a waited gift

The first stage of my plan was to build it digitally that way I could work out kinks in both the programming and the mech its self a hole lot cheaper aswell I spent hours working on the first stages to this and I hadn't even scratched the surface of the information I got from the huntresses mecha but sadly all good things must come to a End cuz Quill interrupted my work saying it was time to start learning the forge I didn't complain since I could listen to him and still work on my project with my innate ability and still focus on Quill we walked into the hanger over to his ship where I seen a odd burning engines from the back of a ship if I had to guess the flame was blue and small but I could feel the heat from here Quill walked next to it and turned around to me saying welcome to the forge Hunter as you can see this is a ships engine but don't worry it won't blow up unless I want it to I nodded so what's first he chuckled well normally the first thing you would make would be a lock box to hold your stuff to prove you deserved to be one of us but we will forgo this test seeing how I seen your skills when making your arm so we will get right to your next task and that will be forging your hammer I will allow you to us one of mine till then let us start I nodded and pulled out 2 of the 5 ingots had and put it into the fire when I did I turned the heat up when I did the flame got bigger and brighter the scale mail steal shined and sparked in the fire the steal got red hot and like this I took out one ingot and started hammering away and like this 2 months passed quickly Heavy and I would take bounty's and help where ever we could in-between all the missions Quill taught me the secrets of the forge and if I wasn't there I was training with Heavy and he didn't hold back he beat my ass each time we spared but he was teaching me quite a lot not only in how to fight but in tactics and basic information about the galaxy as for my mecha training Heavy was a complete slave driver in teaching me I had to complete not only the moon empires cores on battle but also the special forces test and if that wasn't enough he throw in the training that the clones want through which I must say is fucking hell not only was they forced to fight and train as children but they was forced to take tactics and commanding classes and they started it when they was able to walk this training was the worsed and the vr classes was so hard and Heavy didn't let up he kept on pushing me to my limits both physically and mentally but I grit my teeth and didn't complain much and just trained in my very limited free time I worked on my plans for my mecha and it was going well enough I had run into many bumps but I pushed through all the headache I would say I am a quarter the way done still got a long way to go during this time I called my grandmother to see how my siblings was doing apparently Jason and Freddy was training addicts with there B rank system which wasn't bad apparently some of there other bloodline was starting to show but Albeto said that was normal as for the girls they were little angles with my grandma but an absolute headache to Serenity and Fang it would seem they was a bad influence on there other kids when I heard that I couldn't stop laughing and even know whenever I think about it brings a smile to my face but my grandmother asked me what mecha I found and when I told her I don't got one yet she got all huffy and said don't you worry dear I will handle this and she hung up like that this was last week and I am still fucking scared to see what she had plans today Quill was leaving and Star was coming to train me with my gift but I had a feeling she wouldn't be able to teach me much sense I had been using the hallow disks from D and I must admit both D and his partner K was masters in using the gift of the galaxy both was master swords man aswell I had been slowly creating my own fighting style based of there teachings plus elements from my past life I could know move things much easier with my gift plus I learned how to shoot lightning out from my hand the hardest thing was learning how to deflect blaster shots back at the shooter Heavy was more then happy to help me I can't even count how many times I had been stunned and waking up to see him standing over me I woke up in my bed still wearing my helmet and armor I slowly sat up and stretch my body I got up and washed my armor and took a shower I just put my armor on when a knock came from my door I sensed it was Heavy so I waved my hand the door opening he leaned his head in saying Star is about here and Quill is leaving you might want to say goodbye brother I nodded and walked to the door as I did I raised my hand to my desk and shooting off from it was my belt with my blasters and sword hilts on it we walked into the storage room I seen Quill leading the case that had all of his tools into his ship we walked up to him he turned around to us dusting off his hands well that was the last of it good luck young leviathan my your hands be quick and your mind clear I nodded may the ancestors watch over you Quill and I bowed to him he chuckled nodding he looked to Heavy and the two of them just nodded to one another Quill jumped into his ship and we stepped back his ship turned on and he nodded at us so I opened the floor beneath him dropping him into open space and like that me was gone I was about to shot it when are ship got sent a massage