Talks About Nothing

Ashton turned on the shower head, testing the water for a minute before pulling me under the spray, my back to his chest, running his fingers through my hair, making me relax as his nails scratched lightly on my scalp. As I leaned back into his body for support, I felt a purr vibrate through his chest.

"Does that feel good?" he asked as he poured some more shampoo onto his hands and began to lather it. I could only manage to respond with a satisfied moan as my body felt more sated and relaxed than it had in years due to his skillful technique. I admit, when Ashton suggested we take a shower together, i wasn't expecting to really be getting clean, but in our times together, I should've known how unpredictable he could really be. In fact, until now, I hadn't known there was another level of satisfaction, that there was more than sex.

Scalp rubbing was downright therapeutic....and it got the leftover gum in my hair out.

I just couldn't figure out what it was about this that shook me. But it scared me in a new way. It wasn't like walking into test I hadn't yet studied for. That was an exciting feeling, a challenge that led to a pit in my stomach that I craved. With Ashton, it wasn't the kind of scared that led me to perform at a high level of expertise. With him, it was such unknown territory that I couldn't even name it. It was beyond excitement or anxiousness, it was a someting that made my body hum with a tension, an electricity, and at the same time, I felt eerily calm and relaxed. It was a conflict that both confused and assured me at the same time.

It was a feeling that I was quickly becoming more addicted to, which was frightening as well. As his hands freely, and familiarly, washed my hair, I closed my eyes and saw brief images of us being together, waking up in the same bed, walking the dog together, shopping for groceries, raising a kid or two...everyday things that I had no right even imagining doing with a man. At the same time, I never wanted his hands to leave my body in case this was just a pleasant dream. My time with him was based on such a limited amount of time, yet I yearned to be in constant contact with him. The more I touched, the longer I could hold onto the feeling once I go home. As his hands continued to run through my hair, I reached around and rested my hands on his hips, telling myself it was because I need to steady myself, but I knew otherwise.

I knew I just wanted to feel his skin against mine, even in the smallest measure, I had to touch him.

"Close your eyes so I can rinse," he directed, tilting my head back under the steam of water, careful not to let any of the suds get into my eyes. I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to...hear that sweet smooth southern accent as he coaxed me.

I felt more than just physically naked with him. It was a raw feeling that stripped me to the soul as well. When he was done with my hair, he stood in front of me and poured bodywash into his palms and began with my shoulders, slowly lathering and spreading the soap over my chest, abdomen.

"Mind if I ask you a question?" he said so quietly I almost didn't hear him over the running water. I didn't care what he asked as long as his hands kept touching me. Nodding my head, I groaned when his fingers lightly brushed my growing erection. He pushed me under the steady water flow to rinse my body off. "If you never got sick, do you think you would be more like Mickey?"

"Like Mickey?"

"Violent, combative and in a motorcycle gang," he clarified.

"I don't think so. My dad broke his back to make sure that I didn't act the way he did. Sick or not, he always expected the best from me," I sighed as he made sure I had been thoroughly rinsed by dragging his tongue along my shoulder blades, sending involuntary shivers throughout my body. "Honestly, if I followed Mickey's example, I'd probably be in prison by now with the way my temper is. Or worse..." I began to babble, my mind at a loss on making conversation.

"You might've killed someone if given the chance," he finished for me. My eyes shot open at his words and I found him staring at me with a smug smile. 

"Yeah," I said, shocked. He knew me scarily too well. "Or I might've been killed."

Still smiling, he took my chin in his hands, turning it. With the new access, he ran his tongue up the corded muscles there until he reached my ear, where he traced the shell, his breath tickling deep inside me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I choked out.

"Sure," he mumbled against my slick skin, his lips then at my other ear. Swaying a bit, I felt his hand move to my lower back to steady me.

"Did you, i....good at sex?" My voice hadn't sounded so shaky since a few months ago. Stopping, he pulled back and raised an eyebrow. Taking a deep breath, I tried again. "Am I good at sex? Like do you enjoy it?"

