A annoying man

I drifted in that space between unconscious and consciousness not fully asleep but also not fully awake either I felt time slowly pass sadly I heard Heavy voice speak over the intercom we be docking in 3 minutes everyone be ready I moaned hearing that but I slowly sat up and prepared my gear I made sure all of my weapons was good my jetpack on my back my coats hood covering the top of it I made sure i had all my ammo and grenades clips was good I looked down to see my gauntlets and gloves and seen they had paint on them but I didn't mind and I definitely smelled like mechanic oil grinding dust and welding rods but that was pretty normal for a mechanic that reminds me I put my new engineers belt on they arms was curved around my back hidden under my coat for extra protection I walked out of my room when I felt the portal shake slightly I walked into the control room to see a fucking huge war ship I seen machine gun laser and plasma cannons and many many more guns mounted on this ship we was on the left side of it at the top of this ship was a huge curved window where I assumed the control center was but are ship was enveloped with an odd blue force field that was pulling us closer to one of the 6 hangers on this side of the ship as we got closer I walked next to Heavys chair amazed at what I saw this wasn't just one war ship this was a fucking fleet of them there was 5 war ships of the same size as this and there was 10 more that was a bit smaller then these Heavy didn't look up to me but a message appeared from him on my screen it said welcome to your first station little brother let us make the most of it shall we I sent back sounds like fun o I had a fun idea and I told him it he sent back a message nodding that's not a half bad idea I will let Star know your father shouldn't have said to much about my youngling with me so it would definitely work but only a few people know your name anyway little brother so you could just be overthinking it I shook my head naaa brother I am looking towards the future what do you think would happen when the sun empire finds out a leviathan took over the Stonewall kingdom and is sponsoring and leading them they would stop at nothing to find who that leviathan is and sooner or latter they will find my name that will paint a huge target on my back so that's y I came up with this plan he nodded i see and agreed o by the way Cortona and Helge happily took up your offer they will be heading that way after they drop off there bounty's I side relieved good o that reminds me I unmuted my messages and good thing I did cuz I got a message from Grandma she said it would be easier for me to send them the blood we don't want the enemy getting there hands on the system not that they can us it but you know what I mean also the clone Bear has left with quite a few clones ships and mechas so you got 2 war ships, 20 bombers, 50 gunners, 300 infiltrating, ,200 light mecha, 400 medium mechas and only 2 heavy mecha as for engineers, you got 1000 all decked out with engineers belts it would have been a hole lot more but your father refused the idea of so many troops leaving us many protested I gave my promotion to Bear group here is there contact info do not let me down Hunter I have invested a lot into this already I nodded sying I sent back a massage thank you grandma I will train hard so Star can go back to your embrace 😉 as for my blood ask Albedow she should have plenty of it to send the first batch I won't let you down signed the mecha pilot Drake at this point are ship landed in the hanger Heavy got up saying come on the caption is waiting and we must get are words I nodded and like that we walked out of are ship as we walked out standing at attention was 2 man in dark green camo military uniforms we walked in front of these man I stood slightly behind Heavy both man stomped there feet and saluted Heavy both man said Sir we are your guides sir Heavy nodded at ease boys lead the way they nodded and turned around and started walking normally but they didn't speak again we followed them to an elevator as we were walking through the hanger I have seen hundreds of things be it mecha that was placed along the wall in there booths or the gunner and bombers ships hanging from the ceiling or on the ground being worked on I seen thousands of engineers running around working on ships weapons or mecha they was doing it all my eyes was shinning but I felt my head straight and I didn't stop but my innate abilitys was going crazy as it copied down anything that could be of us to me and my work but I also accessed the ships database the ships programming and scans didn't even detect that I was going through its network that's how scary my ability was I pulled up a map of the ship I sent it to Heavy with a brief description of where this ship has been plus where it was going plus who the ships caption was lastly was are route of travel from here to the planet Jokingling it would take us 1 month with no problems I was currently going through the Hallows battle reckered as we stepped into a elevator this ship has been through some shit from marshen and swarm attacks to full on ship on ship combat hell this fucking ship has an orbital lance so do the other ships of this size as for Captain Crush his battle checkered was oddly born on planet 120 which was primarily a farming planet the captain scored low on his system test but passed the test for piloting a light mecha he worked his way through the ranks not for his battle prowess no it was cuz he saved and married a hi ranking military nobles daughter the man was an a-ok leader at best he