Is this hell

The darkness that's where it started I was floated in darkness it was peaceful I reflected on my life it was definitely not a normal life nore was it what most people would call a fun life but to me I had a blast I loved fighting and leading armys but what I loved most was crafting and making things I spent a lot of my time on the battlefield or in the work shot but this didn't mean I left out time for my family and for my wife's and they blest me with 5 lovely children I always put them first my work could wait for them but sadly I was killed by a man who I called my friend and brother but hahaha I got the last laugh I took that fucker with me he should have known better then to fuck with me but I am dead now if I could wish one thing in my next life I want to create and fight I want a life as lively as my last then I seen it a light and voices push you're doing it keep on pushing I heard a woman screaming as I got closer and closer to this light I smiled saying yes lets start my new adventure I got closer to the light I want to build and fight cuz what is life without the sense of danger I got closer to the light lets me dance on the battlefield again the light was blinding I closed my eyes let me test my fate but that last part I said out load well sort of I understood my words but what actually came out was waaaa boaaaa I felt someone holding me and a pain from my stomach area I could feel the light on my body but the light made my sken feel uncomfortable and my body had a hot sticky liquid on it I was quickly rapped with something and I heard a male voice say congrats mam you gave birth to a healthy baby boy I heard a week woman voice ask are you sure sir I was certain I would give birth to a baby girl not a boy the man moved the cloth that was wrapped around me and I could feel someone's eyes scan my lower area the man said yes I am quite sure that is a little brother and the cloth wrapped back over me I could hear the woman muttering to her self I slowly tried to open my eyes it was hard and I blinked a few times but I could see the room I was being held by a man he had on a light blue mask and out fit the room looked plan enough white pant on the walls then I turned my head to where I heard the woman's voice the woman looked pain she was light skin and even more so know her hair was short and firy red and her eyes was bright green but she was very thin and I saw dark bags under her eyes I could tell she was on drugs just at a glance but what cot my interested was the bed she was laying on it was very hi-tech I could see 3 screens on the side of it one was measuring her heart and her health the next screen showed a picture of her body I could see her skeleton but there was something odd her vains where shining the next screen showed a baby which I assumed was me but my vains wants shining but my brain was and I seen that shine slowly moving throw my body the doctor gave me to a nurse as he walked over to the screens the nurse brought me to an empty corner she tapped the wall and a touch screen appeared in the wall she tapped a few settings and the wall opened up it was a square platform she sat me down in the middle of this platform and she pushed a button on the screen that was still on the wall and over this square was a circle see throw wall after this bull was formed the nurse tapped on another setting on the wall and I could feel the cloth that was wrapped around me get pulled off by a metal hand that was padded so it didn't hurt me it put the towel in a hole that opened next to me then the hand came back to me and I seen from the palm of it's hand formed three holes I tried to move my body to get away from whatever was going to happen but all I could do was move my hands I yelled no but all that came out was gooognaa but what came out of the hand surprised me it was water it cleaned my body both the front and back it also cut the rest of the umbilical cord off with a red laser which only get like a little pinch after that it dryed me off with the same three holes after it was done the hand want back into the wall and the circle opened the nurse with a big smile wrapped a fresh blue towel around me and picked me up she turned around and I seen my mother she also looked cleaned and less pail if that was possible still looked tired the doctor who was sitting in front of the screens turned to the nurse who walked up behind him he took me and sat me down in a baby that the nurses put beside him my mother was still whispering to her self angrily the doctor turned to the mother asking so I got everything already ready all I need is for you to name him but my mother glared at him and with anger in her voice said you mean name her not him the doctor was stunned but he recovered fast and he said no madam I mean him he is a boy after all my mother hissed out no no no she is not she is a beautiful girl and her name is Rose Rose Sunflower I wanted to kill this woman how dear she gives me such a shitty and girly name when she knows I am a boy the doctor and nurse glanced at me with pity in their eyes I could see the doctor felt the most pity but he turned to the screen and I saw him type something in but luckily I think for my gender he put male I will have to thank him someday for this kindness then the doctor turned around to me with a plastic gun in his hand he waved this plastic gun over my body and I saw red lasers come out from it it was a scanner he moved it over my body two times after the 2 time I heard a beep come from the screen the doctor looked back to the screen that's when it happened I heard a robotic voice in my head say personal ability active what happened next shocked me I could sense all the technology around me I could here voices I realised these voices wansn't mine they came from the doctor and nurse the nurse voice overpowered the doctors she was saying this poor child just brought into the world and getting this curse put upon him it truly is a dark world but them I realized she didn't say this out loud it was her thought I had the power to read minds do to the nanites in there body's it was not just the nanites I could feel my connection to the computers I could sense their flaws and how to assess them I accepted the computer that was scanning my body I hacked into it's network and made whatever it was going go faster it worked cuz when I did that the computer beeped the doctor was shocked probably cuz of how fast it was he looked over the results and he turned to the woman and with a happy smile he said congrats lady your baby nanites are at A-rank you know what this mean he is a gem the government will pay you cuz your his mother the woman smiled greedily but what the doctor said next made that smile fade a little that also means when he turned 10 he will have to go to the military school for mech pilots but don't worry you will still be paid up tell he, graduates you will be paid nice by the government that smile was back on her face ok sir are you done can my daughter and I go home the doctor quickly finished his report and nodded saying yes don't forget to rest when you get home my mother nodded and got up from the bed and want into a changing room that farmed in one corner when my mother walked out she had on a long red dress but it looked old and there was what looked like a wine stain on the side of it she picked me up and walked out I didn't want her to touch me her hands felt cold and lifeless we walked out of this room and down the busy hallway I could tell this hospital was in the slums do to how unhealthy everyone looked my mother walked out of this hospital I seen two huge blood moons in the sky and my mother started walked down the dirty filthy street there has dirty houses on both sides and shady alleyways and when I mean I say everyone looked shady I mean everyone a drunk man tried to walk in front of my mother but he stumbled over and passed out right there on the sidewalk my mother crouched down and acted like she was making sure he was alive but I seen her take this mans wallet gods I rolled my eyes thinking to my self man steeling in front of your new born child how low do you got to be she kept on walking down the street we walked for 30 minutes till we got to a dirty looking house put between two apartment and when I mean put I literally mean that it was dropped between them my mother walked up to this house and opened the door she looked down to me saying don't worry my daughter your room is here and she walked into a dirty pink room that had a pink crib I looked horrified my mother smiled proudly down at me saying yes my daughter this is your room I can't wait to see you in these and she opened a beet up metal dresser and pulled out a dirty pink ballerina, baby dress I glared up at her anger in my eyes she laughed happily saying yes yes I can see you can't wait either but you must be tired and she sat me down in the dirty crib good night my lovely daughter Rose and she kissed my head and walked out of the room leaving me alone I glared up to the pink ceiling I looked out of the dirty smoked stain window but all I seen out side the window a wall with green moss growing on it but at least that was better to look at then the pink room I studied every root every plant every curve till I feel asleep with anger and darkness in my heart I wanted to leave this hell I wanted go die again at least in 10 years I will be able to leave this hell and do what I love fighting and crafting and with that I feel asleep I dreamed of my passed life all the battles I fought and how many I won but then my dream changed to a nightmare I was in hell a pink room with a devil that looked like my mother who was looming over me I glared up to her who just woke me up time passed slowly in this hell.