Nodding, he returned his lips to my ear, his nose nuzzling my freshly cleaned hair. In my chest, my heart pounded. As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them. I wasn't even sure what I meant. I heard him chuckle in my ear before he backed away, slowly sliding his hand from my back around to my hip. Tantalizingly, he drew circles on my skin with his thumb, the small area he was touching burned with anticipation and need. His other hand left my neck and he skimmed his fingers long my chest, over my stomach, my muscles quivering in their wake, until they captured my hard cock. Openly, he watched my nervous reaction as his fingers tightened and began to stroke. He still hadn't answered my question but at that moment, I could have cared less. If that was his diversionary tactic, I was all for it.

Unexpectedly, he spoke, "I enjoy it every time, yes. I'm glad you have nothing to compare it too, because I don't know if I'm good at it either," He stroked a bit faster, his other hand wrapping around my neck to pull me in for a kiss. "You're beautiful clothed, Dan, but here, naked and wet?" He shook his head, his tawny curls dripping water in every direction. "Fucking...breathtaking, and I'm happy that I'm the only one who'll ever get to see it," he smiled just as his lips touched mine, brushing over them tenderly before I put my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, his words, along wit his touch, stealing my breath. While my nails dug into his slippery skin, my hips wantonly bucked into his hand's embrace. Our lips met over and over until I finally released my grip and let my hands travel over his shoulders, down his sides to his hips.

His touch seemed to be everywhere at once and I wondered if he had sensed that I wanted to have constant contact with him, that I never wanted my hands to be anywhere other than his body again. Breaking the kiss, I reached for his wrist and stopped his motion. Surprised, he looked at me with wide eyes, and I saw a brief faint hurt in them.

"Doesn't it feel good?" he asked, his typical confidence a bit shaken.

Immediately, I wanted to put his mind at ease. "More than you I want to show you..." I trailed off, leaving him still a bit confused as I kissed along his chest, down his stomach, gradually lowering myself to my knees. I wanted to lavish him, show him a small glimpse of the euphoria he had brought me over and over again. Nervously, my tongue traced the taunt muscles of his stomach, enjoying the way they trembled under my tongue. I felt his hands immediately in my hair. I was certainly glad that he was anticipating my movements, because I wasn't confident in my ability.

On my knees, I took the time to kiss over his skin, heated from the hot water. His right hipbone, across his short curls, to his left side where I discovered something I hadn't seen before.

A scar, about four inches long, in a jagged line above his hip bone, almost in the depth of his 'v' there. I looked up at him, the water running down my face, my hands splayed on each of his hips, and found him watching me eagerly. With eyes slightly hooded, he stared at me. Placing my lips to his scar, I kissed it, holding my mouth to it longer than any other spot so far. "It's from a bike ride before I met you."

"Does it hurt?"

"Not at all."The corner of his lip curled up into a small smile, just hinting at the dimples I knew where there. Holding him steady, I took a deep breath, and wrapped my lips around his dick, immediately taking in as much of him as I comfortably could. It hadn't been a long time since I had him in my mouth, and I hoped it was like riding a bike.

I just wanted to get better at it for him.

My mouth had barely embraced him and he murmured, "Fuck, babe," his head falling back as his tongue darted out to lick his lips. I could feel the tension in his body as he strained to stop himself from thrusting into my mouth, even his hands struggled to lighten their hold in my hair. Encouraged by his reaction, I began to bob my head, sucking in earnest. 

It was time to put to use what I had read about. Taking his balls in my hand, I rolled them, as I dragged my tongue along the underside of his shaft. I felt his entire body shudder as I continued to devour him. Moaning at his reaction, I moved my hand to his cock and began to stroke as I slid my mouth along him. Giving up his control, his hips began to pump, a guttural groan escaping him as he sought out the depths of my throat. Suddenly, I wasn't worried about following step by step instructions; I was only concerned with his pleasure. While low cries mixed with obscenities poured from his lips, I took him deeper, relaxing enough to let the tip of the head strike the back of my throat a few times as I fought off the urge to gag. He must have felt the reflex because he stilled his hips. Determined, I removed my hand from this cock, and, hallowing my cheeks, sucked him as deep as I could.

"Jesus fucking Christ," he practically gasped loudly and I felt his dick jerk and pulse in my mouth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck...that's good," he repeated his mantra he exploded his load into my mouth. Swallowing as best as I could around him, I felt some of his fluid leak from the sides of my mouth as he held my head still while the last of his climax traveled through his body, his muscles convulsing with each wave that crashed over him. He hissed and looked down at me as I released. His body protecting me from the water stream, he let go of my hair and ran the pad of his thumb over my lips, gathering what had collected there. Sticking out my tongue, he placed his thumb on it and I sucked him clean.

