
Zeus' point of view - I was shaking in my piloting seat the only thing I felt was anger when I looked out my mecha but even so I could not take my eyes off the battle Beowulf was leading the charge he wasn't even using any weapons he was just using his claws to tare apart any mecha that got close they fought like a savage beast they showed no mercy nore did they care I could practically hear the many souls that have taken by that mecha but he wasn't the only monster on the field Zeeva with Amazon was fighting more savagely then I have ever seen them fight I could tell she was tried of all this and was just running off of peer instincts as for the blue medium mecha that just dropped in he was like a impenetrable wall of force he wielded that heavy machine gun like a gave man with a club on top of that whenever that machine gun awakened explosions and death followed the clones behind them was fighting like a much a savages like there leaders hell the light mecha was using flame throwers to destroy other mecha and the pilots and the infantry was shooting sticky bombs out in weak spots in the enemy's mecha like the knees but they still didn't hold a candle to the three mecha leading the charge and what shocked and angered me the most was the clones following Beowulf's orders with no complaints or anything y in the fuck are they following orders from a boy who's still wet behind the ears and not me a experienced military commander my vision started going red with anger when I seen they was winning my finger twitched on the trigger button one of my officers walked next to me asking what are your orders sir I looked to him saying get into a firing squad and prepare to fire the pilot was shocked, sir but I then yelled prepare to fire the officer nodded and they all got into a firing squad line I lowered my shoulder cannons aiming at that damn Beowulf mecha a huge angry evily smile spread across my face saying Hunter Dragny for your transgressions against the moon empire I label you and all those who defend and fight next to you as traders of the moon empire your sentence is death.

Back to Hunter- I thrust it hand through the last mecha when it hit the ground cheers of victory want through the radio Amazon and Rambo walked next to me Zeeva was smiling happily she looked tired she leaned back in her seat relaxing thank you, Hunter, for your help and don't worry I will make sure Zeus will get punished trust me I nodded I leave that up to you I looked up to the furnaces that just turned on again I used my innate ability to connect into it and I spoke over the speakers saying all those are still alive hello I am Hunter pilot of the Beowulf heavy mecha you should drop your weapons and just surrender this place and all of its assets are now the property of the Dragny and Dragon families but right then I heard a familiar voice came over the radio thank you, Beowulf, but everything is already handled and this place is already under our command so you can rest know and good job it was my father I smiled and leaned back in my seat sying my body loosened up as my adrenalin ware off I was tired nothing truly replicates the strain of piloting a mecha, especially a heavy mecha I closed my eyes resting my mind right when my protector sense activated I got the sense of danger from behind me my eyes shot open yelling take cover Beowulf dived and tackled Amazon my feet rockets activating then and we dived behind the cover of a pile of medium and heavy mecha Rabo dove the other way many of the clones followed my command there training sense kicked in and they did it without thanking but some was to slow to react and they got torn apart hell even some got hit in the air the medium mecha and the infantry got the most losses and wounded but the firing didn't stop Zeeva was yelling over the radio saying Zeus stand down this is a order Zeus laughed saying you don't got the authority to order me around you my be of hi ranking on your planet but this isn't your planet is it I then yelled Zeus stand down or suffer the consequences Zeus yelled what are you going to do boy I outrank you and I got you pinned so shut up and die all of you no one will miss you and no one will know it was me my dads voice came over my radio saying Beowulf what is happening out there thought you said the fight was over I gralled back saying it was but the military commander called Zeus opened fire on us what my father yelled I thought Gibbs was leading this battle he was but him and Raven got summoned to an emergency meeting by the queen herself so Zeus took command since miss Zeeva is apparently a hi ranking officer from another planet so she has no power here I took command of all the clone troops on this side it's a long story but knows Zeus is trying to kill us and write are names as accidents in the battle or something I already told him to stand down but I will try again I will keep the channel open so you can hear Zeus and all those under his command stand down by orders of the Dragny and Dragon family this is now are property and you don't got a right to be here anymore this is an order Zeus yelled back I do not