The flight

Back to Hunters point of view- darkness that's all I see I don't know how long passed nore did I care cuz in this shadowy voice I had no problems i felt light as a feather-like my body was floating like around like 0 gravity it was piece full but all good things must come to an end as I was floating I felt a pair of eyes lock onto me and a unfamiliar present brush against my mind my neck snapped towards them my eyes glowing bright green in the darkness get out of my head I gralled and I pushed them out by waking up I quickly sat up in my bed grabbing the closest thing next to me which was a woman's throat I tightened my grip with my left hand as I looked around I was in the back of a drop-ship there were others sitting away from us all of them had on that same armor made from that strong metal and like before all there armor was painted in different colors no one was exactly the same and they had different weapons on them two I saw a few of them had that laser sword but like there armor no one being the exact same but I noticed something odd some had their helmets on and some had their helmets off which wouldn't be so odd if they didn't talk with each other but they did many of them was laughing and joking with their friends and I saw on their backs was jet backs this ship wasn't very big it was definitely only made for space travel and fighting but no mech could ever fit in this ship so it was specifically made for transporting infantry with jet packs I seen Helge resting in the chairs next to me she was strapped in I looked to my left to where I was politely holding this woman by the throat she was wearing this same armor as the rest of them but hers was painted black a red plus single on the chest but on her left shoulder pauldron which was also black welded onto it was a mantis head and on her right pauldron was looked like a dragons skull she had her helmet on and she had a white lab coat on something was off but I shook that feeling off I brought them closer to my face saying was you the one that entered my mind she tried to speak but either she was speaking to quietly that her helmet didn't pick it up or I was choking her to tightly I loosened my grip what was that I didn't hear you she coughed trying to catch her breath she was able to gasp out no that was probably are adviser he is a mindflare he was ordered to look over both of your minds for a psychoanalysis and to make sure your minds wasn't damaged especially you sense you took more than 3 stun shots my eyes got sharp y but before I could ask any more questions a person looked over to us and seen that I was awake and that I had their medic by the throat his armor looked heavier then the rest of them his armor looked thicker and covered more of his body most of it was black but in the chest area up at the neck was a red fangs they was painted on there like he had on a fang necklace I seen attached to his left gauntlet was a blaster barrel and attached to his left shoulder pauldron was a minny gun or I think it was that or it was a minny gun laser it wasn't activated so it was setting on his back instead of on top of his shoulder resting across his lap was a plasma machine gun that had a grounded launcher attached to the bottom of it he was the farthest away from us he was sitting right next to a door which I assume lead into the control room he nodded to me and I seen two small spikes on his head like devil's horns he simple raised one hand and nocked on the control room the sound of whatever metal hitting the door it made a very distinct ringing noise everyone quieted down when they heard that noise they looked to the front at the big man one man got up saying come on Heavy the bosses are having a meeting y are you interrupting them the big man whose name was Heavy Apparently he didn't answer this man who's armor was dark red with shades of black his faces were middle-aged his looks were ok definitely a soldier his gold hair was cut really short he didn't carry any heavy weapons on him like a plasma rifle or anything he just had two postal on his hips hell I didn't even see a laser sword either this man is either an idiot or way too cocky we will see which one it is soon I thought to my self hi I am talking to you is there anyone in there and the man tapped against Heavy's helmet Heavy didn't move or even speak he just kept his eyes straight locked on me the man leaned down waving a hand in front of hheavy face saying hello earth to Heavy hi tin bucket the man yelled and grabbed the bottom of Heavy's helmet but Heavy grabbed the mans hand and finally, he spoke sit down Cross I ant in the mood to deal with your shit the other man who apparently was called Cross pulled his hand out of Heavys grip he rubbed his wrist glaring at Heavy maybe if you told me y you nocked on the damn door when I asked you I wouldn't have to do this Heavy slowly turned his head to him saying are you my boss no are my elder no have you done more things for the tribe then I have no do you have more experience then me no that means I don't have to answer your damn questions and you shouldn't even try and ask again I do things for a reason do you think I would interrupt the meeting if there wasn't a damn good reason Cross opened his mouth but he stopped when he heard laughter I was laughing at that fool I looked over to the medic who I still had by the throat man these fuckers are don't care that I have their medic by the throat it's sad that only one person out of the 22 people in this room noticed me tell me medic what did you do to piss your squad mates off this badly everyone's head immediately whipped towards my the one they called Cross turned around and when he seen me his face want white and he reached to his pistols na uhh I said and I tightened my grip a little saying yep my judge meant of you was spot on you are an idiot you see your medic is being held by the throat and your first reaction is to reach for your damn weapon I glanced to the