finding out who did it

Drake and Falling Light moving to Echoes location be warned these hallways ant made for any mecha above a light mech Copper shit then just post up in the center courtyard I nodded and like this falling Light and I stood in the courtyard to this weapon testing facility I heard the sound of sporadic gun firing coming from below us at this point this place was ours we just have to deal with the rats underground I leaned Drake against a wall that was in the shadows the moment I did that I waved my hand in my control room mumbling damn this is some high tech security as lines of data passed through my helmet screen but I was able to pull up the security cameras and noticed Echoes team was still alive just pinned in a room that had 3 light mechas that were holding odd looking guns that were way bigger than their mech basically these light mecha was using weaponry for medium mecha no wonder their accuracy was none existent Echoes unit was waiting for the weapons to either run out of charge or overheat notice Copper I have found Echo and his unit they are still alive but they are pinned by 3 light mechas holding odd weaponry they seem to be waiting out there enemies I her Copper sy good but how the hell did you find all this out Drake I shrugged sharing everyone the security videos saying I simply hacked into there security network silence dead silence after a few seconds I heard a woman laughing what the hell Drake nothing you just said was simple I shrug again maybe not for you falling star Copper side ok Drake is there any way you can speed up there fight I shrugged no I only hacked into there security cameras nothing more of I go any deeper we will lose 25% of the data when we can get 100% of it if we just wait Copper side saying Galom is your little brother always case this much of a headache Heavy didn't respond I just seen Ranbo jump down next to Drake and stay there at this point everyone had convened in the courtyard even Echoes unit it would seem Echo got tired of waiting and just activated the fire sprinklers the moment the cold liquid touched the hot prototype weaponry a thick steam cloud formed Echo and his unit used this chance to charge forward by the time the steam was gone the light mechas had been destroyed in one way or another Copper mecha walked to the center and started giving out orders to fortify this base she gave me and Echo the task of going to every computer and copying everything for the moon empire plus to take stock of inventory and I must admit we had plenty of resources so as we gave Copper are report I told her we should make this a rebuild base where mechas come and get fix up before they head out she said she would tell command before dismissing Echo before I could leave her tent she spoke hold up Drake there is still something we need to talk about I stopped and looked to her she was sitting behind a desk her helmet was on the desk and plenty of report tablets was also there was a chair across from her but I stood on front of the table my back straight my arms behind my back as I looked forward yes mam she nodded y don't you take a seat I shook my head saying no thanks mam I will stand if that's fine she shrugged suit your self she picked up a tablet and slid it in front of me asking I wish to know your personal and professional opinion of this drop pod I nodded and with one hand I picked up the tablet and looked over the data on the tablet it showed a 3d image of a odd egg shaped pod that held the mecha in the center of it in this data told me everything what the pod was made of all the pilot protection want into this and at the very end it said all pods will lonch at the same time and all pods will land at the same time everything should be seamless and in sync I nodded everything I see on this pod is fine it's up to spec she nodded indeed please take a look at this one and she pushed me another tablet I put down the tablet in my hand and picked up this one and looked it over and immediately I seen red zones the forcefieldthat protects the pod and pilot wasnt at 100% hell it was generous to say it had 50% but it wasnt just that the pods heat dispersion barely functioned and the oxygen filter didn't even fucking work and if that wasnt bad enough the thrusters was set much faster then they should be this would throw off the timing when this thing gets lunches and lands I shook my head saying to put it simply mam this pod is a flying coffin who ever lanches from this would be lucky to live through the launch let alone the lack of air and the landing she nodded that's right you maybe wondering y I showed this data to you and I am going to be honest with you Drake that was your pod data when I heard this my face want pale not that she could see this but I forced my self to stay calm and in my normal cold voice I asked I wasn't the only one right Copper side and put her head into one of her hands saying no you wasn't the only one but you was the only medium mecha all the rest where either light mecha or infantry my face want even paler hearing that so we have been targetted Copper side again leaning back in her chair nodding yes and it wasn't from the enemy this was internal who ever did this both had the power to do this and the power to cover it up this is y I asked you here Drake