Ashton Belle

Wow. I finally made it. 

People thought I couldn't make it. But I did! 

I somehow made it through high school.

I looked to the left, there I saw a huge crowd sitting on the auditorium seats behind us. It was hard to spot my parents at first, but after squinting my eyes and telling one of my classmates to move their head, I found them next to Danny's. They were on the fifth row. My mom had binoculars in on hand and a blow horn in the other. My dad ate popcorn as if he was at the rodeo with my bio dad. I shook my head; they were always this silly but I loved them. To my right were the principals, guidance counselors and all the other school faculty. They didn't look they wanted to be here. Most of them had grumpy faces, especially my science teacher, Mr. Logan.

Of course, I sat rat smack dab in the middle with my classmates. Our graduating class, the future engineers of this country. I smiled at the thought. But then I lost it when I got a glimpse of Danny. Seeing him today was like falling in love again. It wasn't simply because he was beautiful, but because he was smart. So smart that he had a seat in the front row with the other honor students.

"Hello, graduates of Northskye Academy! Give yourself a great applause at first!" Everyone including me started clapping real hard, it was all really just such a relief that this was over and I'd never have to see the Deans face ever again! "Well calm down, calm down now, everyone there will be much more clapping so spare the energy. I know you've all been eagerly waiting for this very moment and are all filled with excitement. So without further ado I would like to call Drew Torino, the class president, to come over and reveal who's the valedictorian this year."

Drew stood up and walked to the podium. I had absolutely no idea who this kid was, nor did I actually care at all. He waved at everyone whilst walking and he had a huge fake smile. I could tell it was kind of a nervous smile, but everyone was doing it, so who cares.

When Drew stood on the podium to shake the Dean's hand and was handed the microphone. Drew nodded at the Dean and turned towards the audience.

"Thank you! How is everyone doing here!" He said as I heard the whole crowd yelled from excitement. "I'm standing here before you as my last day of being school president and also the last day of being your classmate. But I'll come to my point, everyone probably wants to know who's the next valedictorian of this year." He said creating a tensioned sheer in the room. "Alright when I was handed the note which had the name of this year's valedictorian, I can honestly say I was kind of surprised reading HIS name on that note."

I started laughing a bit when the whole female part of the graduates went like "Ahhh..." "Nooo!" "I thought I was it!" And much more.

"Well enough guys, I think I still have a shot of this year's valedictorian title!" Drew said laughing sending the parents seated in the back into a fit of polite laughter. But I was just smiling, I wanted Drew to hurry up a bit because I had done a real good job at school this time though. It was a long shot, but maybe I could be valedictorian this year. "Okay guys, where was I.....Oh yeah I was very surprised to see his name standing on that paper. I didn't believed he even had it in him, but he has shown us many other surprises this year, so I knew he could do it.

"But, now I actually have to tell something good and positive about this boy, and you all know me that I'm not very good at the compliment area. We all know this boy and his quirky self, which we all have come to appreciate. He was the one who proved to everyone that even a cold heart could be tamed as he started the strongest relationship on campus. The one who shocked the pants off of everyone by breaking all expectations! Here he is! The Featherweight Champion of Northskye Academy! Daniel Cunningham!" Drew announced dramatically.

I don't know what hit me all of a sudden, but after less than a second I heard Danny's name, I launched myself from my chair. I startled the people around me and started clapping as hard and loud as I could. Quickly after the shock everyone joined me. A standing crowd was clapping for Danny. I felt tears rolling down my cheek when Danny emerged from the crowd and walked onto the stage almost tripping on his tone a few times. All kind of emotions struck me and more tears of happiness were dripping down. He still looked like the Danny from the very first time I met him. Expect, his hair shorter now, curly and the same lovely shiny jet black colour. 

He was shining.

Danny walked up to the Dean and accepted his award before he stole the microphone from Drews hands.

"Hello to all the graduates of Northskye!" he said loudly through the microphone. Oh I love hearing his voice again. It was quite a long time ago I last heard his lovely voice. Last night felt like it happened last year. "Thank you to everyone. High School sucked and I hated almost all of it. Good riddance to this awful prison. That's being said, I think my valedictorian message for everyone would be; it's not all it's hyped up to be. Nothing I learned here will apply to real life but I guess this piece of paper that I'll just keep in frame for the rest of my life to show off to people who don't care, will just amend all of that crap. Thank god this is over."

