Y couldn't it have been butterflies part 2 final / first drop

Sir this is crazy a tale man in a dark blue exo suit yelled another one of them yelled that's right Sir theres no end to them we should retreat a smaller woman in a red and black Exo suit similar to the man these exo suits covered there hole body in flexible steal that had metal plates where vitals should be it had a helmet that showed a display of there armors systems each of them had laser machine gun in there hands and 5 of them had battery packs on there back that could recharge their weapons and who were they yelling at it was me we had made it a little into this hallway but there was just no end of the damn bugs and it wasn't just the huge spiders there were these odd centipede creatures in the back that could shoot out jagged spikes that could pierce through solid steel these centipedes was in the back of this swarm and they shot these spikes with pin point accuracy they wasn't scared to hit a spider just to harm us the group of 12 behind me was at the door most of them was down on one knee as they fired but behind the ones on their knees was another line of people standing firing over there heads I stood in the for front of this group about 10 feet away from them and I was moving all over the place there was nothing but huge bugs in front of me that's all I could see was bugs well that and the light blue laser blast they shot by me I hadn't stopped firing Thorn and Ace as I moved Ace bright green blaster shot flashed 3 times as I shot three of those spikes out of the air as I landed on top of a spider as I pointed Thorn down it flashed 4 times in its bright red light that spiders head got 4 holes burned through his head I then turned around punting with my right first completely caving in a spiders head as it jumped at me I pointed Thorn to my left 6 flashes of light came from it as I pulled the trigger that's when I felt something in pact my chest that made me slide back a few feet I looked down to see one of those spikes drop down from my chest plate its normally sharp tip no where to be seen I heard some on the radio yell Sir we should retreat the others but I cut them off with the first words I had spoken sense this battle started the others will be fine we got a job to do and we will do it and like that I jumped back into the fight that man who spoke at the beginning yelled your a mad man I punched my right fist into another spiders but I wasn't down as its head popped I kicked it's body up it blocking 3 spikes I laughed look at them all no matter where you look there's enemy this is the type of shit a mecha pilot lives for I put away Ace as my claws extended out as I literally ripped off a spiders leg and started beating it with its own leg I then kicked it's head which flew off its body and slammed into another spider hahaha come yall let us test are fates together and like that I activated one of my plasma swords the blood red blade shining off my arm I spun around cutting 3 spiders legs off as 3 figures jumped ontop of them blasting lasers into them these figures had orange exo suits on and two males and one female every one of them had huge smiles on there faces I could tell these was prisoners who was paying off there crimes you see if a mecha pilot goes to jail its highly likely for them to instead serve there time in a prison they have the choice to join the military and be thrown into the front lines where they will fight for their freedom but it all depends on the crime, for example, most rapist and pedophiles are usually killed or there extremities withdrew this is how the moons empire deals with them sorts of scum sadly like all aways there are a few of these people who make it through the cracks the moon empress is very strict about these sorts of laws which good on her but I focused back in the battle I lunged forward point blank blasting 3 shots into a spiders head as I spun around it throwing my sword at one of the centipedes that was on the wall my blade sliced it in half wall also leaving a cut along the wall that bug screamed and feel to the floor I cot my blade as it flew back into my hand I put it away as I lunged at this centipede that was writhing around on the ground it seen me coming and it spat out 3 spikes cut I simply spun around 2 of them and cot the last one with my right hand it clicked angrily as I got in range of it I seen 4 sharp looking legs arking down at me but I simply lunged forward rolling on the ground I felt one of its legs scratch down my jetpack sparks flew I glared angrily at this thing fucker and I thrust my right hand my claws sank I to its face but I wasn't done I grabbed it's jaw bone and ripped it out as my engineers belt arms shot from under my coat each arm grabbed a spider out of the air crushing there body's I glanced back to see all 12 of my group was slowly making there way down the hall those 3 prisoners in between me and them my engineer's belt arms grabbed this centipede body and lifted it up using it as a shield as I moved to the center as I gave out my first order 9 spearhead formation on me remaining 3 your on recharge duty don't stop firing and like that they followed my orders to the letter the 3 prisoners stood directly behind me on either side and like I said we formed the top of a triangle they didn't stop firing 3 people ran around recharging any weapons that needed it wall also giving out charged weapons they kept the firing going we stood there like this firing at this swarm I still held centipedes corpse and whenever I seen spikes being shot at us I used the body as a shield and I must say it work quite well and we was slowly pushing these bugs back but we never moved 2 minutes passed when I heard someone said over the radio sir the battery packs are at 20% I nodded just keep on firing you three go back and get the flame throwers sir we can't we don't got no flame throwers on board I was dumbfounded the fuck y I asked one yelled the caption band them he said we would have no us for them and that they was a waste of resources on top of a war crime I rolled my eyes gralling how annoying no matter I smiled up at the body I was holding before pointing one of my gauntlets at it and woosh flames shot out from it completely setting this body on fire I then took a deep breath clearing my mind I reached out to the galaxy bending it to my will I draw both hands back before pushing them forward the body got launched back my a unseen force this burning body slammed into the mass of centipedes and slowly they cot fire we didn't stop firing till the hall was clear some smoke started to billed up in the hall but the vents quickly sucked it up I glanced back to see many of them sy with relief but I said we want done so don't let your guard down we got this hole area to clear 5 of you go back restock on charged weapons and batteries wall the rest of us make sure no more come back a group of then nodded and