashton got angry, I got incredibly turned on. Just then, a beat started to play behind us and the dance floor got crowded again. "Let's just go back to dancing!"

The beat was starting to pick up, as the DJ switched the track to a faster one. I started to move like I saw Soyoung moving, as Ashton's hands kept their place, gripping me through my silly soft shirt. The tips of his fingers digging into my skin through the shirt, sending involuntary shocks through my body every time we moved.

"Ashton." I said, into his ear, wanting him to hear me over the noise of the club. He shivered, making me feel as though I had gotten to him. "Are you getting tired?" I didn't know how long we had been dancing this time, but the warmth of the club and the fast pace of the music had made me work up quite the sweat, and I could feel the heat radiating off of me.

"No." he answered, in a low, husky voice that set my nerves on end. I certainly didn't want to stop; i didn't want the feeling of his body against mine to go away anytime soon. I was the opposite of tired; I was feeling more alive than I had felt in a long time. And Ashton looked absolutely gorgeous, glowing under the flashing lights, his blue-grey eyes alive after getting in his little rush of adrenaline.

"Hey you two!" came a voice from the left. Soyoung had called out to us. Like us, they were breathless and sweaty and their faces mere millimeters apart.

"Hi guys!" I panted, breaking out of the dance. I knew Ashton was superior, physically, but i hadn't known that he could move like that, so fluid and... sensual. And if I had interpreted the signs correctly, he was just as turned on as I was by the almost erotic and awkward movement of our bodies. Of course, those two just had to interrupt what had to have been one of the best discoveries I've made about Ashton in a while.

"Getting a little sweaty there, Sweetie?" she asked, grinning.

"The tempo of the music is very fast." I answered, Ashton's hands still on my hips, unconsciously drawing light circles through the fabric.

"Well, I'm going for another round of drinks with Sam, so you two find me when you want to sit down again, alright?" With that, the two disappeared into the crowd of people.

Ashton smiled at me, his eyes narrowed and focused. I admired his facial structure as he did so, noticing the way the lights threw areas of his face into shadow, making him look more godlike. My arms found their way around his neck again, placing my head by his shoulder, and we began to move together again, his hands slipping further down still, almost caressing my butt. I moved my head from its place, and looked into his eyes. I could barely see their usual grayish blue hue, his pupils were so dilated, presumably because of the darkness of the club. Presumably. Then again, my proximity to him had obviously aroused him; I could feel it in his every movement. Our noses were almost touching now, his lips close enough to taste.

I wanted them to touch, the need intensifying the sensation I felt in my body, energy passing between us like the electric chair. He could feel it too, or something like it, I could tell. The grip he had on me strengthened, he pressed unconsciously against me more, and we found ourselves against a wall, as our movements brought us away from the center of the crowd.

"Lovebug..." Ashton whispered, and though I couldn't hear him, I knew what he had said.

"Ash..." I whispered back, winding my hands through his hair, while his hands made their way back up my body.

"Oh God, Dan..." his voice came out as a rough moan, as our faces drew closer, my body hit the wall, his not far behind. He looked into my eyes, and hesitated as usual.

I pulled my head the extra inch, touching his lips with my own, and he pressed me firmly against the wall, kissing me fiercely, with every bit of passion he could. I responded in kind, letting our tongues dance as heatedly as our sweaty bodies had minutes before. His hands moved up and down my body, from my waist, to my neck and chest and back down, lower and lower until he was holding my ass, like he was so sorely tempted to tear off my pants.

"Get a room!" someone yelled, as our kissing intensified more, but I didn't make any attempts to stop.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, which, predictably, didn't have any effect on me. Then I heard a large heel stomp on the ground next to me before Ashton leapt a half foot into the air, detaching himself from my flustered being.