Danny handed the microphone back to Drew with a smile before walking off the stage leaving everyone in absolute shock. Right as he was about to step off stage, every student in the building, including me, jumped up to cheer and holler in support of Danny's statement.

He just flat out said what everyone was thinking, and it was kind of funny. Legendary even!

About a half hour later, I hear, "Ashton Belle," being called to the stage. I step up and shake the hand of the Dean of the school to receive my degree before scurrying off to the back of the stage where a lot of the other kids already were.

A group of kids were surrounding Danny and praising him for his epic speech and recounted how he was a legend for making the Dean so mad in real time for everyone to see. They all praised him for being so ballsy in front of everyone and their parents on a live broadcast. Even Drew who was flabbergasted on stage earlier was in really good spirits and asked Danny if he was free after this.

A good point for me to butt in.

"Baby!" I called out. Danny's face lit up three times over when he spotted me prompting Drew to frown. "That was the best speech I had ever heard!"

"I wasn't too blunt?" He asked.

"You're always blunt," I made a show of kissing his hand and giving him a possessive hug until Drew had enough sense to walk away from us. "Let's go get something to eat already, we don't have to stay until the end."

"Our parents are expecting us too," Danny said seriously. 

And he called me a goody two shoes! "Then...maybe this is a stupid question, but would you like to be my graduation present?" 

"Uhhmmmm... Depends" he murmured playfully with a smile.

"Oh depends on what?" 

"Ash, just name whatever you want and I'll do it." he offered afterwards. Danny now stared at me and I looked back at him. His deep dark eyes totally overwhelming me with their cuteness. Just like how little puppies would stare at you when they want something really badly. His sweet lips pouting as I smiled at him.

He looked so adorable right now and I couldn't help myself but just to giggle.

"Well all I wanted is your lips pressed on mine again since I haven't felt it since yesterday. Maybe that soft and blunt clam of yours will help to persuade me." I said laughing a bit. I heard Danny giggle too before he moved in for a sweet kiss. The taste of his lips will never fail to make me happy and boil my insides with enjoyment.

We pulled away and stared at each other.

"That was great! And honoured as I am. Proudly I'll bear the heavy burden of the title 'Ashton Belle's brooding fiancé!' And I won't do anymore speeches," Danny answered laughing. I saw him smiling widely as I pulled him closer into my arms. Our locked hands were placed between us as we played an affectionate rubbing and touching game with our fingers. Danny snuggled himself closer to me and with my other hand I just play with his freshly washed hair.

All the long awaited touches with Danny made me very comfy. We both had some real gaining to do on this part. And I couldn't restrain my smile for the rest of the graduation ceremony.

Every now and then we had to let go our firmly hold together hands in order to clap for fellow graduates names being called. But after each graduated student, you can't imagine how fast we had found each other's hands again.

This continued throughout the whole graduation until finally the Dean had said his last words. It took a little while longer as everyone was made to line up again and file back out into the auditorium.

"You've all been very patient and now it's finally time! Throw your caps in the air!"

I instantly stood up and let go of Danny's hand and throw my cap in the air as high as possible. Danny kept sitting down because he just dropped his cap on the ground, but I helped him up. Quickly appropriating his cap as mine and also threw it as high as I could.

There were all kinds of loud noise around us, celebrating, crying and laughing.

However I grabbed Danny's arm gently and spun him around a few times. I saw him giggling and eventually stopped him right in front of me. He smiled at me, a bit dizzy I could tell, but in a super cute way.

"We can finally start our lives together Baby, I love you so much!" I said right out my heart.

"I know Ashton I'm so excited! And I'm also so happy you want to take me with you! I love you too so much!"

Subsequently he pulled me in a tight hug and wrapped his arms around my back. I smiled and copied the wrapping tactics of my fiancé. Oh it's so amazing to think of Danny as my real fiancé. It felt just 100% right.

This day was in two words:

Totally Magical.

Everything was too perfect.

A day to never forget. 

Danny's mom found us after a while and forced us to let her take a few million pictures. My parents came to me and hugged us both. They were proud. All the parents here were proud. 

"Let's go see Sam," Danny suggested. 

"We can see him later, I want to celebrate." I whined.

"Not yet, there's a party at Mr. Kim's house," my bio dad butted in while handing Danny a glass rose in a box as a gift. "You guys must show your face at the graduation party."


"Half your school is going. You'll be fine, Ashton," my dad told me. "Congratulations to the both of you. And Danny, I particularly enjoyed your speech."


