Well this is a shock

Ding ding ding rolled onto my back not wanting to open my eyes ding ding ding it's that same hi pitched noise y won't they just let me sleep in piece damn it but I kept my eye shot I felt I was only in my underwear and I was laying on a bed y won't they let me sleep ding ding ding fine fine i am getting up I opened my eyes blinking several times my eyes adjusting to the lights I was in a gray room ding ding ding I angrily looked over to where that god damn noise was coming from that's when I saw a computer on the wall monitoring my heartbeat that's where the noise was coming from I used my innate ability to turn down the volume but then I heard it again ding ding ding I looked to my left to see Helge laying in a medical bed and a computer next to her was monitoring her heartbeat as well she was laying on her left shoulder facing away from me I used my innate ability to turn down her volume as well but I also used her computer to hack into her medical bed I wanted to see if she was ok what I found out her body was perfectly fine and healthy just her body was a little tired do to all the growing she want throw my body was probably in the same condition but that's when I realized I didn't feel tired hell I felt refreshed and alive I sat up in my bed the white sheet that covered my body feel down I looked down at my chest that's when my mind went clank from shock but it only lasted for a few seconds I started laying as I throw the sheet off me standing up I looked at my self in the reflection of a computer screen that was turned off it was a little blurry but what I seen made me laugh happily I was 6'3 6'4 my leg muscles was toned and chiseled they looked like I never skipped legged day they looked like a mix between a space football player and a prefinal runner my arms weren't big but they were lean and my muscles were chiseled there was a 6 pack as well but my shoulder muscles were big and exploded with power but that wasn't the thing that was making me laugh o no I turned to the side to see my back and there shinning from the lights was red and black scales it wants all the way from my back to the top of my neck and head it stopped right after my ears and my neck was completely covered the scales want down the top of my hands to my finger tips it also cover a little of my front shoulders they came up and around my shoulders two lines from that came and covered around each other in the middle of my chest I looked down to my 6 pack and that's where the scales stopped it curved around the back of my legs protecting the muscles I clinched my fist feeling my new bodies power as I was grinning that's when I felt something off in my mouth I opened my mouth two see two fangs like a vampire but they looked more snake-like I used my tung to like them that's when I tasted the scent in the air I new three people was coming towards this room I stuck out my tung again not noticing it was forked the sent of these people was getting closer my head snapped to the door my bright green serpent eyes thinning I could smell the people coming know I blinked and when I opened my eyes the room was blue the computers was glowing yellow but I could see through the door somehow and I saw three people walking towards the door their body was outlined in blue but the rest of their body was either yellow or red depending on there body heat it were Rex and Sergeant Rage plus another female woman that looked like a doctor Rex got to the door and opened it but he stopped when he saw me standing up I blinked my vision going back to normal Rex was stunned but Sergeant Rage barked out Rex move your ass you're blocking the doorway, Rex slowly moved out of the way but his eyes didn't leave me I saw his body tense up like he was ready if a fight broke out Sergeant Rage walked in she looked me over but didn't say anything then the doctor walked in she looked like she was in her 20s but do to medical advancements humans can live way longer then we us to be able to do this woman could be in her 100s and still look young she was fairly small which was very normal for this planet she was thin and white her hair was black with lines of silver pulled up into a tight military bun but her eyes looked off they were bright red that's when I realized those were cybernetic eyes she replaced her old eyes with robotic eyes which was pretty common in many professions she walked in behind the rest she looked me over I could feel those red eyes looking through my body umm mam I don't know who you are but I assume you're the one who has been monitoring us since yesterday I thank you doc and I saluted her I seen a little smile spread across her cold face your welcome cadet but I was only doing my job nothing more nothing less although you and your partner definitely made it interesting seeing your scales form on your body and how your body changed and evolved from a normal to what you are know and seeing how the system and nanites enhanced and mixed together tell me, cadet, did you take any gean splicing drugs that would do this to you no mam I shook my head I know almost all drugs that mix geans with the human body is illegal she razed a thin eyebrow is that so cadet then explain all this cadet and she took out one hand out from her white lab out and waved it at my body I shrugged saying mam I have no fucking idea I didn't do this to my self Rex then spoke if that's the case Hunter y ant you freaking out any normal 11 year old would be freaking out seeing that there body had scales on their body and they had fangs hell fuck the age thing any normal human would freak out if scales grow on their body and they looked well less human I shrugged saying who says I ant freaking out Rex but where would freaking out lead me nowhere if I stay calm my thoughts will be clear and we can find out how this happened to me I seen Rex shoulder loosen a little Sergeant Rage then asked ok cadet then how do you explain both you and cadet Helge evolved that's too much of a coincidence if you ask me I refrained from rolling my eyes I do not know Sergeant Helge and I never met each other till we got on the bus that leads us here and you have been monitoring us the whole time we have been here her eyes got sharp and she then yelled out cadet Hunter we know your innate ability is hacking related you and cadet Helge both have the skills to leave and to get stuff into this school without most people seeing I glared at her saying Sergeant with all due respect y would Helge and I even think of doing something like