"Where the fuck did you learn that?" he asked in a low and dangerous tone before putting his hands under my arms anxiously pulling me up to him. As soon as I was standing, his lips smashed on mine, his tongue parting them as he explored my mouth and tasted himself on me. It was one of the hottest things I had ever experienced. It was intimate and vulnerable and open. Breaking the kiss, I rested my forehead against his. Wanting to say something, but not sure what, I whispered the one only thing I could think of.

"I learned it from a porn site."


"I wanted to make sure I could please you," I blushed. Ashton gave me a smug look and nodded.

"Ready to dry off?" he asked, reaching around behind me to turn the water off before waiting for my answer. Normally, I hesitated when others took control, being in control was part of who I was, it was ingrained in my DNA, but when it came to sex, I gave up that need to control every second, every little thing, and went along for the ride.

And with Ashton, it was a wonderful ride. A relief.

Taking my hand, he opened the door and stepped out of the shower. He reached for a towel and began drying me off. Touched by his tender, caring caresses, I stood motionless as he dried off every inch of my body, often leaving kisses behind the swipes of the towel. It didn't go unnoticed that while his hands were on me as he dried me off, mine were on him as well. In his hair playing with the damp mullet, on his wide shoulders gripping them for balance, on his arms to feel his huge muscles flex under my touch. Crouching down, he rubbed my legs dry. Standing, he quickly dried himself off, not showing his body nearly the amount of attention he had shown mine. 

Amazed, I watched his body move, his simple movements rendering me stunned. Even as he moved and twisted, lifting up his legs, bending over, my hands were on him, never leaving his soft skin. When he was dry enough, he dropped the towel and grabbed my hand.

"Come with me," he commanded, tugging me from the bathroom. His voice was urgent, rushed, and I wanted nothing more than to go with him. He led me to his bed, laying me on it gently before he climbed over me with a devilish grin.

His weight felt absolutely right on top of me, his tongue in my mouth felt delicious, his hands roaming my chest and stomach felt hot. Opening my eyes, I found his closed, his pouty lips parted and his slightly damp blond mullet partially covering his face. Without really meaning to, I reached up and brushed his hair back, moaning softly when his lust-filled striking blue eyes met mine.

"Feels really good," he whispered hoarsely.

Nodding, I brought my thumb up to trace his plump, kiss-swollen bottom lip, watching hungrily as he kissed it and groaning deeply when he sucked it into his hot mouth. As much as I loved his hips rolling against my own, I wanted more; I wanted to feel him inside me again.

"Why do you keep stopping? Are you alright," I rasped, sliding my hands down his back to grip his shoulders and pulled him down harder against me.

Chuckling, he licked my jaw. "I'm good, Lovebug, but even I need a few minutes of recovery time." Embarrassed at my never ending need for him, I lowered my eyes. "But since you wanted to get a reward for winning the fight..." he paused. "I've got something that you might enjoy," he finished quietly, almost apologetically. There was no need to apologize. In fact, I thought he wasn't going to reward my bad behavior so this was exiting for me. Curious, I looked up at him again eagerly.

"I'm all yours," I couldn't fight the smile breaking out on my face.

With a soft growl, his hips jerked hard one last time. "Turn over," he commanded softly, sitting back on his knees to give me room to move.

Rolling over onto my stomach, I pulled my knees up underneath me and rested my head on my arms, feeling vulnerable and exposed and incredibly turned on. I felt the bed shift and I frowned, wondering where he could possibly be going. Luckily, I wasn't left alone long, the bed shifting again before I felt his hands kneading my ass.

"So fucking sexy," he exclaimed right before his teeth sinking into my flesh.