wasn't a genius or anything he was pretty average well except for his anger issues he has been reported many times to the high ups but sort of herd to get him fired when none of the massages go through all in all he is just a bullie and a average fighter its going to be so much fun to get him fired I held back a chuckle the elevator opened and the two man stepped out we follow we stood in a war/ calms room there was computers and hallow gram areas all around this room there was people running all around to each different stationed but in the center of this room was a hallow gram computer floating above it was a orbital map around this hallowgram was the generals 3 of them was clones I could tell 2 of them was mecha generals wall the second was a gunner ship general I could tell all this by the colors on there armor plus the two armor between mecha pilots and shuttle pilots was actually quite different one was for battle the other was for the elements in space as for the 7 others 4 two man and two females was mecha pilots 2 one mail and one female was inventory and the last was a female she was a shutter pilot probably to a bomber by the boom tattoo on her right first wall her left fist said stay calm her eyes was most definitely sacrament sense no normal eyes glowed orange all of these people looked battle warn I could tell by how there eyes looked or the ones that didn't have there helmets on that is the last person was at the center of this group he had on a black camo military uniform his blonde hair was cut short along the sides and the top was cut short definitely military his skin was white his eyes was light brown when we walked in the two man walked to the table stomped there feet and want to attention Sir we brought them Crush looked up from the hallowgram nodding good dismissed they saluted and walked away Heavy took there place he stood at attention his arms behind his back his back straight I stood behind him on his left side my arms behind my back my back straight and my head locked forward Heavy said Heavy reporting for duty Crush looked Heavy over and scoffed so your the infamous Gollum huh thought you would be bigger Heavy didn't react neither did I but one of the other mecha clones generals hands tightened on the table her helmet screen got a bit dark Crush shrugged no matter story's often get everything wrong that includes bravery welcome to my ship you will be part of my men I keep a tight leash on my man do you understand clone if I tell you to jump you ask how Hi if I tell you to shoot you say when and if I tell you to die you will die do you understand Heavy simply said yes sir Crush nodded good he then looked over to me saying what about you lad what's your name I didn't respond I kept my face straight my back straight and my arms being my back Crush moved around the hallow gram and got very close to my helmet as he spat are you fucking death soldier I asked what your fucking name was I didn't respond for a few seconds I let his face get all red and right before he was about to snap I simply said two word Drake Sir Crush raised a eye brow well Drake do you have a problem dying if I give the order I didn't respond he glared at me answer the damn question Drake he spat I moved my head and looked to the generals and seen pitty and anger on there faces no sir not for you I responded but for them I would Crush face want red are you disobeying a defect order huh I could have you court marshaled for that I simply looked my forward and didn't respond he angrily huffed what ever Drake I will be sure to remember your name and they want back to the meeting going over the battle plan apparently Heavy and I will be put under the special forces unit the leader of that group was the clone that got angry at Crush insulting Heavy her name was apparently Copper Crush dismissed us soon after that saying prepare to jump and with that he walked through the door behind him which lead into the control room we all left Copper walked to Heavy and I saying come I will show you to see barracks I have already told some of my engineer to move your ship to are hanger we nodded and followed her into the elevator she didn't take off her helmet or talk to us but neither did we seconds passed finally the elevator door opened and we walked out into a hanger as we walked out the door shut Copper turned around pulling off her helmet and like normal she looked similar to the other clones but she had one huge burn scare that covered her hole left side of her face both of her eyes was glowing yellow and her hair was cut short of the right side wall the top was colored bright green it covered the left side of her face pretty well she smiled at us the flesh around her left mouth burned away a bit so we could always see a little bit of her teeth but Heavy nor I minded this is what war did she held out her hand saying clone general 2226 Copper pilot of heavy mecha Skull Heavy took her hand first huh I know of you Copper Bear spoke very highly of you She laughed Bear huh that bald fucker is still kicking that's good to hear there is only 3 of us from are class left Heavy side nodding like he understood what she met she looked over to me her hand moving in front of me Copper I shook her hand saying Drake pilot to the medium line mecha Drake ready and able she raised a eyebrow that wasn't there no more do to the burn you go by the same name as your mecha y I shrugged I am Drake and they are me y shouldn't I be called something that is true she laughed fear enough come I will have someone show you to your room breakfast is in 30 after that we will see if you can fight we nodded .