Damn It! Su Yun, You Really Should Die!

Su Yun had just opened his mouth when Big Head Yang shouted on the phone, "Damn, Su Yun, you're popular!"


Before Su Yun could react, the other party began to talk non-stop.

"Stop pretending. I knew you could become popular. Many of our colleagues saw you at noon today."

"Seriously, your special effects skills are really not bad. Where did you secretly learn them? Are they special effects or props?"

The other party chattered for a long time, and Su Yun was so embarrassed that he could not interrupt.

"Tell me the truth. Does livestreaming make a lot of money?"

Su Yun was stunned for a long time before he slowly said, "It's alright."

"Alright, why are you still keeping it a secret from me? I won't spout nonsense. How much money did you earn from your livestream today?"