Scared Off by a Word, Su Yun's Mysterious Identity

"Jiajia, what happened?"

As the voice came from afar, the tense atmosphere immediately eased a little. Xu Jiajia was stunned and immediately recognized that it was Su Yun.

Xu Jiajia was helpless. Didn't I tell you not to come over? Why are you still here to join in the fun? There are so many people and the scene is so chaotic. If they really fight, they won't be able to take care of you at all.

"Why is Little Su here?" Teacher Yu muttered to himself and naturally heard Su Yun's voice. The person who had called him just now should be him.

As for the other students, without exception, they naturally heard this voice. However, they were not in the mood to care about this now. Even the teachers could not do anything, let alone the seniors.

Master Gu frowned and followed Xu Jiajia's line of sight. He did not know who was so bold to come and join in the fun at this time. Could they not see the situation clearly?