you say hacking is easy for you I want you to find who ever did this I chuckled should be easy enough Copper was shocked what do you mean easy enough you ant even on the ship how is this going to be easy I chuckled shaking my head saying mam if there is one thing you should learn about me is this I don't trust easily nor do I care if I got to brake a few rules I will make sure I have eyes and ears everywhere technology is a beautiful thing but in my hands it becomes a weapon I don't need to be on the ship nor do I need a relay station sense I made Drake into a literal radio tower I can easily connect to are ship and with the back door that I installed in the ships systems the first week I was there Copper want slacked jawed hearing this just who are you she asked a bit of fear in her voice I laughed shrugging I am a leviathan I will let you know when I have found who did this and I put the tablet back down on the table saluted her and walked out to Drake which was still where I left him leaning against a shadow part of the wall Rambo was next to him as I walked forward towards Drake many people waved and said hi I simply nodded to them all not stopping to make conversation with anyone I got in front of Drake who had a few new scratches and dirt on it but it was practically find nothing needed to be changed or repaired on it Rambo was the same well Rambo had a lot of scratches in the pant job and metal but it just showed how much it had been used Drake next to Rambo was like a grizzled, veteran, standing next to a new kid who is on there first deployment which that's basically what it was I used my mechanical belt arms to clime up to Rambos hatch I nocked on it three times and waited soon the hatch clicked open and I moved in the door shutting behind me Heavy was in the pilots seat behind him was a white cot that barely looked used Heavy looked like a statue sitting in the piloting seat but he slowly turned his head asking what is it Brother I side saying it is as I thought brother we well more specific I have been targeted and I told him everything that I have learned I heard him sy damn it Fang I side let me guess father did this on purpose right Heavy nodded probably your dad always had a reason for what he does so if he wants us here means he figured there was a trader on the hallow he probably figured we could find it easy enough well you find it easy enough that is and you did I nodded shit that old fucker I swear I will get him back for all the headaches and time waiter cleaning up the shit that we could have cleaned if he just told us but that's for the future I am going back to Drake and getting to work Heavy nodded be ready brother my instincts are scrambling at me that something bad is about to happen I nodded saying I feel it to the hairs on the back of my neck have been standing up ever sense we took this compound Heavy nodded just be ready but don't dwell on it to much focus on the things you can see and control leave the rest up to fate I nodded cleaning out of his hatch and moved over to Drake getting to work it didn't take me long to find data on who chose my drop pod but the name didn't match the one on the light mechas pod nor the infantry pods hell none of the names was the same so I had to go higher then that it took me hours to find anything out and at this point it was dark we hadn't been attacked but we have been getting reports on other battles we had 3 units stopping here to get repairs and to resupply they are supposed to arrive at different times throughout the night at this point the camp was quite and I was still scrolling through data trying to find something but it was all by the book nothing was wrong not a thing I side angrily as I leaned back in my chair the data still scrolling by in my helmet I yound and pulled out a cheese stick I took a few bites of it before I cot something odd so I scrolled back up it was the date the pods had been assigned to a bay everything looked fine and up to code but I seen a small error in the testing data it was so small that most people wouldnt even notice but I wasn't normal I guess when they tested the pods data to make sure everything was up to code one mechanic made a report saying he had found several pods that wasn't up to code but that mechanic died in a work place accident apparently the mechanic was walking under a mecha wall people was taking off a arm and well the cores on the arm snapped crushing the mechanic under it another mechanic took his place completely redoing all the test and this mechanic said they was fine wall the dead mechanics report got swept under the rug in this data I tried to access the files from the dead mechanic and this is where I noticed the thing someone had overwritten the data to make it completely useless it simple got replaced with the living mechanics report just restating everything that it said before word for word this doesn't happen most people would read this and not even look at the dead mans data sense it look like a accident and those are sadly more common then some would like to believe but overwriting a file deleting the old content and replacing it with the new report is odd no one should have the power to do that no one but the captain of the ship son of a bitch I yelled but right at that moment I heard a whistling