New Techniques

[The streamer you're following has started streaming. Hurry up and support the streamer…]

After starting the livestream, the old fans received the notification. Most of them saw the title of the livestream immediately. Their eyes lit up and they clicked on it without saying anything.

It was precisely because of the title that the popularity of the livestream increased especially quickly today.

Some sharp-eyed netizens also noticed the change in the thing in Su Yun's hand.

"Hey, why isn't the streamer throwing cards anymore?"

"I think it's changed to a toothpick! A toothpick can be thrown? I'm shocked!"

"Thirteen fatal needles? Is the streamer trying to imitate Dongfang Bubai?!"

"Have you finished modifying the special effects of the flying needles? Also, the title of this livestream is too childish!"

"The streamer is too wise. Did he change it to a toothpick because he knew that many shooting streamers had been banned?"