Crying out, I thrust back, loving the sharp pain that slowly turned into pleasure as it spread through my body. His hand reached between my legs, and with a teasingly light touch, he stroked me as he kissed and licked the mark his teeth left behind. Moving his mouth to my hole, my breath hitched as I anticipated his next move, remembering how strong the sensations were when he had done it last time. Even though I expected it, the first swipe of his tongue still made my body tense. The pleasure was so intense that I locked up and panted, trying desperately to control my actions so I didn't lose it before he had even started. Fully gripping my erection, he ran his tongue down the length of my crack, circling my entrance gently as he stroked me slowly. I whimpered, shamelessly pushing my ass back into him. I had never really had a chance to discover how sensitive I was there and the way his tongue licked and caressed my most intimate places, there was nothing I could do but thrash and moan and beg for more.

I begged him to keep going, to give me more, to go do something because I felt I was sitting right there and one tiny push would send me spiraling into the depths of pleasure. Was this what they called edging? But he never gave me enough pressure with his tongue or gripped my cock hard enough, it was by far the best torture I had ever endured.

Finally, finally, he started stroking me in earnest, his tongue actually penetrating me and touching all the right places. His other hand was constantly in motion, roaming my back and down over my ass. I could feel it building again, a slow burn starting in the pit of my stomach and spreading downward. I squirmed and writhed, practically undulating, arching my back and digging my fisting the bedspread so hard my knuckles were turning white.

"Ashton, fuck...what is this...please, please," I whimpered when he replaced his tongue with a finger.

"I've got you, the reward is coming," he promised lowly, his finger thrusting in deeper until it grazed my prostate. I was barely able to release a moan before his finger and the hand on my dick disappeared and I heard him moving, the familiar click of a lube bottle and braced myself for him, waiting for him to just dive in.

I gasped when I felt something...unknown. Not his dick or his fingers, or even his tongue, it was something entirely different. Whipping my head around, I looked over my shoulder to find Ashton smirking at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he continued to push...something into me. It was smooth and round, much smaller than his finger and it felt like...rubber or silicone, I couldn't be sure. When a second, slightly larger ball slipped through my hole, I finally realized what he was using on me.

Anal beads! When did he get anal beads?

Once I stopped worrying about what he was doing, I was able to focus on the feeling. I had never used them on myself nor had I been with anyone to experiment so it was an entirely new sensation.

A terrific sensation.

He continued slowly pushing the beads inside me, each ball larger than the one previous, stretching me and making me gasp and shudder.

"More?" he asked, his voice deeper and more primal than I had ever heard it. He was definitely turned on right now by me.

"Yes...please," I panted, clenching my eyes shut and trembling.

I hissed when one of the beads grazed my prostate and Ashton's hand immediately stilled, leaving the ball against the sensitive area inside me. I felt a wet kiss on each of my cheeks. I felt the bed dip when he moved and then, before I could bring myself to ask what he was doing, he flipped me over. I felt the same kind of kiss I had just felt on my ass cheeks except this time, it was on the head of my manhood.

Opening my eyes I looked down to see Ashton's head between my legs, his eyes meeting mine long enough for him to wink at me and give me a sexy smile before he took me in his mouth.

"Oh, my...fuck," I growled, instantly thrusting into his mouth. It felt so damn good; his hot mouth sucking me, the toy resting against my prostate, his hands squeezing my ass. Hollowing his cheeks, he sucked me. I couldn't control myself, eliciting the loudest noises, clawing at the blanket when he scraped his teeth along my length deliciously. I vaguely registered his hands leaving my ass.

When I heard the click, I knew I was wrong.

"Motherfu-...fucking hell, Ash!" I practically screamed when I feel the beads start to vibrate. His sucking never slowed and the vibrations progressively got stronger, still sitting right against my prostate and I knew there was no holding back my orgasm. 

I came, harder than I ever had before, my entire body locking up and my stomach clenching and twisting. Right as my orgasm hit me, Ashton began slowly pulling the beads, each one slipping out as a new wave of pleasure coursed through me. It felt like it was never going to end, spurt after spurt came out until the beads had left me completely. As soon as Ashton moved from between my legs, I collapsed, legs buckling and becoming numb as they shook and hit the bed gasping while I tried to catch my breath. I saw his body hovering over mine, as he picked my legs up and aligned himself with my entrance.

Licking from my shoulder to my ear, his panting breaths hit my ear as he whispered, "Do you want me now, baby?"