that we both have the top grades we both love mech and piloting them and we both are loyal to the moon empire unlike you sergeant Rage I didn't grow up in a fancy family and house hold I grew up in the slums these scales cover and healed many scares that my mother and step father gave me they ant my family no the one person who I would even consider part of my family he is a retired Infantry soldier and if you say what your thinking sergeant we will have problems I glared at her he is loyal to the moon umpire and would never do this to me so I am warning you don't say it Sergeant Rage angrily started at me saying are you threatening a higher ranking officer cuz it sure sounds like it I smiled coldly no mam this isn't a threat this is more of a statement sergeant Rage took one step forward when the doctor stepped in front of her saying enough I can take a blood sample and determine how long none human DNA has been in there body's seeing how the other cadet is awake I all looked over to Helge who side and used her left arm to push herself up she turned to us getting out of bed I held back a grin cuz when Helge stood up she was the same height as me and unlike my muscles, her whole body was just muscles but that wasn't the most interesting part her skin even more snow white and her long shoulder length blood red hair had lines of black in it but that wasn't it her body had black lighting bolts going up her arm they stopped at her shoulders where a black storm cloud was and in this cloud was skulls from human to animal and monster I seen the lightning bolts branch out over her vains it stopping at the vains in her fingers she looked at everyone then her eyes fell onto me and we both scanned each others appreciating the changes to our body's the doctor stepped forward and fast as lightning she moved in front of me then to Helge she was a white blur and then she was at the computer between us holding to voices of blood I looked at the doctor saying so are you a full body cyborg or did you only replay those arms and your eyes she didn't look at me but I could tell she was smiling she pushed a button and the wall next to the computer opened up and moving out from the wall was this odd circular device she put the viles on to the holes on top of the disk she pushed another button and the disk started spinning that's when she turned around to me pulling up her sleeves does this answer your question I looked at her arms which looked normal but I used my innate ability to scan over them that's when my eyes got wide those are some hi-tech cybernetic and the face skin over the top of it is a nice touch I also see you have replaced and enhanced many of your basic organs and the nanites seemed to have adapted well to all these upgrades but I looked at her left hand saying you ant a normal medic are you by the looks of those hidden mantis claws in both of your arms and the ion cannon in your left wrist her smile got bigger and bigger the more I spoke you would be right about that cadet I want a normal medic but I see you only listed all my hidden weapons and none of my healing tools I smiled you would be right I wanted to see your reaction to someone listing off you hidden weapons to see if you was a spy or an assassin the doctor laughed saying an assassin employed at a military school yea right cadet I shrug You could be a sleeper cell and what a better place to work then here you can find out classified information and many hi level targets kids send their kids here hell they even come here them self's I don't trust people easily hell I could use one hand to count the people I trust fully the doctor laughed yo sure are careful cadet good you will live longer ding the machine stopped spinning the doctor turned around and tapped on a few buttons Rex and Sergeant Rage got closer the doctor turned around saying well both of them have definitely have been jean spliced but by my results their DNA hasn't changed since they were born Rex was confused what does that mean doc they were given the DNA when they were born the doctor shook her head no Rex both of them was born with the other DNA in them for Helge that's not too surprising knowing she is from the dragon family but for Hunter to have it knowing he grows up in the slums his mother must have given it to him but by the looks of his none human DNA it came from a creature that is illegal to jean mix with it has been for hundreds of year's, especially the nock-off shit the slums gives out where she got it I ant sure and Hunter is lucky that he lived through both DNA mixing but by the looks of it the jean splice was successful and when Hunter's body started growing do to hitting 50 points that DNA fully emerged and mixed with his body and the system know Hunter has evolved into this Rex glanced at me asking ok doc what creature did Hunter mix the doc smiled saying o Rex it's a creature you know quite well the serpent drake the icon of the dragon family and Helge mixed with a winter giant which is the icon for the dragon families Sergeant Rage and Rex looked at each other shocked I laughed looking over to Helge nice a giant huh it really does suit you Helge smacked me on my back laughing yea and the serpent drake definitely suit your personality quite well I flipped her off grinning Rex side ok thank you Doc you to your clothes are under your bed get to your room you got a while till the others get up so go to bed Helge and I slutted him and put on our clothes and walked out Helge and I talked with our thoughts we walked into our room smiling and laughing.

Rex's point of view- after the two left Rex turned back to the doc asking Doc can you do me a favor Doc was a little shocked but she shrugged saying depends what do you need Rex side and asked can you scan Hunter's DNA to match his blood to his parents the Doc was even more shocked but she turned around and started typing on the computer quickly after a few seconds she tapped the enter button and I saw the computer scanning through many other dnas after a few seconds ding and a picture of both of the parents appeared on the screen the mother was a redhead woman who looked like she was a druggy but next to her picture showed a man that I recognized all to well the doc gasped are you kidding me he is Fang's basters son only hell Rage glanced over to me asking what are you going to do Rex I side razing my left hand which had my watch on it up saying I am going to message him he deserves to know rage nodded I side opening my older brother contacts and sent him a text.