medic saying what did you do to piss him off did you reject to go on a date with him or something when I said that many of the others laughed and Cross face got a little red really I said looking to him you didn't you didn't you and I looked back to the medic smiling come on the girl he may be an idiot but he ant that bad looking and you could definitely do a lot worse maybe you could at least give him a chance doc and I let go of her throat and leaned back in my chair and used my innate ability to opened the door behind Heavy I also used my innate ability to hack into the ship's navigation to find out where the hell I was and who these people are what I found out we haven't left Nigrna which is the planets name we was flying through the storm clouds so no one could follow us or track us do to how crazy these storm clouds are as for who these fuckers was they were simply called leviathan they were mercenaries which wasn't too much of a shock but what was a shock that both the Dragon and Dragny family the founder of this base on this planet and they have been a problem to many other groups and hell even the military hires them do to how efficient and skilled they was the owner of this ship was Fang Dragny my father how fun I looked down to my right arm there was some fresh bandishes wrapped around it I glanced to the medic who was still catching her breath on the ground thank you Doc for this and I waved my stump at her she looked up to me her breathing was back to normal your welcome Cadet I mean Hunter I grinned saying hard to stop something that your us to right she nodded indeed I am shocked your even conscious let alone able to move plus that wound of yours is fully healed all it is know is scared tissue I just put the bandages to cover the scares I didn't know if you would be comfortable showing it or not plus I didn't know if you should see it you are still a child and having that bad of a scar can hurt youths mental state besides we can fully heal it back to normal when we get to the base I shrugged and pulled off the bandages that was wrapped it they was still fresh and all that so I simply handed them back to her as I looked at my elbow which she was right all around my elbow was scared tissue it looked like I stuck my hand into a forge or that my arm got blown off it was definitely wild but k had a feeling sense I burned it even more then it was they might not be able to heal it fully I undead my seat belt and stood up my back and legs popping as I did I rolled my shoulders which also popped my body felt really stiff I leaned my neck left then right both popped like crazy I popped my fingers in first of me or I tried till I realized my right hand didn't hand fingers to pop I side and started walking towards the control room everyone followed me but none of them stopped me I got in front of the door I looked at Heavy saying I assume you won't let me go in right he simple nodded I understand besides I didn't want to go in there anyway politics, ant my thing I chuckled I would much rather improve these weapons of yours and I looked at the blaster that was on his shoulder Heavy didn't move he stayed sitting straight back after a few seconds of silence he finally said y would I allow a kid still wet behind the ears touch my weapons I shrugged saying it's your call maybe you will change your mind when I tell you how I can improve your shoulder blaster that blaster is belt feed I know you have problems with jams especially when you switch between ammo I can both fix this problem but improve the seed of which your weapon changes ammo hell if I had the right parts you could choose which ammo to us on each shot only a thought sense your helmet is hooked up to your weapons and all that fun shit so tell me have I sweetened the cake enough so I can work on it silence he didn't respond to me I could tell he was thinking about it after a few seconds of him thinking he asked what would you need to do the full upgrade I smiled and razed my left arm u activated my watch and three main parts appeared one was a extra barrel the second was a battery pack and the last thing was certain chamber part that the rest of it was just little things that I needed like the tools and wires he didn't move but I could tell he was looking over the parts I got both of these parts he said and he pointed at the barrel and then at the battery, I do not get the last thing I shrugged saying that's fin I can make that last part out of these parts and 4 more parts from different weapons appeared he shook his head saying I don't got any of those parts on me I shrugged saying you might but they might and I turned around to the rest of them saying do any of yall got any of these parts and tools and I sent the image to appear in their helmets or on there own there gagagauntlet they all looked over the parts and one girl who was in dark green armor and with an oil stand coat on said well I got all the tools and these two parts with me I would have all of them but I had to carry explosives I nodded and two of the parts disappeared I looked around to the rest of them a black scanned woman tapped on the image that was floating over their wrist she had on light blue armor her silver hair was pulled back and they did this odd wave style it was definitely cool she didn't say anything but simply nodded at Heavy I looked to the rest of them who started stepping up by the time 2 minutes was over I had everything I needed some people was still a little hesitant to give me the parts but when they seen when else giving up parts they stopped being difficult I looked to Heavy saying can you take off that shoulder pauldron for me please he simple nodded and with one hand he reached up to his left shoulder and pulled it off and laid it in front of me I could see the belt came from a huge box attached to the side of his jetpack I quickly detached the belt off it and made sure it was cleared before I started to work on it all though it took me a little