A goal

Luckily we didn't have to walk far to get to garage 3 I glanced at Helge she was oddly quiet so I read her mind she was thinking about a memory from her passed life where her chiefess was handing her a blood-red battle axe the chiefess then said I am expecting much slotter from you Helge us this axe to cleave your enemies in half then return to my side and we will through you a mighty feast for a good hunt I laughed saying how interesting so you was a young adult when you got your first mission to kill someone Helge looked up to me shrugging and she answered with her mind yea I was my chiefess gave me her axe and I killed my father for killing my mother y are you so shocked its not like you killed anyone when you was a child silence feel between us she stopped walking and she thought Hunter please tell me your silence is just cuz you don't remember I side and turned around and thought no Helge I do remember well that's almost all I remember is my childhood the rest of my memory when I try and remember it a fog blocks me and I remember me walking through a bloody battlefield I was robbing the dead and killing anyone who was still alive I was about 6 to 7 Helges eyes want wide as she watched this memory of mine and she thought how cruel how could your parents do this to you I was part of a war tribe and we still didn't let our children onto battlefields hell we didn't even start training them in combat till 12 how did you deal with that a shadow fell over my eyes and I grinned like a jester Helge your tribe worshiped a blood and war god right she nodded well my family my tribe was champions of death gods when I was born the grim reaper himself and his sister lady death choose me as there champion it was both my duty and job to help people souls go to the other side I didn't pity the dead nore did I care if I killed them all things life and all things die this is the natural order of things even in this new world it's the same I am happy to have been reborn and that I met you so don't pity me for my past life let us test are fates in this new world what do you say Helge laughed saying you are a odd person Hunter you know that right but lets get to our next class we might be late I nodded chuckling you ant the first to call me odd and you probably wont be the last but with that we walked into garage 3 when we walked in many mechanics rushed to us with anxious smiles and every one of them started asking for our help it was a little overwhelming have above 20 mechanics pushing and fighting with each other just to ask our help and the smell of oil , welding and grinder dust on them would make anyone's noise itch but I clapped my hands saying enough we got work to do Helge and I will start on the more important repairs first so till then the rest of you follow the blueprint I sent you and fix the problem many of them huffed and walked back to there stations only 9 was left ok we will start with you 9 and go from there and with that Helge and I got to work many of these mechs was medium size the name of the mechs was trench mecha they were the most common type of mecha and the easiest to operate they are normally Human shape with 2 legs and arms but on there back was an armored shell and I seen options to mount weapons on the shell but these mechs was the schools we would get to start training in these in are 2 years according to the mechanics hours passed with Helge and I working till are watch want off notifying us to report to our next class we left the shop we was the first to arrive in the wait room all the sergeants was standing there like before we ran and stood in formation over the course of 2 minutes the other cadets ran in and stood in formation Sargent Rage stepped forward yelling ok maggots today you are free to do any of the workouts you may have an only 1 enhanced ability but never focus on one ability cuz all of them matter any questions mam I yelled what is the goal for us to reach in our ability sergeant Rage smiled evilly good question Cadet Hunter your goal by the end of your first year is to reach 50 points in one ability when you get to 50 points this means you're strong as an adult you also need to reach 50 points to start your mech piloting any more questions no mam we yelled good get to work she yelled and with that Helge and I rushed to the back of the room to the a exercising pod we I looked through it and selected a boxing exercise it asked what difficulty I put it on the hardest I stepped back onto the pod's area and appearing on my hands was blue see throw boxing gloves and it was odd I could feel the gloves on my hands and farming around me was a boxing arena and there standing in the middle of the ring was a man but he had no defining features he held out his left fist to me I smiled and raced my left fist and bumped gloves holy hell I can even feel that I was shocked but I didn't have time to be shocked cuz when are gloves touched a bell got hit and the man got into a boxing stances and through a right jab at me I moved my head and took a step closer throwing a left upper hook but the man was fast to block and he throw a left jab which connected against my left rib cage I spat up spit but I heard a robotics voice say congrats housed your body has strengthened I stepped back trying to put a little distance between us but he didn't let me he throw a right hook I ducked under the arm and throw two sabs at his right side which connected I heard that same robot voice congrats host for strengthing your body the man tried to take a step back but this time I didn't let him but I only through another right jab at him which he blocked easily with that hours passed and I got two more system notifications when the class was done my body had bruises and many of them was healing fast I was laying on the ground breathing hard I was looking at how many gains I got

Compatibility ] rank A

[ primary Attribute] DEX 3.0x/ SPD 2.5x/ STR 1.5x




[ Innate ability] hack jar head

[ Innate ability] body regeneration

[ Additional Abilaty's locked]

So the boxing work out was more for speed and strength but like Rex said speed and dex are sort if intertwined and sense dex is my main and highest ability it forces more on Dex them speed how interesting even my strengths got a good bonus if Helge did that work out her gains would be crazy speaking of me are you coming or are you just going to be a worm for the rest if your life Helge said as she walked over me I could see her body was shaking but she was trying not to show it I smiled and did a kip up saying no I think I will be a mech pilot instead even though being a worm is quite nice its just to boring for my taste Helge shook her head let's go to our next class but she took one step and her legs gave out from under her but I rushed and cot her saying we got time before then and we haven't eaten anything so let's get you back to our rooms there is a cheese stick and some salty crackers Helge nodded I walked in front of her saying get on you won't make it up their stairs Helge didn't protest and she got on my back and with that I started the long walk back to our room with Helge on my back thinking to my self 50 points in one state in one year huh fuck that ant a goal how about 50 points in one month know I like the sound of that it will be hard cuz I have a feeling the higher your ability is the harder it us to get gains but that's all part of the fun I grinned as I was walking up the stairs