Danny's father rushed us to his car directly so we could go right to Sam's over the top home where a party was already in full swing. It wasn't a crazy teenage house party, as parents were all over the place, but it was still a bit rowdy. 

Walking in, I could recognize some familiar faces. Some of big conglomerates, some of the nouveau riche, a few secretaries and looking down on everyone from the balcony, was Mr and Mrs Kim engaged in a serious conversation. 

I felt like I was going to be sick. From the music, I assumed we were going to have to dance the whole evening away. It was then that a thought crossed my mind, a way to make this torture end.

Taking a glass of wine and sitting at a table, I bided my time while Danny ran off with Soyoung to another part of the mansion to mingle. Perhaps now i could make my move. Balling up my fists, i did my best to eat the food at the buffet as relaxed as possible, ignoring the looks the other graduates were giving me. I could have grabbed each and every one of them at this moment and smacked them across the face, telling them to keep their eyes where they belonged. But I couldn't, not now anyway. I would have to be patient and I would have to work quickly.

Not until well into the party did I find my chance, to quell this rising annoyance at being here. The band had begun to play some of my favorite music, Tango. The raw passion of the music, the sadness with which a love story played out amongst the instruments had always spoken to me. I'd taken classes in my spare time, because of my mom, keeping me light on my feet and active. Keeping my face as stoic as possible, i made my way across the dance floor toward Danny. He was laughing and talking with Soyoung and her friends, all former students and dunderheads if i had to be honest. They didn't deserve his presence, not like i did.

My approach drew the eyes of her friends, with a certain flash of uncomfortableness and fear that I was usually greeted with. Danny's back was to me, but once he realized that something was happening behind him, he turned, eyes falling to me. He managed an unsure smile when I stopped in front of him, holding out my hand in invitation. I tilted my head, willing him to take my hand. Like a deer in the headlights he put his hand in mine, knowing what to expect.

"You lead it!" He grumbled.

I smiled, knowing that the first step in my plan had been overcome. It then stood to reason that if i could overcome the first and most difficult hurdle, the others would be relatively simple. At least i hoped. 

Bringing his body closer to my own, I placed my palm on the small of his back and took his other hand in mine. The music was still playing in the introductory phase of the song, a good chance to see how susceptible i really was to leading. A strong willed woman was typically difficult to lead in such dances such as Tango. I would have to do everything possible to make him feel comfortable enough with this activity to let himself go and let me drive our dance flirtation. I shifted us from one foot to the next, staying in place and allowing our breathing to sync. 

Then we were off.

Slowly i began to twist him to the music, warming him up for what was to come. We were almost cheek to cheek, closer than they had ever been these last seven hours and i loved it. He had also inhaled my scent, a spicy earthy scent i had made sure to maintain today. I had often noticed he liked the way i smelled, as i had overheard him telling Soyoung exactly how much. Danny smiled at the fact that I knew what I was doing and lead us through the dance. His mood lifted, his hips moved in a sultry way and it made me hungry for more of him.

Our legs continued to move in sync, sometimes teasingly, sometimes quickly with every little twist, turn and move eliciting a grin from my dance partner. I couldn't help but move my hand slowly down his body so that it was teetering on the edge of his hip and his butt. As the song slowly came to an end, I pulled Danny in close dipping him, my lips only millimeters from his neck. I think my breath was forcing his body to form goose bumps from his slender neck to his shoulder. Allowing us to stay in that position until the final note was hit, I stood him back up straight, noting the faint hint of red in his cheeks.

"I get it, you want to get out of here," Danny smirked. 

"No, I just wanted to show off my dance moves," I rolled my eyes. "I know we can't leave until later."

"Good, then stay here. Let me just confirm something with your father," Danny kissed my cheek before scurrying off.

Sitting in the middle of a large group which consisted of Sam, Soyoung, a few important heirs and heiresses and, last but not least, the nouveau riche. Looking a bit drunk, but still holding himself together, Sam was speaking arrogantly about something to the group while Soyoung occupied the ladies interest.

"Congratulations, Ashton. You have done very well, both of you," a plain looking black haired kid who was about my height and looked a bit like a younger Morgan said from next to me. This was a bit confusing for me. "It's our first time meeting even though we attend the same school. Levi Abelman, Morgan's nephew, future head of Abelman Security."

