Making a plan

Back to Hunter- what was time when you was doing something you really enjoy what's the old saying time flys when your having fun and that is what the passed hour was fun and I wasn't the one who started singing surprisingly enough it was elder John he started to sing give me a spade and I will give you a hole he stopped singing and I picked up the song hole way o on the Railroad dirt on my brow but steal in my soul then the elder sang with me way o on the railroad picking up cole and where picking up speed then Quill joined in shovel as much as the forge needs miss Meg then joined in sweat and blood going to earn my pay all they way to the homework hora I said then we all stopped but Quill kept on singing war is hell trying to pick up time hora the elder and I said then we all sang together again away o on the railroad we stopped there and miss Meg kept on singing ant no one or nothing going to stand in the middle of our sits Then we all sang way o on the railroad picking up Cole and where picking up speed shovel as much as the forge needs we kept on singing in tune to the slam of a hammer and to tools it sounded quite interesting when you merge all the sounds together that ringing noise echoed out from the forge ding ding ding this when on for a hour but all the townspeople was us to that noise hell ma y of them napped there foot to the beat of the noise to us that sound was like music to the ears this want on for a full hour when the last ding echoed out through the forge I putting on some last touches on the arm but I stepped back saying done everyone was standing around the table looking down at the arm that was resting on two glass holders the elder pat my shoulder saying we did it lad how do you like your new arm I smiled happily but sense I had my helmet on he could not see that but I nodded saying it's perfect thank you all for helping me Quill pat my shoulder saying it was our honor to make such a unique item miss Meg nodded indeed besides it ant-like we ant getting anything out of this we have already took are cut from the scale mail ingots what is mostly left is 10 more ingots 5 for both you and Helge do what you want with them I nodded saying thank you do we have a bank in town or will I have to make something up to keep them safe Meg looked to Quill he nodded saying no there isn't a bank in town usually families have their own vaults but since your the 7 smiths you will get a small safe so you can lock your more valuable resources, tools and blueprints plus any blueprints you find you can store there hell you could even put a weapon in there if you really wanted to but yours hasn't been made yet sense that is your first test to prove you have the skill but your a special case since you help make this and he pointed at the arm I nodded and looked over the arm it the exact length and size of my other arm maybe just a little more bigger in the muscles but that size difference between the two was so minimal that any normal person could not tell the difference this arm was black in color and with red lines that outlined all the scales that was in the steal even the hands looked like it had scales like my left arm but unlike my left arm the hole arm had scales and it had plenty of room for any fun gadgets I wanted the outside if this arm was made from scale mail steel with the structure or the inside frame if you want to call it was made from moon steal with the muscle and tendent structure was made from those diamond wires I made before and the last thing was the bone it was scale mail like the outside I had already put a fun upgrade in it the upgrade was very small but it was fun my finger nails want to a sharp point and could extend out into claws they looked sort of cat like in nature but right now the claws wasn't out they just looked like sharp fingernails but it wasn't just cuz the nails was sharp cuz they was but the arm made a force field around the claws which made them even sharper I used my innate ability to send a message to James telling him I was ready for the surgery but surprisingly a few seconds later I reserved 2 massages one was from James it read ok I am ready whenever you are I got everything ready here so just come on back to the hospital but the second massage made me smile it was from Rick also in are code it read sounds good little bro hope to see you soon this massage was so simple that it really had no hidden meaning except for he will do as I ask and he hoped to see me soon simple enough right I smiled looking to the other 3 asking do you want to come with you will be the first people to see this arm in us they all thought about it but they all nodded after a few seconds and the elder said y not we worked hard to make it might as well be the first to see it in us the other 2 nodded ok lets move I wrapped the arm in my coat and we walked to the hospital when we walked up the stairs with the room with the cryo- pods but James walked up to us smiling he was in a white lab coat he also had 2 assistants behind him so Hunter are you ready he asked nodded ok follow us and he turned around and