"Sorry, Ashton, but it needed to be done. I'm assuming that we should start heading home now?" Sam sighed. Ashton and I looked at them sheepishly, more than a little red. Screw them and their awful timing. I was just getting started with my sexy hunk of a partner, and really didn't appreciate the interruption. I didn't appreciate the foot stomping either. Though it would probably be a good idea to go back to the vacation house, and quickly. Perhaps i should have been thinking rather than blindly reaching for any bit of his bones that I could get.

"I think so, yes." I answered, trying to sound like my usual collected self, which was rather hard considering I was out of breath and more turned on than I had been in a very, very long time.

"Okay, well, let's get you two out of here before something happens and we get banned. I'm assuming you guys want the shortest route possible to a bedroom, and so are we, so I'll tell the driver to drive extra fast."

"Uh, yeah, sure." I said distractedly. Someone's not-so-subtle hand was creeping up the back of my shirt.

We all walked awkwardly over to the car waiting outside for us, the fire that had come alive in me still blazing, itching to be let out. I grabbed Ashton's hand, squeezing it with an urgency that seemed to convey my need, he smiled back at me seductively.

"You know, Soyoung, I'm rather surprised. In all of the scenarios I imagined with you finding me and Dan in a compromising position, you let out a high pitched squeal. You've been remarkably calm about everything." I nearly choked on the gulp of coke i had just taken from the bottle we had left in the fridge in the car. Imagined scenarios with him? Compromising position? Soyoung finding us? Man, had I ever been missing something.

"It's kind of hard to hear a squeal in a loud club." Soyoung answered, grinning as she took off her heels. "But I'm sure you'll hear one just fine in a dark bedroom." 

"You certainly don't dance like that with someone you just met..." Sam's sentence drifted off and his darted his eyes back and forth between Ashton and I before once again moving away.

"Like what? Dan was leading that whole time and I ended up following him. Plus, I don't uh...I don't really know how to dance. Not like in a club kind of way anyway." Ashton flushed at his confession. 

"Screw that 'I don't know how to dance'. I saw you out there dancing perfectly fine with that him. And Danny, you absolute dog! Where did you learn that?" Sam laughed.

"My uncle took me to a club to observe." I chuckled feeling accomplished.

"It's all from research," Sam changed his voice so that he was doing a bad impression of me as he mocked me.

"I don't sound like that and that was really my first time actually dancing. There was never a reason for me to learn." I defended.

"Me neither," Ashton said. "I was just copying what you were doing Sam."

"What?" I asked. "Don't be so open about that!"

"Glad I could help you out!" Sam patted Ashton on his shoulder.

"Don't think I didn't see you and Soyoung disappear into the bathroom together!" Ashton flicked Sam's hand off.

"N-nothing was done! I just had to pee!" Soyoung turned tomato red.

"For ten minutes? Do you have a kidney problem?" Ashton chuckled.

"I had to make sure no one got to her!" Sam defended.

"By checking her kidneys yourself?" Ashton retorted.

"We're all horny tonight, so let's just go to our respective sides of the home and stay there until morning," I said. 

"That's right!" Sam high-fived me. "Who knew you two at the club would be so much fun? You know we were the center of attention the entire time! I heard the manager was having a near heart attack when she heard who was coming. And the staff were scrambling to make sure we were good." 

The rest of the ride home was filled with Sam's ranting about how much we were photographed and how his mom was going to shit her pants when she heard the gossip.

"Lovebug, we are back at the house. Do you want me to carry you in?" Ashton asked nicely.

"Yeah," I smiled. Ashton picked me up in his arms from the seat of the car and started to jog into the house.

I felt a pair of soft lips meet mine in a passionate kiss. It was like my whole body was lit on fire with pure lust. The deeper the kiss got, the more I would moan. Suddenly I was dropped onto a bed and Ashton climbed on top of me, and his hands traveled up and down my body. He knew that I could feel him getting harder.

"To think that I originally planned on not going to the night club tonight," Ashton smirked. "I never would've heard you call me husband."

"It was-"

"Doesn't matter. Let your husband take care of you now."