"Oh, fuck yes," I pleaded. Even though I knew my body could never orgasm again so quickly, I simply wanted him inside me and for the first time in my life, it wasn't because I wanted the pleasure. I wanted him to feel pleasure, to take pleasure in my body and my willingness to give myself completely to him. I wanted to hear him moan and whimper and come. His weight disappeared for only a moment, or maybe it was longer and I was still too cloudy to notice. He slid into me smoothly, one swift motion before he was buried and groaning in my ear.

"I fucking love you," he said, thrusting in and out slowly, deliberately. I hummed in response, barely mustering up the strength to push my hips into him. He was all I could feel; his heavy and sexy breath in my ear, his pleasant scent filling my lungs, his shoving harder and harder into me.

I never wanted it to end.

"Feels so good...make more noise for me fucking beautiful," he steadily whispered in my ear, half phrases and unfinished sentences, both dirty and perfect. "I wanna hear ya scream," he breathed.

"Ash!" I was already unable to speak because of the over stimulation going on inside of my body."I-I CANT.....AHHH!"

Growling, his hips sped up and his teeth latched on to the skin of my shoulder, muffling the long, deep moan that poured from him when he finished a few seconds after I did. He twitched and throbbed inside me, his thrusts slowing to a stop once he released my flesh from his mouth.

"God damn, Lovebug, you're seriously too hot."

Kissing his mark on my shoulder, he rolled off of me and whispered that he'd be right back. Closing my eyes, I relished in the extreme relaxation that left my mind fuzzy and my body seriously numb to a different degree. I couldn't have moved even if I had wanted to. Moments later, I felt a warm washcloth cleaning away the lube and sweat from my weakened body. Gently and thoroughly, he cleaned me off. Once he was finished, he climbed back into bed and wrapped his arm around my waist, rolling me over to face him and I immediately buried my face into his neck, enjoying the smug sigh I heard him release.

"When did you buy that?" I asked.

"Not sure of the provider, but Sam got it for me," Ashton said as though he had said something normal to me.


"Oh, since my parents open all my stuff if I order anything, I asked gave Sam the money to buy it for me," he explained. "We've kind of been kicking ideas back and forth about things and I get suggestions from him."

"Why do you ask him?"

"I don't know anyone else that's had sex, and I can't ask my family. They gossip too much. And I can't ask a girl-"

"But Sam's straight, what would he know?" I asked.

"That's why I look at books and just ask specific questions online. They'll answer anything on Reddit," he said.

"Well....i guess that's pretty reasonable," I put my face in his chest to hide my secondhand embarrassment. I kept forgetting how extreme Ashton was when it came to researching these things. A part of me thinks he enjoys the researching and experimenting a bit too much. 

I felt his lips press against my head as he mumbled, "Sleep, beautiful."

"Beautiful," I repeated in a whisper against his neck, inhaling his musky scent.


I did was I was told.

I fell asleep in his arms.

Exactly where I wanted to be.

Waking up an hour later was incredibly uncomfortable. I hated a lot of things being a teenage boy. I hated long chick flicks, being woken up in the middle of the night, my math teacher. Yes, i hated many things.

But this...this was with out a doubt my most hated thing now. 

Face licking.

That is what went through my head as I glared down at the creature in front of me. I knew Ashton wanted to get me literally everything I wanted, but you'd think he wouldn't do something so extreme and quickly by now. I couldn't decide whether to thank him or be angry because he had done something inconceivable...Ashton had gotten the puppy from that restaurant.

Ashton had gotten a little a black and brown golden doodle like we saw in the store earlier. For some reason, I really hated it.

"Isn't he great?" Ashton asked looking at the puppy he kept playing with. I glared at the dog, feeling my anger well up seeing the huge smile on his face. "What is it?" Ashton asked probably wondering why I wasn't replying.

"Nothing," i replied trying to resist the urge to cross my arms and stomp my feet.

The idea of dogs had never bothered me at all. I had even asked Ashton to get me one knowing that he would get it for me. But as soon as Ashton got a puppy and liked it, I hated it. Only because it felt like a replacement for me. I couldn't believe I was so jealous of an animal, but, in all fairness, I am Ashton's boyfriend. I was Ashton's. I was sure not going to let any little pooch take my place.

Is this how he felt when we got Leatherface?"

