Scared Off by a Word, Su Yun's Mysterious Identity (5)

"What do you mean by pretending to be a female ghost? Moreover, how can it be more interesting than studying antiques? I think you have a secret!" Xu Jiajia did not hide the curiosity on her face.

Su Yun shook his head slightly. He did not want to dwell too much on Master Gu's attitude. He changed the topic. "Jiajia, I'm preparing to go back. Are you leaving with Teacher Yu and the others?"

"So early? I wanted you to accompany me to the mountains." Xu Jiajia was a little surprised.

"It's almost time for the livestream," Su Yun explained. In fact, there was something else, but he could not say more.

"Isn't it the same if we livestream here?" Xu Jiajia asked.

"I didn't bring any equipment, and this place isn't suitable." Su Yun shook his head and casually found an excuse.

"Alright, go back first. Call me if anything happens."