walked to a elevator in the back of this room the door dinged open and we all got in he pushed the 3-floor button the door shut and instead of going up the elevator want down I glanced to see how many floors there were and to my shock there were only 3 but after I thought about how big are town was and the technology that these doctors had they didn't need many floors I guessed the 3 floor was the place to convert people into cyborgs the elevator stopped and the door dinged open we walked out of the elevator into a light blue sitting room Jame turned to everyone else saying this is the waiting room please take a seat we will bring Hunter into the back room to start the surgery they all nodded and sat down Jame looked to me saying come Hunter and he lead me through the sliding metal doors what I seen on the other side made me smile I smelled a mix of oil and medical supplies in the middle of the room was a operating table that had a white disposable cloth over it all around the table was computers and a few tool boxes the last thing was the frig that kept all the drugs and other things that needed to stay cold like blood and even some parts like eyes there was 5 other doctors in this room James walked to the table he turned to me smiling hop on Hunter and you can give that arm to Shary i nodded and walked to the table sitting on it I took off my shirt as I walked a woman gently took my coat that had my arm in it Jame looked to me saying ok Hunter there is a few things we can do sense you provide the arm you know it better then we do so what sort of power source will it us I smiled laughing it's already in the arm James what we used a dem like battery the hole arm can charge and store power in it from any source of light hell it even can convert any liquid or hell even air into power you haven't seen anything like this arm and you probably never will see one like it again he nodded saying ok what about the nanites you do know that the nanobots won't affect this arm right I smiled saying o are you sure about that James was shocked but he didn't pry into my secrets ok last question Hunter do you want to us pain killer for the pain or do you just want to be put under and leave it at that I smiled laying back on the table saying just nock me out he nodded and walked away I closed my eyes not worried about anything James is confident in his skills so I will trust him I feel asleep not even realizing that I was still wearing my helmet I ant sure how long passed nore did I care floating in that black sea was the only place I felt at peace I didn't want anything I didn't think I just was there I felt a pinching come from my right shoulder then a burning feeling but I didn't mind I slowly rotated my head to the right to see my right shoulder was being cut open and all the vains, tendents and muscles was being connected to red hot metal wires I smiled and watched the process and very slowly I got feeling in my right hand again it started with a small warm itching feeling at the top of my third finger then that warm feeling spread to my hand and then to the rest of my fingers then slowly it crept up my arm till my hole arm and shoulder felt warm I twitched my finger instinctually and I felt it move I could feel the table under me I opened by eyes to see James smiling face over me how did it go I asked he laughed see for your self he said I sat up and moved my right hand in front of my face it moved perfectly I moved my fingers and touched them together and spread them apart then I brought my first finger to my thumb then I brought my middle finger to my thumb them my third finger them my pinky I did this slowly then started to get faster and faster that ringing noise rank through the room as I did this I could feel the impacted and the movement of the fingers I smiled happily I got out off the table and took a few steps away from it I closed my eyes I enjoyed a enemy was attacking me from the right I ducked thrusting a medal fist forward following up that was a kick and a left jab I then hit the ground I used my left arm to spin me around and then I thrust my right arm down which made me jump I was back on my feet I was smiling happily at the arm it mixed well with the scales on my shoulder I turned to James saying thank you Jame please name your price Jame shook his head saying no need for you to pay we will just ask the Dragny family to restock us on what we used on you nothing more I was stunned I shook my head no name your price good work should get well paid this is how I work sir name it and as long as its in my power I will pay it James smiled evilly o let's say if I asked you to cut all ties with my daughter as my payment I laughed saying sorry sir but that is something outside my powers you know Helge she would never listen she is just like her mother Jame laughed that dark look was gone your quite right about that lets see o I got it your payment is simple enough and definitely in your power and a weird grin spread across his face I felt a shiver go down back I want you to make my daughter happy never betray her I laughed ok that sounds like a