care about the fucking Dragny or Dragon family they can't order me around nore do they have the power to stop me so just shut up and die your family will never know that we killed you I will just tell them gunship flew by killing you all I muted my self on that stations saying see the man has gone mad i have been recording everything so can we just kill them and be done with this I asked him my dad side saying I agree kill them when he gave that order the turrets on the wall activated and aimed at Zeus and his party I looked down to see a rocket launcher shoulder cannon I smiled picked it up and used my innate ability to connect it to Beowulf I stood up it on my should saying hi Zeus I got a gift for you I hope you like it and I pulled the trigger when I did a huge rocket shot out from it but that wasn't the only thing the turrets opened fire plasma shots mixed with lasers rained down I sat down on top of this pile plasma and laster shots flying by me I was laughing at the chaos and the fear that want through Zeus and his man and dust rose up from the explosion from the rocket and just the shear amount of plasma and lasers that was raining down by the time the dust settled and the turrets stopped shooting there was nothing but lava ground and melting mecha parts I stood up still laughed I through the rocket launcher to the side man I love my job I said calming down Amazon stood next to me and Zeeva shook her head when she looked at the Lava that was cooling and hardining fast bunch of fools she said she looked to me saying thank you Hunter you saved my life I waved my hand saying it was nothing she shook her head no you saved my life for that I owe you I shrugged saying fine your payment to me is if you ever get tired of the military and you want settle down come find me I will happily bring you into my family but in till then just live your life to it's fullest and don't die and if you need something give us a ring we will happily help a friend ant that right yall and a cheer range through the radio from the clones Zeeva laughed saying thank you and I will keep that in mind I nodded thats when the garages behind us opened up and Cortana walked out with the other clones me all the others in leviathan walked throw the door way Spartan and Artemis landed in front of behind me Cortana ran to Heavy and the to mecha extended there hands so there palms was facing up Cortanas mecha hands was on top Heavys mechas hands was on the bottom there mecha stopped like that and Cortana and Heavy jumped out if there mecha and used there jet packs to land on the mecha hands they hugged each other I could see Cortana was shaking and Heavy was whispering to her Spartan walked next to my and put a hand on Beowulf's shoulder like a proud older brother Artemis walked next to him and they connected to my mecha I seen there faces appear on the side screen Rex had a proud happy smile as for Rage she had a little smile on her face as well she was the first to speak well done young leviathan you still got much to learn but you did good I smiled thank you, Rage Rex, then yelled hell yeah but that was the only thing he yelled the rest he said in his normal voice your Father wants you to take Beowulf into the first side garage to fix any damage that was done to it and he wants you to get some rest wall you can this fight is just starting young Leviathan I shook my head saying no I got to but them my fathers face appeared he was standing in a control room he had his hands behind his back his helmet was off Beowulf this is a order not a request Spartan, Artemis will be going the same I will be taking command from here so don't worry about it son I will make sure everything and everyone gets to where they need to you have done well son you have honored the family and me so go rest I side ok father I understand besides he said smiling there is someone who is really want to make sure your safe and I don't need her hurting braking anyone bones just to see you so she is your problem know I side again I know I was going to get a ear full from Helge rager that father moving the garage know he nodded good Beowulf stood up listen up I said all the clones turned to me the battle is over my father is taking command he will take care of you all so follow his orders he is the commander here I was about to turn around then I thought about one last thing and I turned around Beowulf then razed a first and I yelled hooyah many other mechs razed there fists and everyone yelled hooyah a victorious battle cry I nodded and Beowulf turned around and walked to the first building on the right side the garage door was blown opened I walked into see mechanics running around working broken mecha but when I walked in they all stopped and one of them pointed to the bay in the back I nodded and walked Beowulf to that bay I turned it around so it faced the door and I deactivated her when I did plat forms came out from the wall behind Beowulf and circled around us like a body frame when the platforms was fully around Beowulf's mechanics rushed forward to look at Beowulf all of them were Leviathan members so I didn't mind I stood up