Chapter 1: Aftermath

Whatever it was, it hit hard and devastated the world. All over panic rained down as the governments tried to figure out who had attacked them without warning. But it wasn't an act of terrorist but a Pandemic that will change the history of mankind forever.

In the street of Huttingson, Pennsylvania, cars were turned over, bodies were flung on the ground, and buildings were ablaze in the background of a tiny Volkswagen car. Cries were all Annaliya could hear, blood was strained on her hands as she tried untangling herself from the seatbelt, surges of pain spiral through her body, her legs were impounded beneath a falling tree. She was trapped; she saw a figure of a man walking to her, shouting, but before she could hear him she passed out.

2 days later…

Annaliya opened her eyes to a dimly lit room. The windows were covered with blankets and duck tape. She desperately hated hospitals and wanted out. She pulled the needles that were attached to her out quickly and lifted her covers.

"What on earth are you doing missy?" informed the nurse assigned to Annaliya, a woman who seemed too old to be working in a hospital.

"Get back in bed, and those are not for you to remove Missy" pointing to the needles. The nurse placed the needles aside and checked Annaliya's pulse.

"What happened?" asked Annaliya as she laid back in her bed.

"Well, I don't know dear, all I know is that you came in here two days ago unconscious. And you, Missy, am lucky to be alive. When that young boy brought you in there were no scratches or blood on you, can you believe that?"

"Wait What?… How can that be?" Annaliya reached for her forehead and looked at her arms and sure enough there were no bandages or scratches. She was sure there was blood on her when she was in the car. She was sure it was her blood right?

"Missy, are you okay? You seem to be frightened?", the nurses asked.

She came and sat beside Annaliya on her bed and gently stroked her forehead.

"Darling, don't worry, Nurse Tateway is here to help you. Besides, you are just shaking up by all this. Now rest, your family will be informed about you being awake and will be with you." Annaliya grabbed a hold of Nurse Tateway's arm.

"Wait, my family, they were in the car with me. Are they here also?" Annaliya asked

"I don't know Darling. You were the only survivor of the 95 highway. I'm sorry Darling. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No.", Whispered Annaliya, "Wait, Nurse Tateway who brought me here?"

"A young man, he was also bleeding from a head injury. He left right after we fixed him up," smiled Nurse Tateway as she closed the door behind her.

Annaliya lifted the covers off her bed and pulled the covers off the window. She was 15 stories up high and can see all the commotions surrounding the hospital. The windows on every building were shattered, people were still coming into the hospitals with injuries and burns, and in the far horizon you can see a line of houses still burning.

"What on earth happened?" whispered Annaliya, overlooking the horizon the sun was setting over the hills and disappeared.

2 Years later…2032

Genetic Enigma Metamorphosis (GEM) was what the government called it back then; nowadays people are calling it Genetic Freaks. After the incident of "Meteorite 12" or M12, things had never been the same. Over half the population of the world died because of the aftermath.

Most countries and cities became forbidden as these places were destroyed from the ground up. Safe Havens were set up in the more secure places like the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France, China, Africa, India and Germany which became known as The New World Order (N.W.O). The N.W.O established a new state of government for all, the Supreme Court. At the head of the council was none other the President of the United States of America; Zacharyarias Griffin.

The meteorite had exploded and sent a wave of red light across the atmosphere, setting in motion the GEM. Anybody with blood type AB+ was infected, the transformation has caused surges of uprising against the GEMs. The infected as they called it turned into mutated humans. People with AB+ blood began to experience changes to their body, gaining more intelligence, heightened senses, powers and healthier immune systems. With these new changes to the population the "Normals" or "NORMs" didn't like the GEMs who tried to live peacefully among them. Some GEMs looked normal while others tried harder to hide their unique powers from people.

In 2030 six months after M12, a movement to kill all unnatural GEMs rose up, the NORMs wanted all GEMs to be collared and placed in internment camps for safety.

Soon places didn't allow any GEMs into their establishment. Some NORMs rallied together who called themselves Nation of Normals (N.O.N) decided to take matters into their own hands, killing off any GEMs they saw. GEMs afraid, decided to fight back.

On August 12th 2030, an army of 50 GEMs attacked an N.O.N base. A total of 25 GEMs and NORMs died that day. A move that further encouraged the population to collar all GEMs and intern them.

Chairman Zacharyarias disagreed with the movement and rallied for peace between the NORMs and GEMs. In his public announcement he stated:

"We are all human beings. Whether you are a NORM or a GEM, we came from the same root. Our lives were uprooted two years ago. Half of our population was gone in an instant. I know you and I have experienced loss. Fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers taken from us. We should not be fighting amongst ourselves. We all are just trying to live in this same broken world. The M12 was a devastating event in our history. Now is not the time to fight against each other but to band together and rebuild this world. We need all NORMs and GEMs alike to come together now more than ever. We got a second chance in this world. Let's not destroy it with hate."

For a time, Chairman Zacharyarias words seemed to work around the world as they slowly rebuilt towns, cities, and countries. A new organization authorized by Chairman Zacharyarias called the Union of Concord (UOC) came about as a way to help any GEMs with their powers and to relocate them to safer environments. It was a way for the world to feel at peace about the GEMs. But the world still continued to treat the GEMs differently.

In the aftermath, a leader among the GEMs rose up, fighting for the rights of all GEMs.

On December 10th 2032, all over the world a broadcast appeared on every television station and every channel. A man appeared on the screen, his face was covered with a white mask covering everything but his mouth and chin. Everywhere, everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the TV screen.

"Ladies and Gentlemens of the world. A new era has come upon us. We the GEMs will not stand for this oppression any longer. Chairman Zacharyarias preaches about peace and harmony yet we GEMs are treated as if we are aliens in our own country where we were born. My fellow GEMs, I say it is time for a new world where us GEMs live without hate and without harm. A world where we, our fellow GEMs, can live in peace without the NORMs. Join our cause to cleanse the world of all NORMs. To the Nations of the World, I, Yael, declare war on thee." Announced Yael.

The screen turned black before the capitol buildings of Boston, Beijing and Moscow appeared on the TV. Within seconds the buildings blew up.

In an under-disclosed location:

Soft clicks of heels head toward a dark hallway. A door open as a woman in her 30's walked through. In front of her stood, Sam, Tristan, Curtis, and Audra all dressed up in uniform.

"It is time.", the women spoke softly.