it said Jack in the box this is shuddle star 223 requesting promotion to land I told Heavy the request and he simply said let them abored I nodded and sent back a massage saying shuttle star 223 your clear to land the bottom hatch is already open to head that way but I immediately got back a massage negative Jack in the box I got a big load you will have to open the back door I side responded rager that opening door know and that's what I did I closed the hole in the floor and opened the stage door luckily the second I opened the door a force field appeared so we didn't get sucked out into space and flying in was a very similar ship the same as Quill but this one was purple with black lines in it but connected to the bottom was a broken mech it was in bad shape it was missing a left leg and a right arm its chest was scorched black but I seen the old paint job a hot rod red flames over a black frame and half of the face plate was blown off but the other half was very interesting it looked draconic in nature it sort of reminded me of old depletion of Eastern dragins face very intense and scary but no whiskers sadly but it would seem there was one a main that want around the head to make it look even more like a Eastern Dragon but what ever battle this was recorded from must have been place on fire cuz the main was completely burned away it was odd the paint job reminded me a lot of my armor but I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind cuz I thought it might have been a coincidence I looked at the only remaining arm and seen very warn and broken plasma claws on the hand but no other weapon and the remaining leg feet was very claw like aswell the ship glided in and dropped the mech on the floor before landing Heavy and I walked forward when the engines was powered down and the cock pit opened up and stepping out was Star in full armor just like Heavy and I her armor matched her helmet dark blue and purple helmet with gold images of lightning storms she didn't where no shoulder pads and she only had on one gauntlet it was on her right arm her breastplate had my families Mark a red serpent Drake weaving its way throw the lightning storm I didn't see any other weapon on her but her laser sword which was hanging off the left side of her belt but I noticed her gauntlet had 3 barrales on it two for laser shots and one for climbing spikes but I also seen that it also had the ability to form a small shield made from electricity which was interesting Heavy bowed his head slightly saying welcome to my ship elder Star I hope your stay with us is pleasant and eventful I also bowed with him as I stood slightly behind him I didn't say a word and I made sure to think of a song to mask my true thoughts Star launched thank you Heavy I am happy to be here staying at home gets to boring not enough excitement all though I haven't been home for a few months by now and I hear things are just starting to get lively but we all got duties to attend to Heavy nodded like he understood he looked behind to the broken mecha and asked what's with the broken mech Star laughed well its for Hunter over there and she looked to me step forward child I promise I won't bite I looked to Heavy waiting for his permission he turned to me and nodded and like that I stepped forward like she asked Star nodded good I got a message from your grandmother she pushed a button on her gauntlet and appearing in her palm was a small hallowgram of my grandma not in her normal nice clothes but in full armor I couldn't tell much details from this hallowgram but she looked intense her helmet was touched under her left arm and it looked a lot like my helmet actually in its base design her hair was pulled back into a bun I seen two blasters on her hips and a odd looking long hilt on the back of her belt she had a very serious expression on her face to the young Leviathan Hunter James Dragny I Silverea Nix Dragny gift you the mecha known as Drake to you it may needs some work but don't let its current state fool you this was ones your grandfathers in fact me made this mech him self he used it with deadly precision he was able to kill even heavy mecha with this mech it has been sitting in storage ever sense your father took it into battle as you can see it took heavy fire but they both came back I hope you understand and feel the wait of me gifting it you revive this sleeping Drake my young Leviathan don't let me but right then a explosion shook the hole room and the hallowgram flickered for a few moments I heard someone yelling for my grandmother she stood up straight side and looked back to the camera war is here and its into another battle for me may the Galaxy protect you and my the ancestors watch over you and like this she put on her helmet and slammed a hand to her chest this is are away and like that the recording stopped Star lowered her hand asking so do you think you can revive her I walked over to Drake my new mecha the head had turned when it got dropped I walked right up in front of it I placed my hand on its face I ran my metal hand over the masterful carving that the face plate was as I did this I used my innate ability to scan this over this mech and a 3d image appeared in my helmet the image was slowly spinning and I seen hundreds of red spots on the image that showed me everything that was damaged but oddly enough the computer system its self was the only thing that was fine I activated them and to my surprise I was bombarded with so much systems reports but I also seen it had a battle record and nothing was missing from it I looked over the basic information on this mech that came directly from my grandfather

