The Night Is A Little Chilly, The Corpse Is A Little Cold! (1)

The leader of the bandits, Pig Head Rong, had no idea that one of his underlings had been secretly killed. He did not know that he had still underestimated Xu Jiajia. Although he was shocked by Xu Jiajia's courage and skills, Pig Head Rong still did not expect Xu Jiajia to hide a blade on her body.

Of course, no normal person would have thought of it.

After all, Xu Jiajia's appearance was too deceiving. No one expected her to know about such a move. In addition, there is a key reason. Hiding a blade in one's sleeve for emergencies was something only certain people walking in the dark would do.

This was simply incompatible with Xu Jiajia's military background.

Hence, Pig Head Rong was not worried that Xu Jiajia might escape at all. He walked to a stone house, pushed open the thick curtain of the stone house, and quickly entered.