streaching my body from the piloting seat my legs and backed popped as I stood up and started streaching I looked over to the side of the bed and I noticed there was two armor stands built into the wall I nodded and walked over to it and started taking off my armor and putting it on the armor stand when I had nothing but my pants and a shirt on I walked back to the seat and pulled my helmet out from under the seat making sure not to drop the bottle in it I smiled looking at the bottle I walked back to the armor stand and out my helmet on it as I sat down on the bed pulling out the stopper with my teeth I took a drink from the battle smiling I used one hand to untie the lasses on my boots used my feet to push them off I side leaning back against the wall with the battle in my hand as I looked at the hatch i took another drink like I was waiting for someone and that someone just walked into the garage and was heading my way I smiled when I sensed that and it didn't take long for that person to get to the bottom of Beowulf and find the button to open the hatch and to lower the hook and who shot up into the piloting room was Helge she had her helmet on she stepped into the hatch and it shut behind her she took off her helmet as she started at me I took another drink from the battle saying before you start might as well get comfortable and I pointed to the second armor stand Helge glared at me but didn't argue she walked over to the second armor stand and haged up her armor and weapons I nodded and pat the spot next to me on the bed she walked over sat down pulled off her boots and she leaned back against the wall next to me I gave her the battle she took it and took a drink from it silently she passed back the battle to me I put the stopper back on it as I looked to her she was refusing to look at me but I seen a dark red vains in her eyes and bags under her eyes I could tell she had been crying I thought about reading her mind but I thought better of it this time I waited till she was ready to talk I have a feeling she was reading my mind though but I didn't mind finally after a few minutes of silence Helge side closing her eyes and she started to shake and in a low shaky voice she said Hunter you have no idea how angry and sad I am right now I nodded saying I knew you was going to be angry at me but I didn't care about that all I cared about was getting you back and killing the fucker who tried to take my Helge she was shocked and her eyes shot opened she turned and looked into my eyes I could see she was trying not to cry what did you say she said in a low voice I nodded and said again more clearly and strong I knew you was going to be angry at me but I didn't care about that all that I cared about was getting you back and killing the bastard that tried to take my Helge way from me like I told you before Helge I didn't care if I had to track you down to the ends of the galaxy to get you back I would do it without a thought and I will leave death and chaos in my wake I don't care who or what I got to kill to get you back I will do it cuz your mine and I am yours it's that simple tears started falling down her face but she smiled happily she whipped the tears way with one hand saying does this mean you want to marry me Hunter I smiled and throw an arm over her as I pulled her close and I whispered into her ear saying your mine your my partner Helge hugged me and I kissed the top of her head and we stayed like that till we feel asleep not letting each other go I didn't know how long passed nore did I care Helge was so warm that I didn't want to wake up but all good things must come to a end sense I heard the hatch on Beowulf opened and one person step through the hatch I heard someone chuckling and I heard Rex's voice yell next to us raise and shine love birds my eyes slowly opened and I started at him saying do you need to be so loud Rex we really haven't had time to get some proper rest and you want to come up in here and start yelling how rude Rex laughed saying you two love birds have been up here for three hold day already I think you have rest enough and so does your parents Helge yound saying Rex do me a favor and shut up thanks and she snuggled against me, Rex was grinning and he winked at me but I just rolled my eyes at him saying I assume they told you to come and wake us upright he nodded yep Fives is back but he ant alone the Queen sent one of her daughters with him it would seem both you and Fives got your fathers skill with the lady's but she is also her to give you and Helge a massage from the queen her self I side saying fine fine leave us we will be out in a bitRex chuckled and turned around and used the hook to go back down to the floor I side looking down to Helge's cute face saying well it would seem we got to get up Helge huffed and huge me tighter saying nope this is to comfy and warm I chuckled at her childish actions but then I heard a voice saying Helge Dragon get your ass up or but I used my innate ability to turn off Beowulf's radio I also put a lock on it so no one could activate it again outside of the mech I looked down to Helge saying if