Scared Off by a Word, Su Yun's Mysterious Identity (3)

"Brother Su, his attitude changed 180 degrees the moment you appeared. He wanted us to pay 70,000 yuan!"

Everyone praised Su Yun awkwardly. To be honest, he really didn't do anything! As for why he asked Master Gu to retreat, Su Yun did not understand. It couldn't be because he had the aura of a king, right?

Su Yun thought for a moment and said, "I'm just an amateur streamer. Perhaps the other party also felt that it was a little unreasonable, so they suddenly came to a realization? Hmm… I think that should be the case. I've enlightened him!"

No one took Su Yun's joke seriously.

The female student at the scene was enlightened when she heard this. She slapped her forehead and exclaimed, "I know. That Master Gu must have done something guilty. He also knows that Senior is a streamer and is afraid of provoking a big streamer like Senior and being exposed on the Internet!"

"Yes, yes, that makes sense!"

"Wow, is this the power of famous people?"