I merely accepted the praise bestowed upon me with calm acceptance. I was still feeling giddy that I had finally graduated and was done with school, but also to take on a bunch of power hungry people with my lovebug.

I glanced at where the adults were assembled near the Head Table. Some students were milling about them and Danny had been drawn into a conversation with my bio dad who glanced in my direction nervously occasionally.

I turned back to look at Levi who asked me: "So Ashton, have you given any thought about the future now that you have graduated? I am sure that many people will be wanting to make you a client when it comes to security, I mean with your credentials."

I couldn't keep his eyes from passing over to where Danny stood again, this time receiving an enthusiastic talk from Mr. Kim, no doubt it was about future cooperation. I sighed, it all depended upon a certain somebody I supposed but he was too fearful to voice these thoughts out loud for fear of stepping over the line, so I settled for the none obvious answer. "I'll stick with you guys. I think I might want to settle somewhere in town and I need the extra security. I mean my word is good enough for now, right?"

Music had begun to play and slowly the first hesitant couples began to dance on the dance floor which had been made in the middle of the banquet hall. "So, Ashton, how long have you been sleeping around with the Untouchable Danny Cunningham?"

He indeed was a student at our school. Recently I've been learning of the many nicknames that Danny held over the years from other people. A small group of girls called him an "Adorable Little Brother Type" while a few of the sports teams called him "Pocket Puss" because of his face body type. "Untouchable" was added to the list when Vincenzo had told Martin not to touch Danny again in front of people. The nickname became solidified when a teacher had quit because of Danny's Uncle which made him seem more powerful than he actually was.

"Since the middle of this school year. I mean, no one else ever had the courage to go near him, so I did and it paid off."

"No, I imagine no one was brave enough because of Vincenzo. That man can install the fear in anybody when he glares too long. Anyway, I suppose congratulations are in order that we managed to survive high school, or high school managed to survive you is more likely." 

"Yeah, same to you," it was truely amazing how I had never noticed Levi at school before. But when I confirm that he is who he says he is, I'll immediately renew any contract with them. "I'm just surprised I never saw you at all."

"That just means the mission from Uncle Morgan was successful."


"I was put into this school to monitor and report everything around you and blend in to gauge security. You never saw me or noticed me because you like having freedom and didn't seem to like people. In a sense, I'll be your eyes everywhere you can't see so you and Daniel are safe at all times."

"Are you supposed to be telling me this?"

"You have to meet me one day, might as well take the prime opportunity to introduce myself before disappearing from your sight again." Levi looked at me, stone-faced just like Morgan always was. He handed me a card with only a phone number in it. "For you and your future....husband."

"Thank you."

"We will meet again when the time for succession comes, Ashton."

"Wait, if you watched everything, why didn't you help Danny?" I quickly asked now that I processed that I had a secret shadow for who knows how long. Why didn't he ever intervene if he was such top security material?

"It wasn't my job until you two entered a relationship, and then when you did, you were perfectly capable of protecting Daniel yourself. I will never step in unless it's a matter you can't handle," Levi explained. "After all, exposing our security company could end disastrously. Never the less, if you or Daniel are in Danger, Uncle Morgan or I will be there to pull you guys out and handle the situation."

"Why are you so loyal? You have no reason to be."

"The Belle family has brought us many fortunes over the span of my entire life. My life and loyalty is my gratitude, everyone I work with have the same mentality." He said firmly. So he was a guy with a stick up his ass just like Morgan, just younger.

"That's reasonable, I'll look forward to the contract renewal when the time comes." I said.

"Yeah, Ashton. Sleeping with a fine jewel is getting to your head but then again that is nothing new. Congratulations to your engagement," With those words and a last arrogant look from Levi, the guy lifted his glass and downed it.

"What do you think about my future spouse?" I asked. "Please speed freely."

"I'd say look at the way Daniel sparkles in the sunlight. His skin really is too perfect to be real," Levi said. My head snapped up from Levi to catch a glimpse of Danny who was standing near a window with sunlight pouring down on his pale skin. My heart felt like it was dripping into my ass turned as my eyes scanned the other students taking advantage of the rare separation to look at him. I felt very flustered, like a kid caught stealing his father's Playboy...not that I ever knew what that's like. "It's truly just a compliment. I won't covet your wife."

I couldn't be mad at his observation. Danny did look more beautiful in natural sunlight. He was unbelievably gorgeous, to say the least. His hair was in a casual disarray, a shiny clean jet black, and his eyes were darkly piercing the room. 