you really want to I can lock us in here we won't be disturbed especially if we put are watched on only emergency messages and calls but we will have to deal with are parents after that Helge chuckled she rested her chin on my chest as she looked up to me saying that's very tempting I don't want this moment to end I chuckled and leaned forward saying be neither what if I throw this in there and I kissed her she was stunned blushing but after a few seconds she smiled saying that doesn't make me want to get up anymore but just to make sure this isn't a dream and she leaned up and kissed me I hugged her tightly and kissed her back before I knew it Helges tung and mine was fighting with each other but she soon found out that a forked tung is hard to beat but she still tried by the time we stopped we was breathing hard out of breath Helge side saying damn it fine we always got again tonight so let's get up and be sociable and act like two normal human beings I side saying but what if I don't want to Helge laughed and she stood up saying to damn bad let's go I side and got up we put on are armor and weapons I pulled on my coat saying so Fives landed a princess huh Helge chuckled saying what are you jealous I shook my head as I took my helmet off the stand saying nope not one bit I already got my crazy warrior princess and her name is Helge I and just proud of him as his brother she laughed and pulled on her helmet she didn't say anything and she walked to the hatch and used the hook to jump out I side and pulled on my helmet and walked over as I did the hoom came back up I grabbed it and jumped out of the hatch when I hit the ground I let go of it and when it shot back up it closed the hatch I turned to see Rex standing next to Rage both of them had there helmets off and was grinning at us lets move I said don't want to keep the others waiting and Helge and I started walking way Rage and Rex followed when we walked out of the garage I was a little stunned I seen the garage across from this one was turned into a hospital there was people walking into there hell some had to be carried into there on stretchers and such there was people walking around many of them was military but mixed in with them as members of leviathan and I seen at the end of this road was a machine gun nests there were, even more, mecha walking in and out from the other garages there were even other ships playing in and landing in the hangers on the furnace it's self I even seen ships flying in the junkyard it's self Rex put a hand on my shoulder saying what do you think this is all cuz of you two I nodded saying I like it have we moved into this place fully he nodded smiling yes we are still moving things over from the town but this will be are base of operations sense the furnace it's self is a old war colony ship and all the other building in front of it that has the mecha garages on it is parts of the ship I was stunned holy shit Helge said before I could say it Rage nodded indeed when we found that out we was a little surprised that you didn't know about it Hunter and she looked over to me I smiled shrugging saying damn Rage I maybe good but even I need time to crack throw a hole factory network which so happens to be a old fucking colony ship she looked away saying so you know about the ship but didn't tell the rest of us is that what your saying I side fine fine Rage you win I had a feeling it was a ship by how the programming was done but I didn't have any hard facts or nothing like that the thought just crossed my mind but I didn't want to get everyone's hopes up if I was wrong and I truly didn't have enough time to look through all of it I probably got through maybe 20% of all the programming in this place and I only focused on stuff that could help us fine are members and to take this place Rage scoffed ok Hunter I will believe you this one time just next time tell someone I chucked at that and started walking towards the furnace sense I knew where everyone was at using my innate ability as I walked I said I did tell someone though Beowulf was very happy when I told her my thoughts Rage scoffed again but Rex was the one to speak then Hunter you can understand Beowulf I glanced back to him saying of course what pilot doesn't get to know his mecha before they dance together she was very stubborn at first but I asked her to help me save my father and to kill the bastard that had the balls to piss off Leviathan Helge wrapped her arm around mine as we walked up the stairs so the main door we walked people stood aside slotted me or nodding at me I simply nodded at them I looked to Helge saying Beowulf was very happy when I told her about my partner and she was happy to help me hunt you down Helge laughed saying o really well I will have to thank her the next time I see hear I nodded and started reading her mind as we walked through the door she was reading mine let me just say when we walked through the door the first thing I thought was holy hell this is big the second thought was this place is fancy it was a high open room that had gold and silver walls and pillars with gears turning in them when