
Zhou Xiaoxiao saw a pile of messy poker cards in the trash can behind the sofa. There was also a pile of messy toilet paper scattered…

Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at Su Yun meaningfully again. She tilted her head and smiled faintly. "Mr. Su, you're still single right…"

Upon hearing this, Su Yun smiled awkwardly. "Hehe, I've embarrassed myself in front of Officer Zhou. You came too suddenly and I didn't have time to tidy up."

As he spoke, Su Yun took the can of Coke from Zhou Xiaoxiao's hand and casually threw it into the trash can behind him.

Zhou Xiaoxiao thought that Su Yun was afraid of losing face in front of her, so she did not intend to expose Su Yun's embarrassment further.

Imagine a beautiful girl coming to a boy's house alone. Who would want to show their sloppy side?

Coincidentally, Zhou Xiaoxiao's sharp eyes happened to see the half-covered wooden stake under the curtain. There were also a few poker cards stuck in it.