longer then what I am us to but we can chalk that up to only having one hand but I didn't let that affect my work as I was working a small happy smile spread across my face it wasn't my crazy smile or anything like that no it was the smile of a kid in a candy shop I loved working and building things with my hands and if that thing is a weapon or equipment then even better a 40 minutes passed with me just working no one talked wall I worked no they watched me with curiosity and enjoyment after the 2 minutes passed I finishing the last parts onto it I quickly attached the belt back onto place and stepped back admiring my work the gun itself didn't look that different I just made the chamber a bit bigger on the back of the gun was that battery pack that would switch the ammo out more efficiently and the chamber I put into it made that even faster as for the second barrel it was attached next under it so he didn't have to wait time changing out hot barrels I used my innate ability to do the rest and to activate it when I turned it on the gun shot up so it was on top of the pauldron it moved around scanning the room it looked up to me I smiled saying ok deactivate and it did I looked up to Heavy hear you go may it serve you well Heavy leaned forward and attached it back onto his shoulder it stick to the from that was on his shoulder like a magnet he looked forward I assume he was reconnecting it to his helmet so I simple waited in patients after a few seconds I hard a clicking noise like something was loaded then I heard a very quick click click click he just changed ammo three times he slightly tilted his head up saying, good job kid it does exactly what you said it would do I like you, kid, from now on you can call me brother come to me if you need anything alright I nodded saying thank you Heavy I am honored to call you brother but right then the door beside Heavy opened and stepping out was that shiny tin bucket but this time he didn't have his helmet on he had it resting against his side I looked at him and he looked at me he was the spitting image of Fang are father just that his eyes weren't gold they was gray he was probably only 5 to 6 years older then me but that's the end of the similarities cuz he glared at me saying o so the brats up how is your back feeling I shrugged saying definitely way better then around your crotch that's for sure that angry cold look faded he laughed saying you got me there that was one hell of a punch you got I still haven't fully received from that we both shared a laugh he held out his hand saying names Fives J dragny I shook his hand saying Hinter James dragny good to meet you, brother, he nodded good to meet you two little brothers we let go of each other Fives glanced over to Heavy saying I see you have already met Heavy father right-hand man I nodded saying yes I have met brother Heavy Fives nodded then his head shot to me saying that did you say I was a little confused so I said it again I have already met big brother Heavy Fives was shocked then rounded on Heavy saying what the hell Heavy how come he gets to call you big brother and I can't I have known you long Heavy slowly turned his head to Fives and simple said cuz I said so I have spoken and he looked forward again Fives glared at him and huffed fine be that way he turned to me saying Father wants to talk to you so go on in and he stepped aside I nodded and walked up to the door which opened and I walked on in there was stairs that lead up I could hear people talking up there so I simple walked up the stairs when I got to the top I seen two seats next to each other these was the pilot and copilot seats and both was taken one was taken by the woman that forced me to the ground to me right I saw a wall that showed a map and on my left, I saw a spot where someone could man a gun there were two more chairs pleased on either side of me at these stations and sitting in the chair on my right staring at a video of are fight that was playing in front of him it was the man in the black armor he had his helmet off resting on the arm of the chair he didn't turn to me or even look my way he simple said sit and I sat in the chair to the left the video came to the point I was swinging up at Fives that's when this man in the black armor stopped my strike by cutting off my arm I stumbled back going to one knee holding my arm I was staring down at the hand that was just cut off and I quickly picked up the weapon again I turned it on and brought it to my arm be stopped it there the man turned to me and who I saw was my father he leaned forward saying how's the arm I showed it to him shrugging its fine father it's fully healed he looked it over nodding good we will see if our doctors can't grow it back I laughed saying I doubt father as you can see in that video I burned the hell out of it the scared tissue is deep to the bone unlike most healing fire is still the best way to stop something from growing back to its full strength he brought his hands to his head massaging his temples Hunter don't say that I don't need that on my consciousness nore on my record especially right know I razed an eyebrow saying, first of all, you didn't do this to me I did it to my self if I won't have done that and I pointed at the video my hand could have been healed just fine but since I did that it's definitely not your fault and y do you not need this on your record what is happening right now he side and looked up to me saying well I gauss now is the best time to tell you then any the dragon and dragny family we actually are not two separate family households but one you see many thousands of years ago our ancestors lived on our home planet in them days there were hundreds of tribes and families we were known and feared throughout our galaxy and even some outside we were mighty warriors and proud people but when the sun empire was formed we was too much of a threat to them so they declared war on our people and our little slice of heaven