"Why did you even get a dog?" I asked. Keeping my voice calm, though a hint of annoyance tugged at my words.

Ashton shrugged a little, "Well.....because you wanted the baby for Leatherface. I thought it would make you happy to have it as soon as possible. You also convinced me it would be a nice thing to have around.....might even perk you up. Are you upset?"

"I'm not upset." I sighed. I just regret asking for it like you said I would.

"Baby, her name is Toast. She's rather quiet and shy, but she'll warm up to you quickly. See? She already likes you!" Ashton laughed as she licked my hand affectionately. "Would you like to keep her?"

"As I was saying," I continued to act irrationally, "It's a slap in the face to get a dog when you already have me. And no one does that to Daniel Cunningham! Besides we already have Leatherface."

"Whatever you say, Lovebug," Ashton put the puppy down next to me, smiling smugly at my statement. "Look at our puppy, she looks just like you! So fucking cute. Go on and hold her," Ashton insisted, pushing the puppy into my arms. I solemnly stared at the puppy, which stared back just as solemnly until the silence was broken by the little dog chewing lightly on my hand like a toy.

"Ugh!" I grunted as the puppy calmed down and started to get comfortable. It was fucking adorable as hell! Ashton was attempting to hide his laughter after reading the situation, with his arms crossed. "I honestly don't know why you need one of these. Aren't you satisfied with one dog in your life?" I frowned, feeling rather insecure and self-conscious.

"Of course you silly. Of course I'm satisfied with Leatherface. I just thought I would pick a puppy to remind me of you while you're at your house and I'm alone in my here. Just until we can move in together. You know I also don't want you to be alone too much after the succession starts. Then there will be your job and I'll miss my baby every minute that I don't see you!" Ashton announced boldly, face tinged pink as he ruffled my hair. "Let's keep her."

Ashton.....made some valid points.

"You love the dog more than me, don't you?" I asked. Roma was not far behind to their conversation. Ashton wrapped his arms around me tight leaving the puppy just enough space to breathe.

"You know I love you babe; more than the dog."

"Even if I tell you to give it back?"

"Let's not go that far." He kissed the side of my head before letting go and placing the puppy on his chest. "If we can't keep the dog, let's have a baby. We can name him after one of us."

I couldn't help but laugh. "We're not having a baby! Not when the storm is literally coming once we graduate."

"I'll gladly take it all on while you take care of the children."

"Absolutely not going to happen."

"What's the date today?" He suddenly asked.

"January 12th. Why?"

"Damn. Missed it by two days."

I sat up to look at him and ask, "Missed what?"

"The monthly anniversary of the day we met. It's been a while since I fell in love with you."

My face broke into an involuntary smile, wrinkling my nose. "What a sweet thing to say. Even if it is a load of crap."

He chuckled. "What do you mean?"

"You did not fall in love with me the day we met," I insisted.

"I did too! I didn't realize it until later, but I've loved you since the moment I saw you, sitting there in the cafeteria looking incredibly irritated. You were wearing a your uniform nicer than I had ever seen anyone wear it and your hair was long and kinda fluffy. And when you looked at me and gave me a super judgemental once over, and hearing the rude way you spoke to everyone, that was it for me, babe. You knocked me for a loop in every way possible." He reached up and stroked my cheek.

I felt like my heart was about to explode with happiness and I had to blink back tears. There was a reason i loved this guy, and he showed why me almost every day. That southern charm and that sincere, undying awkward love he held in that big heart and that big brain. I actually adored him more than words could express. I leaned in and kissed him. "Whether or not you fell in love with me that day, I'm glad you did eventually."

"It was when you looked at me. Really looked at me. When you looked at the bump you saw on my face? Your eyes were full of concern and sheer brilliance and overwhelming capability. You've had the whole universe in your eyes even though they looked dead."

"I love when you get mushy for no reason."

"You're the reason, Lovebug," he told me, pulling me down into his arms. "Everything I can be now is thanks to you. If we hadn't met that day, I'd probably be a poor pathetic miserable man in some sleepy villa in Georgia doing whatever I was told."

I curled up in his arms, letting his love and his words wash over me. "So what you're saying is I'm the reason you're doing well now? Gee, I should get a pay raise."

He laughed. "Yeah, you probably should."

"Is it my turn for mushy now?"