Danny suddenly looked up and met my eyes. when we made the sudden eye contact he smiled and licked his lips. Subtle as a sledgehammer, even for a sleezy household like Sam's. I manage to stifle a sigh by reminding myself that he gave great head, an art in which many are woefully unskilled, all I'll get mine later. I acknowledged his flirtation with a slight thrust of my chin and a lift of my eyebrow.

"I know."

"To a profitable future, I hope."

I smiled, shaking my head. "I never talk serious business at parties."

"You never like to but you do. How about a deal?" Levi offered. "You listen to what I have to say over," he glanced at the glass in his hand, "a glass of champagne, no lawyers, no secretaries, no financial advisors, just the two of us. Then you tell me what you honestly think, and what it would take to get Belle Industries to agree to a deal, and if it's not something I can offer you, I'll head back to Isreal tomorrow and you won't have to talk business to me at all."

I shrugged one shoulder, my smile turning slightly embarrassed. This was what I was here for after all "I'm afraid my father handles most of that kind of thing. I just sit there and look pretty and say what he tells me to."

"I know the feeling," he said. "Sometime I think my executive assistant is the one who really runs my company. But she and The Elder Belles aren't here, and we are. Surely they let you out to play occasionally and build your own connections."

"My father prefers to remains as unaware of when and how I play as much possible," I said.

"I'm serious. I'd like a chance to actually talk, get to know you a little. Give you a chance to find out what sort of guy you're about to get involved with."

"I make it a point to never do too much investigating into the motivations of people I get 'involved with.'"

"Well, I can promise you, Ashton, that I don't want your money or possessions, or to be seen with you in the Daily Times society section. Just a few minutes or so of your time. And your factories' manufacturing capacity, of course." 

"It's a deal then," i said abruptly, extending a hand. At least he came off as more interesting than Morgan was. "Shall we shake on it?"

Levi immediately took it, f

The other man's grip was soft, his handshake smooth and non threatening, matching the easy, charming smile, but i had spent years projecting my own "charmingly indifferent" act, and i knew how to spot a facade when I saw one.

Levi couldn't possibly be as harmless as he was trying so hard to seem and be the head of a company as efficiently and ruthlessly run as Abelman Security.

Work smarter not harder had always been one of my personal philosophies, and from what i'd seen so far, it looked like Levi shared my opinion. I offered him my own smile in return, not the polished expression i had learned to put on for prospective business partners and the media, but one with some heat in it, one that hopefully indicated just how little i was fooled by Levi's act.

"Make it quick."

"It's simple, really," Levi explained. "Robotics. The robots I commission and build are equipped with very low level AIs, which allow them to operate on their own within a given set of parameters, but there's also a manual override which lets a human operator run them by remote control, for search and rescue operations in hazardous environments, bomb disposal, mining and blasting."

"I have reservations," I've heard this kind of talk before.


"Like you sound like an arms dealer."

"Do I? I shut down my weapons making division causing a lot of noise but I moved my employees into making clean energy years ago."

"Belle Industries doesn't make weapons. And the fact that this is a possible military contract-"

"For non-combat use." Levi quickly pointed out.

"Let me guess. You had a change of heart while seeing damage caused, and rushed back desperate to make amends and do something about it, which is why you stopped your company making weapons," I concluded, trying to push past the undying suspicion. "That was the immediate solution, but you've been too distracted with me to come up with something more. You don't know what direction you want to go in next. The board of directors is also a little uneasy about the recent performance of your company's stock, too."

"You own eighty percent of the stock."

"Yes," I acknowledged, "but like I said before, my father is the one who makes most of the business decisions. Well, if you're not doing weapons anymore, find something else using the same sort of materials. Something less destructive is what I believe you're going for. Something that can help, right? Renewable energy perhaps? A battery with the strength to power whole nations." I frowned then, immediately disliking it. "No. That in the wrong hands could cause a problem. Perhaps something that disables weapons then? But then if the enemy gets a hold of it..."

"Not so easy, is it?" Levi commented.

I grunted in agreement. "Never said it would be. Just said you need something to shut everyone up."

"Wish me luck. I've been trying for ages and they still pound on my door."

"Well, you've obviously got a better idea than I do, hiding away in the shadows like you do."

"It's part of my job. Are there any issues with the quality of my work?"

I don't know of your work to judge that! "You sure you're a bodyguard?"

