What a Fast Knife!

When Three got up again, he only saw Su Yun's back suddenly fall off the cliff. However, because the environment was dark, it was difficult to find his figure.

Three thought to himself that this kid was really ruthless.

He was about to step forward to the cliff to take a look.

However, just as he made a move, he suddenly stopped in place and frowned, not daring to chase after him.

That was because Three only felt a chill on the back of his hand and neck. A slight movement made him feel a sharp pain.

When he looked down again, there were actually a few holes in his clothes, as if they had been cut open by scissors. Fortunately, he was not injured.

He raised his hand again to take a look. It would have been better if he hadn't seen it. With just a slight movement, a small wound appeared on the back of his hand with a whoosh, and blood immediately flowed everywhere.