"Well, it couldn't hurt."

"I couldn't stop thinking about you after you lay down in bed with me that day I found Vincenzo. I knew you were different from everyone else, only because you had treated me different than any other person at school. And if we hadn't run into each other at that party a few weeks before, I still would have never forgotten you as long as I lived, because you were the first in a long time to be really kind to me. I'm just glad we got together. Because you've made all my dreams of being healthy and finding meaning in life come true. Even the things I never thought were possible for me to do, I was able to do because of you. And I love you a lot more than I show it."

"That much, huh?"

"Yeah. That much."

He smirked. "You know it wasn't an accident that we were both at that party, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"That's how long it took me to track you down and find you in such a crowded and unpleasant home. I told you, Baby, I fell in love with you the moment we met and I wasn't going to let you get away easily."

"I thought you wanted to be a good robot son if anything?"

"Yeah. I did. Until I met you."

I kissed him again. For a long time. I never ever got tired of hearing that we mutually changed for the better because of each other. He had given up being a quiet and shy person because he loved me. And I had given up being a scared punk over the months as well, but I would never forget that first sacrifice he made to be able to get me realize what I needed to change. He gave me his everything: his time, his patience, good health, a sense of peace, and most of all, his love.

Geez, I basically owed him my life.

Ashton got up and went into his closet explaining that he had to go handle some business with his dad and uncle, but I needed to help him choose something out. Now that the puppy was asleep, I could help him without distraction.

Standing next to him in the full length mirror that hung on the door of his large closet, I ran my fingers through his hair one last time in hopes of taming it without any gel as its natural chaos looked really ridiculous when he had a tuxedo on.

The suit looked fine, I suppose. It was specifically tailored for him, after all, but I didn't see much difference between the one he was wearing right then and the one he had wore the last time he'd worn one to attend an event. I definitely preferred him in Armani over Ralph Lauren. It was a personal preference, the materials were similar, but the closer cut of the Armani gave him an edge that I enjoyed. It was pure black with a silk lapel and pants that were snug enough to make anyone notice how blessed he was, but not enough to be uncomfortable. Under the jacket was a pure white shirt, almost blinding white, a contrast to the black silk tie he wore knotted around his neck. Ashton and I knew he would get grief from Chip about it not being a bow tie, but if he flashed him a smile and told him he would wear the bowtie next time, he would quickly forgive him. The suit itself I didn't mind so much, it was the person Ashton had to be when he put it on; Ashton Belle, sole heir to the Belle fortune, brilliant businessman and obedient son who was charming, eloquent with an unshakable confidence.

Super hot.

"It almost looks too good," I observed.

"It's just a business meeting, nothing to worry about whatsoever," Ashton said. "But just out of curiousity, I just want to would you react if I was unfaithful?"

I'd kill him. "Well...." I couldn't just say that. If Ashton was ever unfaithful I'd be devastated. In fact just thinking about it made my skin crawl.

"I know what I would do," Ashton said. "First phase: emotional masochism. The overwhelming need to know know everything, even if that kills you...where, when, how many times. The more you know, the more it hurts but you can't stop. Second phase: displacement; the tendency to blame the other man. Phase three: sexual insecurity. That's a good one. I'd think he must be far more adept and better equipped than I am for him to engage your... interest so deeply. Phase four: complete refusal to believe anything your partner says or has said over the time. Phase five: the thirst for vengeance; not against you of course but physical revenge against the man who seduced you. Lastly, phase six: the need to claim you back and to brand you as my own. Something people say is really a primal instinct. Hmmm...really I'd embrace the primitive urge to mark one's territory. I'd mark you relentlessly to remind you of who you belong too."

He's really thought this out, hasn't he? I knew he was hiding a little psycho under all that innocence he exuded. He even said all that as if he had just said the most normal thing in the world.

"I'd call Mickey if you cheated. And if he can't get to you, I will," I mumbled. "So you can't cheat on me because I don't think I'll ever get over it....unless you die."

"As if I could look at anybody but you."