"Engineering major, plus I've taken a Materials Science course or two," Levi replied absently, and i revised my opinion of the kid's age upward a few years. A grad would say he was an engineer, or at least refer to it as a degree. "Major" meant that he was still most likely an undergrad. Which was weird, as i was pretty sure most major intelligence agencies didn't take active students, and definitely required recruits to be over 21. This guy couldn't be older than seventeen. If Levi was really hot shit enough to be bodyguarding me and Danny from the shadows, he was either a non-trad, which didn't seem likely, or... Well. Then again, how old was I when my dad gave my company responsibility? Sometimes exceptions got made.

Shaking myself out of my inner deliberation, I focused on the Levi again. "Engineering, huh? What kind?"

"Mech. E, mostly, some electrical. Computers are really not my bag."

It's best if I let my dad handle this since I knew nothing about the tech industry, and I still needed Morgan to vouch for him, even if he knew about Abelman Security which was a very underground company that normal people didn't know existed. I could only decide randomly. "Which do you prefer more? Shakespeare or Poe?"

"Poe. He has an easier readability for me and I'm a sucker for gothic horror. The Fall of the House of Usher still gives me chills."

Two of my favorite books and my favorite classic horror writer. He knew how to kiss ass very well and that's good enough for me. "Time we got back to the party, unless there's anything else?"

"No, there isn't."

"Write up a proposal for me to look over about your plans moving forward on this. I need a detailed report before I start college," no harm in looking into the robotics field. After all, it's good to diversify assets and it would make my dad proud.

"Does this mean you'll make my all-terrain mining and bomb-defusing robots?" 

"If you can write a good enough proposal. I can't promise more than that until I finish college. That's why I wonder why you came to me."

"Morgan said you can help."

"I'm not in the business of granting favors willy nilly. What kind of businessman would I be if I just did things out of the goodness of my heart?"

"I offer you 25% of my new business endeavor in return for your support. Silent partner of course, not a controlling interest but enough to make it worth your while and get access to all of the backdoors that exist in Abelman Security."

He's leaving himself wide open for me! There had to be a catch! "What makes you think I couldn't take your company whenever I wanted to?"

"If you could you already would have. It'd be messy, and you'd be noticed. We also wouldn't be having this conversation at all. A great deal of the world's technology can be made by this company. You would have another in to the whole world. It would give you power over them, and that's what you like. Power. I could be wrong though. You could be perfectly happy with money and I can give you that by the truckload should this succeed. Ashton, you are very adept at business transactions." He looked at me still expressionless. "In another life, I would love to have you working for me, but for now I will agree to this."

"Is there anything else you'd like to say? Any questions for me or...well," i stopped, knowing talking more about this would likely be a bad idea as people were starting to gravitate towards us, "...for me to pass on to my dad about the proposal?"

"Vincenzo Devellis has gone to boot camp in South Carolina immediately after the graduation ceremony ended," he suddenly sprung on me. "You won't see or hear about him for a long time." Levi told me. "The doctor said his message to you was just a thanks for your help."

Holy shit! How the hell did that guy even pass a psychological evaluation? And why the fuck would he join the military out of the blue like that? It was just another thing that made no sense. And what the fuck is with the appreciation he had passed over to me? 

I didn't want to help him! I just wanted him to stay the fuck away from Danny! "Ah, anything else?"

"No, thank you for your time."

"It was nothing, just get that proposal done."

"Understood. Take care, Ashton," with that Levi took a few steps backwards before he seamlessly blended into the crowd like a ghost. He sure might come in handy in the future. Hopefully.

Now to more important matters.

I moved in the direction where Danny was. He hasn't moved from the space he's been occupying since he left my side and more people looked to be waiting to speak to him. It won't be long until the sharks here smell the fresh blood and start to move in to try and pick him apart. I picked up a champagne drink and moved in his direction, debating the best method of approach.

I took a wide path to get around him. Danny hadn't noticed yet as he was listening to an older man I didn't know speak. I slowly approached him from behind and I take in the black jeans that covered his long legs and slim hips; the soft-looking grey sweater that fit snugly, showing off his broad shoulders and slim waist, and the way his dark hair tumbled towards his eyes, tucked softly behind his ears, ending in a shorter cut at the back.

I need to pull out something really new for him. I stepped in closer to his back, lowered my chin a bit to meet his ear, and deliver the line that took a shitload of balls and champagne to deliver mostly sober.

