The Night Is A Little Chilly, The Corpse Is A Little Cold! (4)

Black Wolf spread his hands and continued, "From the traces of struggle on the ground, it can also prove this."

"Boss, do you think that the knife expert came looking for us? Since he's an expert, is it possible that he has martial arts, such as using Eagle Claw Technique to break the neck of Bobcat?" Skinny Monkey whispered uneasily.

"Eagle your ass!" If not for the fact that he was afraid of being heard by outsiders, Pig Head Rong really wanted to slap him. "Let's not talk about whether there's such a so-called martial art. Bobcat is on the tree. What kind of bullsh*t expert can climb up the tree and break his neck before he can even send out the alarm!"

Skinny Monkey thought for a moment and agreed. He said mysteriously, "Either that, or he hit the fiend. The old people all say that this mountain has a fiendish aura! And in our line of work, the yin aura is too strong!"

Pig Head Rong could not be bothered with him and looked at Black Wolf.