good enough payment to me I said James nodded saying yea if you break this payment all it will cost you is your life so what could go wrong I laughed cold sweat forming on both of heads thinking about the to crazy woman in are life pulling on my shirt saying let's go see the others since they have waited long enough he nodded saying your right it has been about a hour I nodded a doctor gave me back my coat I thanked her but I simple through it over my shoulders as I walked up to the door which slid open Quill, Meg and elder John was sitting together talking with one another but when that door slid open and Jame and I walked out Quill stood up asking how did it got other to stood up waiting for the answer I smiled and raised my arm they looked at the arm there eyes shining Meg asked how does it feel Hunter I laughed saying it feels right and I flicked out my claws the lights reflected off them in a sharp deadly way Quill nodded happily John opened his mouth to speak but right then his watch started to ring he raised his hand and answered the call and appearing over his watch was a small image of my Grandmother her face was white and her eyes had anger in them Johns please tell me that Hunter is out of surgery John nodded saying yea he is right here I walked next to him asking what is it grandma y is your face white my grandma looked to me saying thank gods your out Cortana, Fives and a group of 8 has returned but Heavy, group hasn't returned and Helge and your father is in that group my face want white asking has Rex and Rage returned she nodded yea there ship was damaged slightly but they was able to retrieve fallen star I nodded saying ok on are way up has Betty already been informed she nodded slowly yea but she wants into a rage when she realized her daughter was captured she is rounding up mecha pilots know she is planning on storming the furnace my face want white no that can not happen I ran to the elevator I pushed the button and the dinged opened I got into the elevator I looked to the rest of them who was shocked well what are yall waiting for the planet to warm up or what lets move and like that they ran into the elevator I looked out of it to see James trying to head back into his lab but before he could go through the door I ran up to him and grabbed him and dragged him into the elevator saying where do you think your going mister your crazy wife is trying to go on a war campaign your going to talk some sense into her I pushed the first-floor button not letting him go he looked at me like I was insane are you crazy he asked she will kill me if I do that I turned to him saying man up damn it she may ware the pants in your relationship but find your boys and stop her she is your wife after all he looked at me like I was the devil the elevator ding and opened I stormed out of the elevator dragging James behind me the the scruff of his shirt I was using my right hand to drag him behind me the other 3 simple followed me people cleared a path for us but no one tried to stop us we walked out of the hospital and we started storming to the forge James was trying to reason with me but I wasn't listening and the closer we got to his home the more he tried to fight me off but my grip was as solid as steel which it was Quill, Meg and Johns simple followed in silence we got in front of the forge to see Betty walking down the stairs Cortana and Fives was running after her saying you can't do this Betty if you deploy mecha we will have to leave this planet and we will make a enemy of the moon empire Betty turned around yelling I do not care they got my fucking daughter I don't expect a clone to but I shot a round in the air they all stopped and turned to me I pushed James forward at Betty saying your up convince her what a dumb ass mistake she is making wall I talk to Cortana and Fives to find out what happened and start farming a real plan and I walked up the stairs to them James gapped at me was I walked passed him Betty stared at him James turned to her still dumbfounded but he asked in a quiet voice dear are you sure that this is wise Betty yelled what are you siding with them are daughter is in danger we need to save her James galped but in a warm loving voice he said yes I know she has been captured but but nothing Betty yelled at this point she was shaking she is are only child I can't lose her I won't lose another one but that last part said in almost a whisper James walked up to her and hugged her saying I know dear I know but right now you ant thinking right your anger is clouding your judgment we will save her but we can't make any brash decisions that can affect the family Betty broke at that point and she hugged him she was crying silently but her helmet was covering that up but James knew she was so he started whispering comforting words to her I nodded at his good job I turned to Fives and Cortana what the fuck happened and where is Rex and Rage they side and they told me everything that had happened in the junkyard up till they split what happened after that they really wasn't sure since they got ambushed by more scrapers that