they attacked are planet they started small only attacking are trade ships and small hideouts but then hole planets was being destroyed they were glassing and spearing hole planets to kill us are ancestors fought back we won many battles but the enemy won more but it took them a few thousands years to even get to are home planet that's when they won the war is home planet was already mostly glass due to war amongst are self even before the big war so when the enemy got to the planet they gave us a choice yield or die well many choose death and those who did try and yield they was killed but there was a few tribes and families that was able to escape but when the sun empire seen that some of us escaped they glassed the planet killing the rest of our people and making sure we wouldn't have a planet to return to families who did live want into hiding and scattered into the galaxy the Dragon and Dragny has always been close and many of our members was family or married into the family we looked at many planets till we found Nigrna and here is where we made our home we helped the moon empire kill them holy sun fuckers we was also the ones who made the nanites and the system so we hold a lot of power in this empire let's skip a few thousand years to this point and the Dragon and Dragny families are still tight and stick close to each other as for the rest of our people we are scattered through the starts we rarely come in contact and that's a problem the sun empire is hunting us down one family at a time and the moon empire is trying to help us but there is some in-fighting so we are alone again like before so I contacted all the other families that are still alive I ant the sole person who has ever tried to reunite our people but all the times it ended in disaster I am hoping sense the sun empire is hunting us down again we will unite and fight back that's y I don't need this on my record I sat back in my chair thinking about everything he just said and what that implied I didn't realize that I was tapping my chin with my stump Hunter can you stop doing that my dad said leaning back in his chair o sorry I said lowing my arm I started at the video then an idea popped into my head I smiled evilly I looked at my father and asked do you trust everyone on this ship he was shocked but he nodded with my life good order them not to talk about how this happened and I waved my arm I have already deleted the video from there helmets so we are good there I also deleted it from Miss Rage's helmet and Rex helmet and I loomed to the pilots the girl turned around in her chair and took of her helmet it was Sergeant Rage she was smiling so you noticed it was us huh i shrugged kinda hard not to know who you are when I hacked into your helmets I turned to me dad saying the only helmet that still has the video is yours I can delete it if you want he nodded do it so I did for the next step I need to know what you plan on doing with Helge and I Rex pulled off his helmet saying ant it obvious you two will join leviathan you will actually be part of the family then Rage spoke Helge already knows a little about this her mother has been training her since birth for this moment that's y she didn't fight getting stunned unlike someone I rolled my eyes saying how the fuck was I supposed to know Helge is the one who can read minds all I am is a crazy mechanic Rage rolled her eyes, my father, then spoke you would have had to go through the same training she did if you were born into the family but since you were born outside the family you will have to prove your loyalty to the tribe even if you're my bastard son Rex turned around he kept one hand on the controls as he glared at my father do not call him that Fang it ant his felt you didn't rap your willy before you did the dilly especially with his mother no offices Hunter I shrugged saying none taken but Rex we are dropping altitude Rex turned back around on his chair saying shit and I felt my stomic drop do to how fast we wanted back up I looked to my father who was staring at me I waved my arm saying When we land I got a plain to prove my self to the tribe it involves healing and I told them my plan all three of there faces want white when they heard my plan Rex shock his head and a little scared smile spread across his face Hunter I knew you was crazy but I didn't think you was this crazy that plan is so stupid and crazy no one would ever suspect it that might work Rage shook her head no that's way to damn reckless he is only a child no we can't ask that of him my dad looked into my eyes his gold eyes showed worry and conflict in them he asked are you sure about this Hunter that plan would probably work but no one would expect that of you and neither do I it will hurt you the same as last time hell it might be worse I shrugged saying this isn't of yalls choice this is mine and I stood up smiling know if you would excuse me Helge has just woke up and I want to talk to her make sure the rest of them know the plan my dad nodded his face was white I walked down the stairs and the door opened when I got to the bottom I stepped through Heavy simple watched me walk passed I walked over to Helge who was rubbing her head Doc was scanning her body and Fives was her I walked up to them smiling about time sleepy head we are about there Helge smiled up at me till she seen my arm and she shot up yelling what the hell did you do or she tried but do to the seat belts she didn't even move at all and just hurt her self I tapped my mind with the arm instead of answering her questions she settled down as she read my mind I looked over to Doc saying how is she Doc give it to me straight do we got to put her down the doc laughed shaking her head naa sadly not she is healthy and her body is fine or was before she tried to fight against the seat and lost by the way Fives and I laughed but Helge simple glared at her saying says the one who won't go out with the one they call Cross you do live but before