noise and boom the watch toward above me exploded shit i activating Drake the second I did my predator sense locked on to 5 other targets all airborn the artillery cannon and the miny gun roared to life my first shot from my cannon missed but exploded behind the target as a bright flare lit up the sky revealing 5 bomber ships turning around to make another pass one ship though got shredded the second my miny gun roared to life my plasma shots wasnt as power as normal but they made up for that I there speed this was my goal when I turned down the power output to it as one shit exploded and started to descend in a firy shape the light in-between Rambo viser turned on and his heavy machine gun roared to life with his other weapon systems it didn't take us long to destroy the remaining bombers after the last bomber exploded did a flip before hitting the ground I used my miny gun to shoot the flare that was slowly arking down the moment one of my plasma shots hit it the flare exploded in a flash of color before it was done I looked down to notice bloody scorched hand was sticking out from the rubble on the wall beside people was running to it pulling the rubble off there calmrads out of the 10 that was on watch in that tower only 2 servived but I could tell at a glance only one of them might live till the group of doctors get here and that was a might both was burnt black both was missing limbs and both had shraptnal in them I side leanining Drake against the wall again I opened the hatch stepping out of my mecha using my metal claws from my belt to climb down ones my feet hit the ground I quickly walked forward to the woman who had the best chance of living she was being placed on the ground as few people tried to stop her bleeding by putting pressure on the wounds but there just was to many I got next to them and crowd down one of the man yelled what are you doing back away I shook my head taking off my coat yelling get me hot water, and a first medic kit now people was shocked one man asking are you a doctor Drake turned to that person who started to sweat the moment I turned to him what are yall waiting for Heavy yelled rushing forward get the shit he ran to the other person asking for the same thing people ran off to get the stuff I rolled up my sleeves on my shirt sying this is going to be a long night I used my mechanic belt to press down on vital wounds stopping the leading as much as I could with just that the moment I was brought the medic kit I opened it quickly the first thing I did was give her a numing shot as I did that my arms picked up bandages and pushed the bandages into the wounds finding the spot where they was bleeding and putting pressure on that the next was to get all the shraptnal I could put of her and quickly stitch the wounds I soaked my tools in the boiling hot water before I got to work the woman didn't wake up as I pulled out shards metals and rocks from in her skin I dropped each peace into a plate that was brought to me when I asked for it by the time I was half done Heavy walked over to me I glanced up but he shook his head I side but didn't stop my work he helped me and like this a 40 minutes passed with Heavy and I doing everything we can to keep this woman alive she was missing both arms and legs her face was scared and all the hair on her body was burned away we wrapped her hole body in bandages I cut the last bandage and leaned back sying a crowd had formed around us but no one disturbed us as we worked but when they seen me lean back sying a woman stepped forward with tears in her eyes asking with she live sir I took off the medical gloves I had on as I stood up shrugged I don't know miss my brother and I did everything we could for her but she has lost a lot of blood and there still might be something we missed sense at the end of the day we ant doctors but she has more of a chance then she did before take her to a tent and someone close to her keep her company she is bound to wake up and when she does its best to have someone she knows close and like that I turned around and started walking towards Copper tent but I didn't even need to walk in she was waiting for me right outside of her tent she had her helmet off she looked me over asking will she live I shrugged that all depends on her in my opinion she nodded I didn't know you was medic I stared at her not responding at first but I side I ant Copper was shocked then what was all of that she waved don't tell me you just said fuck it lets play doctor I shook my head sying no mam that isn't what I mean what I did all leviathan learn how to do my people have there own medics these people not only are doctors but carry many healing liquids with them they can do cybernetic implants also Copper side you leviathan are a bunch of oddities but y are you here Drake I shrugged and handed her a harddrive saying this is y gone night and I walked away not sying anything else or I was when I noticed my arms had blood on them so did my clothes I side and washed my hand with water I had and ones I got I to Drake I changed my clothes I throw the old pare out they was to dirty to keep so I used the plasma claws to incinerate them after I changed and put back on my armor which covered all of my skin no one new I had scale but I didn't care before I want to bed.