was hiding waiting for them I side ok what about Rex and Rage Fives smiled saying there at the ship repairing it Rex hats flying anything damaged when he could fly it fix and he has time to fix it I nodded ok what about fallen star Cortana side saying it's being delivered to our garage the elder and Star is still there so it should be safe and Star will start repairing it so we can at least get the computers working ok I turned around to see Betty and James kissing I chuckled saying look at that James you didn't die how shocking they stopped kissing and he glared at me but Betty smiled saying o what do you mean by that Hunter I chuckled at the death glare I was getting from James I shrugged saying nothing miss Betty just talking out load Betty smiled nodding ok I will take your work for it so what is the plan caption Cortana said smiling at me Fives nodded saying yea your plan better be good caption or we might have to report you I rolled my eyes at there sarcastic words I thought about it and I was about to speak when a angry voice said y is Hunter the designated leader when my son is standing next to him I turned my head to see Serenity walking out from her house I rolled my eyes saying father put me in command if he didn't return Serenity walked up to us shaking her head no he didn't he put you in command if none of them returned but sense my son who is your fathers successor not you so he is in command when your father isn't around I rolled my eyes saying father put me in command if he didn't return it's as simple as that if you got a problem I don't care so fuck off so miss Betty and I can make a plan that we all agree on Serenity hand moved to the hilt that was on her belt I shook my head saying don't I don't want to fight you but if you attack me I promise it won't be fun for you or me Serenity stopped staring at me but then she grabbed the hilt off her belt and lunged at me activating it and an orange blade extended out from it I didn't move I just started at her unmoving she swung down at me but right before it hit me a red blade blocked her attack pushinger her back Serenity was shocked to see Fives standing next to me with his red blade in his hand y do you defend this bastard over your own mother she gralled he shook his head saying mother does not call my bother that name I don't care if it's true or not all that matters is he is a Dragny and he has shown his dedication to the family y shouldn't I defend him and stop you from killing another Dragny all at ones she stared at him angrily he threatened's your clam to become the head of the family and the company he can easily take that from you I can not allow him to take away your birthright and but Fives gralled two words shot up and she did and in a calm cool voice he glanced at me asking Hunter do you plan on becoming the head of the family I shook my head no brother that is your birth right I would much rather make my own family and company where I got to put in work stand next to you as equals and so we can help are families grow and get stronger Fives nodded saying that sounds like you he turned to his mother saying see mother Hunter isn't that type of person he takes pride in his work and working hard for what he gots probably cuz he grow up with Jack shit he put his trust in me so I will put my trust in him I know you just found out about him but instead of trying to get rid of him you should have extended a hand of kindness out to him but you didn't do that you let your fear and anger cloud your judgement instead of being that loving mother that I know you choose to me a monster and tried to anger and get rid of him hell you wouldn't let him stay in the families house you shunned him kicking him back into the streets you should know what its like living on the streets better then anyone sense you grow up that away as well you know the dark side of the world and here stands a boy who grew up in that darkness with his only away out was to become a soldier Fives deativated his sword and put it back on his belt go leave us alone we got work to do go reflect on my words and he turned to me saying what is your plan brother I side saying well I got news but it definitely ant any good news sense I heard about this Gold fellow I have been slowly hacking into his well everything I know where there holding are people but it will definitely be hell to attack them as we all know that furnace is a huge fortune what we didn't know was how strong of a forces he had and let me just say it quite a lot he has enough mecha, ships and equipment to take over this planet and the planets around us they all was shocked asking are you sure Hunter Betty asked I nodded yea he fully supports the son empire and has been communicating with them if I had to guess he is a sleeper sell one of many in the moon empire Gold is only one of many that is on Owl's list luckily gold didn't take any of are peoples equipment so I should be able to get a massage to them of are but right then I got a sirtent piece if information that made my blood boil I was looking through all the names that are under Gold management