Helge could finish Doc put her hands over her mouth cutting her off Doc's helmet got dark and in a low voice said if you say another word I might accidentally mix up pain killers with a lethal poison do you understand Helge's eyes want wide nodded the Doc let go if her and was back to normal saying good girl they looked where Fives and I was but we was on the opposite side of the room from them holding each other shaking in are boots scary I said in a whisper Fives gulped saying in the same shaky voice said like zounce mate that's some scary shit man I nodded the Doc turned to us and I could not see it do to her helmet but a cold feeling ran up my spine when I felt those eyes on me I knew she was smiling evilly at us she took one step forward her head was tilted to the side and I sware I saw two red fireballs where eyes would be and in a sweetly calm voice she said what was that boy's I didn't hear you and she took another step Fives and I started shaking like crazy but then I heard Rages voice saying landing in one minute everyone get your asses strapped in Doc stopped and looked up listened and looked back down to us I seen those two fireballs disappear and in that ice cold sweet voice she simple said saved by the bell and she turned around and strapped her self next to Helge who was giving me pleading eyes but Fives and I didn't more we simple sat down in the seats on this side of the room we got strapped in Five put his helmet on right then the lights want out there was only a few small lights that lit up the middle of the room I set my head back against the rest luckily I did cuz right then the ship lirtched forward like we hit something I heard the engines powering down Fives turned to me saying sorry little brother just following orders and he injected me with something right then my vision got blurry and my eyes got heavy but I quickly opened them again saying really again what the fuck is with y'all Fives practically jumped out of his seat from shock what the hell that was some strong trank dart how the hell are you still awake I rolled my eyes saying haven't you noticed I am a cross jean like father I could not see it but Fives got even more shocked yea I knew your was but what sort of creature did you mix that you can just shrug off a trank dart I shrugged saying a serpents, Drake a fucking what me yelled well that would explain y the trank didn't work yea sorry about that I said shrugging I really didn't sound too sorry the doors to the control room opened and Rex, Rage and my dad all of them had their helmets on they walked out my dad looked over to us and he stopped seeing that I wasn't asleep he razed a hand to his head shaking his head and I heard him say right your jean spliced with a god damn serpent drake I should have known better the same thing was happening to Rage when she looked over to Helge who didn't pass out from the trank tart I laughed saying if it's that big of a deal you could stun us again my Dad shook his head saying it's what ever at this point everyone lets go home everyone stood up and feel in behind my dad who was leading when my dad got to the back of the ship the door slowly started dropping down forming a ramp everyone followed him out I was a little shocked that there was no cold wind or anything no all it was was a bright warm like Helge and I feel inline between Heavy and Doc when we walked off the ship my mouth dropped open it was a huge cave system with landing pads at the top with elevators down into the city there was some mechanics who ran up and started reparing and refouling the ship we walked to the elevator that was on this landing pad and as we goind down I seen the town fully it was like a huge training ground everywhere you looked there was people practicing something from fight hand to hand in a mech or shooting hell even jetpack training but that wasn't the only thing people was practicing crafting, cooking hell even sowing even though I seen plenty of spoun printers you can make anything with those printers if you have the formilay or blueprint of it and you have a foul and as long as the foul is similar to what you're trying to make like you can't make a fungus into a demon but you could make that fungus into a burger you can make gold into a diamond but not a rock into diamond well I guess you could if you had enough rocks but it would be way too much for just one small diamond and in the middle of this town/camp was a huge forged where I heard the pounding of hammers as for the houses some liked in a tent some lived in a rock hute there was houses of all sizes but the biggest was the one closest to the forge Heavy turned around to see my stond happy smile welcome to your new home brother and he put a heavy hand on my shoulder looking at the view as well your father has put me as your garden and guide wall he reports to the elders and the armorer the first order is to take you to the healers after that I will show you around I nodded saying sounds like a plan Helge grabbed my right arm I glanced at her she was smiling happily at the view I decided to read her mind which is what she wanted well partner welcome home I smiled reapinding in my head to you to partner welcome home this hasn't changed anything but the path you and I will be walking on a path that I didn't even consider and I looked forward I heard her thoughts say indeed you and I haven't changed just the path so we sticking together I smiled thinking you can't get rid of me that easily whether you like it or not your stuck with me we might as well make the most of it what do you say I heard her thoughts she was laughing sounds like fun Hunter James Dragny your my partner I laughed in my head saying and your my partner Helge Ray Dragon right then the elevator got to the bottom and Heavy started walking forward saying come Hunter Helge gots her own duties do go I looked over to her and winked mouthing see you later she simply nodded and let me go and I ran after next to Heavy.