"I want to make you sit on my ten-inch dick."

I took a small step back to allow him room to turn to look at me. He did turn, much more slowly than I had been hoping for, and finally looked at me. I took this opportunity to scan his face. I was looking into the most beautiful, finely-featured face I've ever seen in my life. His high cheekbones, a small v shaped face, and sparkling, deep-set dark eyes ringed with a fringe of dark eyelashes. His mouth is wide, with delicate, exquisite lips. I feel my patience wearing very thin at this moment.

All of this I process before realizing that his beautiful face was registering no emotion whatsoever. He was treating me in a calm manor, and my embarrassing words were already out. Worse, he hasn't spoken at all. I made a huge effort to mirror his lack of expression, though I had no idea whether he finds me attractive, or even repulsive at the moment.

Dammit Sam! You and your shitty advice about things!

From the corner of my eye, I see the older man Danny was just talking to before I interrupted pull a face. He was clearly annoyed by my interruption and was now in this bizarre silent stand-off with me for Danny's attention. Inwardly, my confidence was beginning to wane a bit, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could maintain a façade of indifference after saying something so vulgar.

The man standing beside us looked between me and the Danny. Neither of us moved or made any effort to acknowledge his presence beside us which seemed to only agitate him more. "Daniel, I thought I should take the chance to ask you for a dance and maybe discuss cooperation?"

Danny blinked, unimpressed, and slowly turned back toward the older man, breaking off our staring contest. "Fuck off," were the only words he spared to let the older man know he wasn't even close to welcome when it came to touching him, let alone ask him for a dance. He then returned his eyes to me and for the first time tonight, his eyes moved downward over my body. 

Boy does that look good.

"You can't be serious?" The older man hesitated for a moment, as though he might protest the loss he just incurred. 

Danny didn't bother to look at him again as he calmly said, "Don't make me repeat myself." The older man scowled accepted his defeat and angrily walked away. Danny's eyes then returned to mine. "Ten inches, Ashton?"

"Ten inches...."

"You sure?" 

"I measured. Ten inches, Danny," I confirmed.

"I hope you aren't exaggerating. I hate to be disappointed," he cautioned me. I'm certainly not used to being challenged on really anything and I can't seem to get used to it....but we both knew that I am very well endowed.

"My house?"

"We can leave in a bit." Danny sighed.

"Why not now?" I whined.

"We just graduated, Ash. I'm going to miss Sam, you know."

I involuntarily frowned. "Sam?"

"I can still visit him. All the time," Danny said, and I raised an eyebrow at him. Why think about him at all right now?

"That doesn't answer my question."

Danny blinked and decided to try his innocent expression. "What question?"

I shook my head feeling a bit too stubborn to let him have his way again. "Nope."

Danny sighed. He should have known that wouldn't work. "Our know Sam is my best friend."

I took a sip of my champagne. "And?"

"And... an amazing person."


"And... a future doctor."

I raised my eyebrow again but didn't rise to the bait. "And?"

"He's marrying Soyoung pretty soon," he answered, sarcasm dripping heavily from every syllable. I simply smiled.


"And..." Danny started, but deflated abruptly. "And he's my best friend and I'm afraid the bonds will break and I'll have to try to make friends again!" This time, the tears could not be held back. Danny sniffled and wiped his nose with the back of his hand clearly torn apart by the prospect of losing touch with a friend. I wiped his hand with my handkerchief and he gratefully took it, handing it back when finished without thinking. "Just when things were good, it ended."

"Baby, we'll be seeing a lot of those two in the future. I promise you that," I assured him. "They're our closest business partner, remember. And Soyoung is determined to make you a minion so there's no way you'll lose your friends. You'll probably be a godfather soon."

"I'll miss him being such a pain in the ass," Danny admitted. "It's bittersweet."

As touching as this was, I wasn't very keen on hearing about how much Danny was going to miss another man that wasn't me. The irrationality that I had suppressed was slowly creeping its way up to the surface, and I felt like as soon as I got Danny to my house, I'd lock him up and keep him for myself forever.

Danny was feeling a bit emotional right now about his friend and I may have just the cure for him and I can also get a graduation present out of him in return if this played out the way I wanted it too. "Baby, I promise, we'll go visit them with Leatherface as soon as we move into our new home. Or we can just have them over for a housewarming."

Danny's face lit up and in turn to my suggestion. "Fine."