and one of those names was very familiar under disposable body's employment group member Jim dandelion, my hands clenched if anyone cold see my eyes they were glowing with blood lust all though they could not see my face they could sense my anger Cortana put a hand on my shoulder asking what is it Hunter I slowly turned to look at her and in a cold angry voice I said nothing I just found a familiar rat that I am going to stomp under my boot even though my voice didn't sound like me do to my helmets voice changer but they all felt a shiver go down there spine when they heard the blood lust in my voice I looked to Fives asking does are grandmother like children he nodded yea she loves them I remember when she us to play with me as a child I simply nodded forcing my self to calm down I stopped clenching my fists and my shoulders loosened up after that I finished what I was saying when the times comes I will be able to send Father a massage that will inform him of our plan but when I send the message Golds security system will kick me out so I plan on uploading a virus that will shut down the furnace completely this will give Father and his group time to escape I looked to Quill asking can you summon all the families here we need to talk war he nodded saying let me go in and get my hammers and we want into the forge I turned to Betty saying miss Betty I got a task for you sense my father ant here this job falls to you sense your family is at equal footing with ours go to this planet's government tell them everything that is happening and about Gold war has come to Nigrna and leviathan will raise up to the challenge she nodded ok Hunter I like this plan so I have no complaints I will leave Sara in charge wall I am gone don't worry she is a capable captain and warrior she won't get in your way I nodded ok thank you and good luck she nodded and ran off with James following behind her I looked to Fives saying brother I got a special task for you we was going to wait to tell the moon empire about the information that Owl gave us but there ant no time I leave inform the moon empire to you sense your the father successor I trust only you with this he nodded he slammed his fist to his chest saying thank you brother I won't fail you I nodded good luck my brother and be careful and I hugged him he hugged me back nodded I will we stepped back I kept a hand on his shoulder whispering to him take those who you personally trust I stepped back he nodded saying I will brother be careful out there I nodded Fives walked away I sent both him and Betty a file that had all the information we had Quill walked out of the forge holding his two hammers he raised them above his head and hit them ones that ringing noise echoed through the town Quill hit them together for a second time he let the noise travel and he hit them together one last time this was probably code for emergency meeting but I wasn't sure Quill looked to me saying everyone has been summoned I nodded saying let's wait inside then he nodded and we walked inside the first to show up was the 4 other smiths one of them a broad-shouldered man with a fear vest walked up to Quill asking what has happened Quill are we under attack Quill shook his said saying no brother but it will just be easier if you wait we will tell everyone one's they get here the man nodded and stood next to him I used this time to look over my two new blasters I pulled the chamber back and inspected the barrel and chamber I was shocked that these blasters not only had a pull-back chamber but both also had a mag's I could tell just at looking at them that the mags weren't a blaster mag which looked sort of like a battery these two pistols had actual bullet mags but it was to no bullet I have ever seen I pushed a button on the side of the big pistol and the mag dropped onto my hand that is when a small green memory card landed on top of my hand I was shocked I put the mag back into the gun putting it back in my pants I plugged the memory card into my watch I seen something pop up it read downloading file 1% 2% 3% the load bar slowly moved up but I didn't have time to wait sense when I looked up the seats was completely full hell the clones had to either sit or stand on the ground and not in the seats Quill walked onto the stage me hit his hammers together when everyone heard that ringing noise they all quieted down Quill nodded saying thank you all for coming at such short notice I brought you all here to talk about war but Hunter will fill you in on the rest and he stepped back I walked unto the stage saying hello everyone many of you know me but to those who don't I am Hunter Dragny Fangs middle child I am here to tell you about some information I and Helge Dragon found and to make a plan of war for you sense war is coming to Nigrna when I said that people started talking with each other but Quill smacked his hammers together again and everyone quickly want silent I nodded yes you heard me right war but let's get started and I told them about Helge and I found that box and the mecha fallen star how we brought it back and what we