"Things can change with time-"

In a gliding, flowing movement, he roughly grabbed me, forcing me to face him with my back pressed to the mirror. Before I could ask him what the hell his sudden change of attitude was about, he leaned forward settling his entire weight on my entire body, trapping me beneath him. Strong hands grasped my wrists, trapping them above my head, pulling strands of my hair in their grip. Again, a switch in his tone. "Do I need to mark you again as mine so you know it for sure, love?" he asked in his silken, irresistible voice. "Have you forgotten to whom do you belong?"

His words were incredibly alluring, his scent was alluring...he was alluring! I greedily welcomed that familiar, sweet weight of his body on mine that I'd missed so much; its recognition sent a wave of delight flowing through every cell of my body, increasing my need for him to the point of near desperation.

"Why are you gasping, Lovebug? Is there anything you want? Is there maybe something you... need? I can tell you are aroused... I could see it in your eyes after I grabbed you. I think if I wanted too, i could smell it even from across the room...that sweet, treacherous scent that has been driving me wild, filling my lungs, scorching my throat, tormenting me... I do reckon it's getting harder and harder by the second to resist it..."

His voice, smooth and low in pitch, made me flush, irrational warmth filling me up at how dangerous he was sounding. He was well aware that I was more than fascinated by his acute sense of smell. His ability to detect even the tiniest hint of arousal, which was basically all the time, never failed to astonish me. And to arouse me even more... My breath was being dragged away, raw, weakening my voice to a whisper.

"Please, Ashton..."

"Please what, my beautiful husband? What do you want? You're the only one who's ever gotten me this serious about them, so do you still want me?"

He spoke those last words directly into my ear and his voice sounded so husky now, laced with unfeigned desire. His breath was like a line of fire along my neck and sent goose bumps on my skin. It made me shiver and I involuntarily arched up into him, imploring him nonverbally, trying to bring my body closer to his, trying to feel him as near as possible, as if no closeness could ever suffice.

The smell of his body wash caressed my skin. His now opened shirt allowed me to feel the usual warmth of his muscled torso, his steel abdomen pressed against mine, and a moan escaped my lips before I could think to stop it - not that I believed any effort to do so might have proven successful since Ashton was just too hot to handle. That provoked a short chuckle and he pressed his advantage, leaning in and nuzzling my hair aside, his tongue flicking into my ear.

His eyes could have set water aflame and I gleefully recognized that look. It was hunger. A flare of wild, purest desire. For me.

"Yes." I said breathlessly. "I'll want you forever."

He captured my mouth fiercely, hungrily, absorbing my breath, devouring it with a passion that made me weak. My bones felt as though they were melting under the sweet domination of his mouth, my blood was boiling in my veins and I returned the kiss with all that growing fire in my soul. Our tongues mingled, famished. He felt so good...pressed heavy on me, thigh on thigh, chest on breast, breath mixed with breath, heart pounding on heart.

At some point, he'd released my wrists so I clutched his shoulders for support, tightly gripping his shirt. I was already clinging to him, sinking my fingers through his hair, trying to pull him closer still when suddenly he sucked on my tongue. I could not restrain myself anymore. I wanted more of him, all of him, now. I managed to free one of my legs from underneath him and eagerly, instinctively wrapped it around his thigh in a serpent-like motion. My hands moved underneath his shirt and spread over the muscled planes of his back, exploring the strength of his biceps, absorbing the firmness of his muscular chest. His skin, softer than it looked, felt very good against my palms. In what I'd hoped to be a stealthy movement, I eased one of my hands down, reaching for the waistband of his pants.

He stiffened; his shoulders tensed and grabbed my descending hand holding it still against his heaving chest. Simultaneously, he tore his mouth away from mine, leaving my lips trembling and swollen. Both of our breaths were erratic and shallow, echoing in the room; however, Ashton collected himself far too quickly. Without hesitation, he untangled himself easily from my embrace.

"Although it's good that you want me forever, i can't soil the clothes I have on right now. I don't have much time before the meeting," Ashton closed his eyes and kept mumbling something incoherently until the mountain in his pants started to deflate.

Even though I was frustrated as much as he was, I buttoned up his shirt and straightened his tie back up for him. 

"I hope the meeting goes really well. If it does, I'll reward you," I said. "Whatever you see fit, I'll do it."

"I'll do my best out there baby."

"Ashton....please stop being cute."

"I'm cute?"

"The cutest I've ever seen," I told him as I fixed his collar.