He led the way down a long hallway as we slowly inched away from the crowd and then entered through a large ornate door for the men's room. It was a huge bathroom with a long marble countertop around the sinks and baskets of samples and towels. Each stall was double the normal size and had solid doors with no gap at the top or bottom. It was the fanciest banquet hall bathroom I'd ever seen in someone's home, even too classy to have urinals along the wall.

"Baby—" I began but stopped when he pushed one of the stalls opened and dragged me inside by my shirt.

The door clicked behind me and Danny was pressing me against it, his fingers working quickly to undo the buttons of my top and yank my shirt out of my pants. Spreading my shirt open, he took a second to take my scent in. My head banged on the door when I arched my back and wound my fingers in his hair to keep him fused to me.

"Jesus," I groaned when he bit down on my chest while his hands skimmed down my abs to my pants. If I hadn't been hard when he pulled me in there, I was the second I heard my zipper being lowered and felt his hand palming me. After a few strokes, he had me pumping against his flattened hand and softly demanding more.

Without further prompting, he dropped to his knees and pulled down my briefs to expose my erection. His eyes were on mine as he held my dick and lapped up one side and down the other before flicking his tongue over the head. Danny had the most beautiful lips and right then, I wanted to watch as I fucked his mouth. Knowing what I wanted, he took me into his mouth and waited for me to take over.

Looking down at him, I cupped the back of his head with one hand and balled up my fist in his hair with the other. Then I began to steadily thrust into him, sliding over his rough tongue and into his tight throat. He moaned quietly, just enough to send me reeling from the vibrations. I could feel my stomach clench as I neared my orgasm, and in few more pumps, I'd be there, falling into bliss while I gazed into his eyes.

The door to the bathroom opened and dress shoes clacked on the floor, two pairs by the sound of it. My hips never stopped, I needed Danny way too bad to worry about people hearing us.

"A bit too much to drink," one of them said.

"Lightweight," the other teased.

We listened as stall doors next to us opened and we heard zippers lowered before they began urinating. Danny's hair was still tangled in my fingers as his lips slid firmly over me. The other toilets flushed and then we heard water from the sinks running.

"You see Ashton Belle?"

"More importantly did you see the guy he's with?" the second one said with a slight groan.

I stilled myself, still deep in Danny's mouth. His eyes widened but he never moved away from me.

"Where the fuck has he been hiding him?" the first asked.

"His own home is what I heard. They met in school or something. I'd definitely tap that at least once. Did you see his lips? Fuck me..."

"You think Ashton tops?"

There was a pause and I was nodding my head and Danny tried not to laugh.

"Definitely. You've seen the way he commands a meeting. A guy doesn't work a boardroom like that and then bottom."

I resumed thrusting into his mouth, the conversation happening about us just a few feet away turning me on even more. The way they spoke about my Danny, practically drooling over him like a piece of meat, excited me. The voices faded as the door closed behind them and I watched Danny suck me off.

"They don't realize what a slutty bottom you are. They don't know how you beg for me to give you more and more, and ram it deep until you finish," I told him as I bucked my hips. His eyes closed and he reached for his crotch, quickly unzipping his pants and whipping out his erection from the folds of clothing. My gaze dropped from his face to his hand as he furiously stroked himself.

He came two pumps later, aiming it onto the floor away from my shoes. His wanton motions and grunts sent me over right behind him and I thrust into him, holding his head tightly as I kept myself buried in his throat and filled his mouth as much as I could. My orgasm rocketed through me, easing nerves with each wave that washed over me. He licked me clean, placing an opened mouth kiss on the flared head before releasing me.

Danny grabbed some toilet paper and wiped up the floor before tucking himself back in his pants while I did the same. He stood up and I kissed him roughly, plunging my tongue into his mouth and tasting myself before pulling away and buttoning up my shirt.

Once we were both presentable, we washed our hands and I wiped whatever was leftover on his face. "Who were they?" He asked hoarsely.

"I don't know. I didn't recognize the voices, but someone that obviously knows me," i shrugged. "And here I thought You and I were the only gay guys in the business."

"Apparently not."

"They were hot for you," I smiled looking at his swollen lips. "Can't blame them." He blushed and he kissed me. "This doesn't count as sex, does it?" I asked warily as we headed to the door.

"Nope, this was just to make you focus on something besides your nerves so we can party a bit longer."

"Totally worked," I said with a lazy grin.

He led us back to the party.