found and how my Father want out to retrieve fallen star and hasn't returned I told them everything no one interrupted me when I was done silence fell over the hall but after a few minutes someone stood up from the wing tribe asking y are you leading this meeting you just got your helmet yesterday how come your brother or elder isn't here to tell is this I side saying my elder is looking through the information Owl gave us and she is also looking over fallen star as for my brother I have already given him a task I also gave miss Betty a task she will be telling the military about what we found when the military finds out about Gold war will start and when it does leviathan will be at the front killing the son empires dogs the clones and a few tribes cheered when I said that another tribe head stood up she was from the tail tribe y should we go into battle this isn't are fight it was your foolish fathers fault for but before she could finish another woman's voice cut her off saying ant are fought and you call yourself a leviathan how disgraceful if you're too scared to fight then leave we hold no remorse for traders and cowards everyone in that tribe stood up angrily and turned to whoever spoke those words but shut their mouth when they saw who it was Sara walking into the forge and unlike the last time I had seen her she was in her full armor she was holding her helmet against her waste her armor was beautiful the breastplate and shoulder pauldrons was painted black but in bright green there was lines and curves many of it formed roses but also thorn vines this want all they way up the armor and her helmet even on her left shoulder pauldron was her tribe's mark which was the giant head with the 3 claw marks down it on her right pauldron was an odd horned goat her daughter Gem walked in behind her but she didn't have any armor on just a normal black and green helmet there were no designs no markings no nothing it felt plain Sara walked next to me the elder of the tail tribe stood up and in an angry voice said listen here Sara your family may be the strongest but that doesn't give you the right to but Sara cut him off saying doesn't give me the right then what gives you the right to question Hunter words and not to fight huh the elders face want white from anger I do not care about this boy he is just a pup I will not go into this war a child making my plans for me I love a good fight but I won't risk my families life Sara shook her head saying shame on you elder Tod this boy you call him has proven himself to be a confident warrior he win against his brother Fives who is the most skilled fighter that are new generation has but this boy win against him wall using the black katana and if that wasn't proof enough didn't all of your tribe members including your self needed this boy to show his dedication to us he cut off his hole arm to please and did he complain no did he say anything about how almost everyone needed him to show his dedication to us yet you have the nerve to question him and his skill how disgraceful elder Tod glared down at the floor so did many other people except for the clones they looked proud Sara turned to me saying what js your plan Hunter I shrugged saying it's simple enough hit them hard hit them fast retrieve are tribe members and get out she nodded ok how will the people on the inside get out I smiled I looked over to a droid that was sitting next to a clone do you mine if I us your droid the clone shook his head sayjng go for it thanks I sent the droid a map and a huge map appeared over us it was the map of the furnaces many people whispered to them self's but elder Tod with no shame asked how did you get these blueprints boy I rolled my eyes saying with all due respect elder that's private no one asked after that I used my innate ability to start zooming in on the map till it should a huge prison sell are people is being held here this room gots a forces field around it so even of they tried to blow their way out it would not work my plan is to send a message to my father telling are plan natural when I do this the facilities system will try and kick me out I plan on uploading a virus that will completely shot down this building some rooms have a generator that it can run off of but the prison isn't one of those places shockingly there will be a group that goes in here and I moved it to the east side of the furnace and slowly make there way to where the other group is if everything goes good you should meet them halfway but if not then keep going us your scanners and radios communication is key here as this is happening a mecha yet will drop in from the back and front I told Betty that we will be taking the back the military will take the front our goal here is to bit them hard and fast destroying there mecha and battleship hangers here, here and here and they got highlighted in orange two hangers was on the bottom floor one on the west side and one on the east side those was the mecha hangers wall the battleship hanger was in the middle of this huge building they have about 100 medium mecha and 150 light mecha in