want back wall we waited and like that a month passed after that incident Copper tested Heavy and I we seemed to pass her test so we started training with her unit Coppers unit was part of the special forces group they would drop us in a highly dangerous area and told to either defend the area or to take a area then defend it we would be pretty deep in the enemies line so back up would be unlikely Heavy and I also got introduced to everyone we had 1000 infantry which was pretty low but we made up for it with the 30 light mecha, 15 medium mecha and the 4 heavy mecha at the end of the day we was through and through a special forces group we might not have big numbers so we had to make up for it in other ways the infantry had the highest casualty rate which wasn't to surprising sense most that all infantry get is a gun and ammo plus some shitty armor luckily for Copper every one of them was clones so they already had pretty good armor given to them before they shipped out and most of the light mecha pilots was also clones but Copper was good to her man sense everyone was given a mock 3 exo suit which was one of the best the military used many the special forces it was durable easy to store and most importantly it was versatile but sadly it couldn't hold a candle to my armor even though it wasn't a exo suit this reminds me I had been working hard with Zero and her crew of engineers to upgrade all the mecha of my unit and if I wasn't working or training with the unit or Star I was working on my own projects I had sent a lot of my blood back to the family Black and Bear had already met up and started the training Cortina and Helge had also arrived and took control of leaders if I wasn't available and they did well I had already completely remodeled the Stonewalls mechs or it was more like I completely replaced them I used the template for Drake to make my own variant of it plus I completely updated Blacks weapons for his ships and mecha both and if that wasn't enough I just finished an exo suit that was a remnant of the Hunter suits I did promise Twisted I wouldn't hack into there network and I kept my word it only took my a few glanced of it before my innate ability copied it's data and it wasn't just there exo suits it was Twisted weapon as well sure it took me some hard work and plenty sleepless nights but I got it done best part was it may look similar to a hunters exo suit but it was actually completely different in its makeup in both power sources and technology I just sent this new weapon to Black and Bear I was currently sleeping in my pink Hamic in Drake my armor and helmet still on as I slept at this point I was completely us to wearing my helmet at all times like Heavy said it has become my second face sure there was plenty of people who tried to convince me to take it off hell one person tried to forcefully rip it off but I broke both his arms for that so no one tried that again so instead of that plenty of jokes was going around but I didn't mind I quite enjoyed the banter I was sleeping peacefully sadly there was no rest for the wicked cuz right then a very load alarm want off beep, beep, beep 20 minutes till drop all personal prepare to drop I shot out of my bed and ran to my controls Drake activating I seen engineering and some pilots running around in controlled panic I seen Rembo helmet slits where eyes would be turn on and glow with a light green light he looked over to me and I seen Heavy appear on a screen on my right his body was so still like a statue but I heard him say you ready for your first drop little brother I laughed you know me brother I was born ready he chuckled we shall see that's when Copper appeared next to Heavy but it wasn't just her 17 more people appeared all either medium to heavy mecha pilots Copper had her helmet off a huge smile was on her face get ready for the drop maggets here is are orders and appearing on a different screen was a map of the drop zone a huge factory but there was a trench going around it this wasn't a factory like I thought and Copper confirmed that this is one of the biggest fuel factory on the hole planet are job is to take it and defend it but if we can't do that we have permission to make it go bomb force defending it is unknown we will be dropping here and a red circle covered the open field in front of the building behind us would be the woods when we land we charge the fuel plant I side asking y can't we drop right ontop of the plant Copper sure it might destroy some of it but she side cuz that is foolish are orders are to defend the plant only if we have no other choice we are to destroy the building these are the orders from higher up not my own words I nodded and simply rested my head back in my chair waiting Copper nodded stay at the controls and prepare for but right then a load beep, beep prepare to drop in 5, 4 , 3, 2, 1 and like that the bay that Drake was in floor opened I seen a pretty blue green and red planet under me that's when a metal pod formed around me as something shot Drake down into this pod and like that my pod shot down at the planet my pod burst into fire and the temperature in my mecha increased but I didn't mind I had only felt the scorching cold from my home planet from the longest time that I quite enjoyed being warm my pod started to shake as I entered the atmosphere but I wasn't sure how far I was from the ground seeing how there was no window in this pod I sat in pitch dark the only source of light was from a red light in my pod I closed my eyes calming my excited beating heart but even so I couldn't help a huge grin to spread across my face as I felt my pod start to shake and slow down the pod shook and like that , I heard a beeping noise my eyes shot open I seen a green light and the pod opened on all sides I heard the sound of guns firing immediately my predator sense locked on hundreds of targets I looked around and noticed I was one of the first mecha that had landed the infantry rushed forward in there vehicles but I seen many of them bet blown to bits from plasma or artillery shots my eyes shot forward and I seen medium mechas standing ontop of the plant wall some was charging out from the trenches quite a few of them was in front of me I heard one of there mecha yell out prepare to die Moon dog scum there mecha was pretty normal similar to the mecha gold used but I could tell just at a glances these was much better but every one of them was painted white not very creative host of them had machine guns in there hands wall on there back there were artillery cannons I mumbled no matter I laughed my laughter coming from Drake in a deep demonic voice this is the shit I live for as Drake cratched down slightly before it sprang forward I heard someone on the radio Sir Drake we be on your 6 and sensed 6 jeeps and 5 might mecha I nodded I will clear a path for you and like that I jerked my hands down my claws shinning under the sun light.