System log 1: Drake is completed time to test run her booting up the computer successfully all systems are running optimal time to take her first steps one first step for mech and that's one small leap for mech kind its a success she is ready to go to combat testing but that can wait till tomorrow I am beat and I can't wait to tell Silverea

System log 2: Drake girl its time for weapon testing I know you don't got any built in weapons but don't you worry that will come next but let's pick up a sword and attack luckily Silverea is here to help me and since this is only a test run no one will get hurt sounds of combat lasts for 5 minutes then my grandfather came back test complete and I must say I have never piloted a mecha like you Drake combat tests success

There was thousands of these recordings, texts and videos and not all of them were from my grandfather no there were piloting videos from 4 others not counting my grandfather and I know every one of them and that list was my grandma, my father, Rex and Rushal the youngest brother it would seem they all was trained in Drake and used her as a first mecha there was a few others who was trained in her but there was only text saying this person activated my training mode so I didn't care about those people I cared more about the many different blueprints I got it would seem each of the brothers had their own ways on fighting even my Grandma had a few blueprints but my grandfather out did them all it would seem he really loved making and playing with new dangerous toys but I could tell the plasma claws was one of his favorites seeing how much notes he had on the weapon but I heard my name be called so I looked to Star asking did you say something Star she laughed yes child do you think you can revive this mecha no better question is y should sense you can save a lot of time and just buy a working one or get one from pirates Heavy laughed at that last part him get a mecha from a pirate ship haha that's unlikely Star looked to him asking y is that Heavy chuckled it will be easier to show you and like that he pushed a few buttons on his gauntlet Star didn't respond for a few minutes but she side and looked to me impressive brutal and barbaric but impressive none the less so what's your answer child I looked to her chuckling Drake and I are already talking she is already awakened or well her computers are at least it would seem she got around and has been on many deployments she is just the mech for me don't you worry by the time I am done with her she will be as good as new let us get her hanged up Heavy nodded and she helped me contact the magnet to the head of Drake we then stepped back when we was clear I activated the wintch which lifted Drake up then the wintch moved into the open mecha Bay I activated the bays mecha hanger so it could stay upright with out the magnet plus that will make it easier to reaper it I looked to Heavy and Star asking so do we got plans or can I get started Heavy chuckled but Star shook her head saying meet me in the training room in one hour and like that she waved her hand and 2 bags lifted out of the cock put of her ship and she walked through the doors I looked to Heavy asking Brother what's our next mission he side I ant sure yet we got orders from your father to stand by for orders so I believe he has a mission for us but I ant sure yet I nodded so get Drake in fighting shape as fast as I can got it Heavy side nodding it would be best how long do you think you need I laughed o I could have her in peace factory fighting shape probably by tomorrow Heavy side but I chuckled you know me to well brother But that would be factory condition which I won't stand for not only cuz its my mecha but sense my grandfather was the one to build her all naa nothing but the finest upgrades will do besides I may not be close in making the transforming mecha like the huntresses but that doesn't mean I haven't gotten items and inspiration from the breaf time I have been working on it this medium mecha won't be any medium mecha that has ever come before it Heavy side shaking his head and just walked off 3 days I yelled he simply raised a thumb up as he walked through the door that just opened I stared up at Drake a huge toothy smile on my face ok let us start I clapped my hands but first let's make you first and I pulled up a blueprint on the screen in my helmet it was a odd belt thing that connected to my jetpack and there was 4 long metal arms coming out from it that could pick up parts from a heavy mecha easily plus the 4 hands could be changed out for many different tools this middle had a tool box attached to it which was nice I believe they was called engineers harness or something but not many people us them do to the cost but the one I made was pretty cheap to make plus very durable and it ran off a rechargeable enagry sell that could last for years without being charged I walked to the mutual fabricator and uploaded my blueprint to it and in a few moments I was wearing the real thing it was easy for me to move the extra arms I got to work as I did I sent this blueprint to my father saying for a discount and a small % of the money you make off it this could be yours and like that I started to work listening to music.