each hanger as for their ships they got over 200 of the battleship called the Jr 12 a boat looking ship it's outfitted with two heavy plasma cannons in the front with missile parts below those this ship isn't really good at anything exepty for diversity they have no shields they rely on its medium speed and overwhelming numbers this doesn't even mention many infantry troops they have but they got 0 heavy mecha in the back plus the base will be offline so many of there defense plans won't be working be warned though that this hole back wall has machine gun turrets and I marked them in orange they will be offline but that doesn't mean that they can't be used manually plus there is a chance that the scrappers in the junkyard will join the fight greed can blind people if that happens which to flame throwers and explolive ammo there is a chance that the boss Gold will show up to fight since he is a mecha pilot as well this chance is hyer sense all if his escape roots will be offline if I got time I might lock him in his room but I shrugged I can't say for sure if he could get out by the time the filtration unit meets up with my father and his group and gets out we should have all three hangers distressed any questions silence no one could speak they was to shocked Sara smiled saying Hunter this plan realize on speed and a little to much look are numbers are small only counting the mecha units we have without the clones we got about 80 medium mecha if we add the number of the clones that number increases to 130 and with your father out we only got 1 heavy mecha that is ready and with a pilot and that's Rex's Spartan mecha not true Sara turned around to see Rage walking into the forge she walked onto the stage and stood next to her sister Rage had her helmet off she nodded at me I simple nodded back taking off my helmet as I did Sara was looking at Rage asking what do you mean elder sister Rage grinned happily Artemis is ready to throw down and kick ass besides y do you say that Fangs mecha dosn't have a pilot his son is standing right in front of you Sara turned to me shocked asking you want him to pilot a heavy mecha himself and when he has never even been in a mecha how can you say he can pilot Beowulf Rage grin got bigger cuz I was his battle instructor at the academy this boy alongside his partner took on the hardest scenarios that the pods had and he came out ahead on all of them Sara was shocked she wasn't the only one everyone else was shocked as well they all turned to me I smiled rubbing my neck from all the stares I was getting but after a while I shook my head saying 3 heavy mecha is way to overkill hell one should be enough if we send 3 we might as well take over the hole facility for our sales Rage nodded happily know you're getting it I was dumbfounded that is what she wanted I then thought about her words leviathan has been trying to get this base so we might as well take it over I nodded saying ok 3 heavy mecha it is besides Gold is bound to have more reinforcement sense this force he has in his home isn't enough to take over our planet Rage nodded indeed ok a full plan was forming in my head I turned around to the elder Tod smiling evilly elder Tod felt a shiver go down his spine when my cold crazy smile feel onto him elder Tod thank you for volunteering your tribe for the infiltration plan we thank you elder Tod was stunned Rage and Sara smiled at each other I then looked to the clones I was about to speak but a familiar man with blood red armor with a green bear head painted on his helmet stepped forward his long beard and bald head made him stand out even more then his armor you don't even need to ask it would be our honor to crush some son dog ants with you we are at your command general the rest of them nodded at bears words I smiled nodding back saying it will be a pleasure to fight with you all as well I looked to everyone else saying prepare your mecha and ships we move out as soon as we get work from Betty till then dismissed I looked to Sara and Rage asking them to follow me to the side out of earshot they nodded and followed when we was good I turned to Sara first thank you for your help Sara shook her head saying don't thank me thank Betty she was the one who told me to back you up I was a little shocked y would I put my faith into a boy who hasn't been in many battles but when I heard you already had a plan my worries disappeared even more so when I heard your plan you maybe young but you ant a fool I smiled thank you Sara but I still got a long way to go till I get to where I want to me Sara nodded but Rage then said what about me you little brat I helped you as well I chuckled saying I haven't forgotten you was the one that forced me to the ground when you all tried to capture me beside you accessed me of being a trader Rage opened her mouth but shut it again when she received I was right I chuckled at her reaction don't worry about it Rage I am just fucking with you Rage glared at me but I quickly put my helmet on saying got to run much to do in such little time I ran out of the forge running to the fangs house.