you walked in and looked up you could see all the way to the top of the roof and at the top was a huge glass window but it was broken or cracked in some spots there was elevates on the right wall and on the left was more for people in a hurry there was 4 doorways and when you walked through it you shot up or down it was 0 gravity at it's finest Helge and I started walking to the middle door on the left when Rage said what are you two doing we are taking the elevator I looked to the elevators and there was a lot of them and when the door closed some elevators shot up then stopped to shoot through a doorway that opened in the wall hell some even want down there was plenty of elevators but it still would be packed and take to long I shook my head saying no thanks you can take them if you want but we are taking the 0 gravity Rage was about to protest but we walked through the door way when we did are feet dropped off the edge and we started floating in mid air I chuckled to Helge who still had her arm wrapped around my right arm I thought to her saying want to go fast she looked to me and I could tell she was smiling at me under her helmet she nodded ok let's go then I said as my jetpack activated and we shot up we shot by floors in this glass tube till we got to the top my jetpack turned off I raised my left hand out and I pushed off the roof we floated over to the door way that want out onto a huge path that connected one side to the others I looked off the edge thinking this wasn't here when I looked up from below when I looked off the edge I seen many other paths below us with many people walking on then that I didn't see before huh how interesting Helge thought they are using a screen optical illusion I nodded indeed they have screens at the bottom of these paths that show a video of the sky I assume all the broken parts was actually where I seen the roof but I shrugged she nodded and we started walking down the path which unlike the ones below it wasn't as crowded there was a side path that lead to the middle of this huge room it had thick tinted windows and the walls was made from thick iron it was basically a vault on the top floor resting above everyone Helge's side saying man who ever placed there command center and office over everyone must be very full of them self's they must think they are god looking down at the people below them I shrug saying yea Gold definitely was the type to think that but let's get in there they are waiting for us Helge side again and I heard her think do we half to I don't want to listen to my mother bitch at us for dragging our feet to get put here I smiled thinking back to her Helge this is part of being a Leviathan and don't forget this is also part of war you should get us to it Helge bumped against me with her waste as she was thinking damn it Hunter that ant far and you know it y can't we just fight then party after when we win y do we have to deal with politics and paperwork I chuckled thinking back as we walked to the thick metal door you should be us to this stop complaining for gods sakes your the eldest granddaughter of the royal Dragon family your parents have trained you for this unlike me Helge bumped against me again I could tell she was blushing under her helmet but then she thought back stop it your making me even more nervous I chuckled thinking back good I like it when you act all cute and nervous Helge looked up at me and I could tell she was glaring at me under her helmet I used my innate ability to open the door and we walked through it what I saw made me roll my eyes there was a pathway that leads to an office table chair and nice couches I could tell that was where gold world sit but the part that made me roll my eyes was the area around this office placed under Golds office was the control center was basically put in a trench on either side the office so Gold could look down at them I shook my head thinking this isn't important I looked to the middle and seen my father sitting at Golds table Heavy was standing behind him like guards sitting in front on him on the couches was Gibbs and Zeeva across from them was Betty and James in the seat next to them was Fives in his full armor but sitting next to him was a young woman about the same age of Fives she had white hire and her was shined blue like a star she looked like a princess but her clothes said otherwise a darl blue military uniform on both shoulders was a half moon and on her chest, there was already 5 metals that showed her victory's across from them was Raven and Cortana next to them was a open seat where I assume either the elder's world sit or Rex and Rage would sit my father had a screen in front of him and floating between the rest of them was that same screen it was a report of some sort but when the door opened my dad pushed a button quickly and the screens vanished everyone looked to the door shocked probable cuz no one asked to come in and the door was locked but when Helge and I walked in they calmed down well all of them except for the princess she looked us over with a cold look we walked to the end of this table as the door shut behind us.