The Card That Landed At Their Feet, Stunned and Shocked Everyone! (5)

Obviously, Gang Zi did not want to be alone at this time, especially since he could always feel something staring at him. After passing through the small path in front of him, Gang Zi would arrive at the front yard where Pig Head Rong and the others were.

Therefore, Gang Zi could not help but quicken his pace. However, he did not notice that Su Yun, who was in the dark, slowly took out a poker card from his pocket.

Su Yun flipped his wrist and pinched the poker card between his fingers. There was no emotion in his eyes, like a wild beast ready to catch its prey. Calculating the speed and distance of Gang Zi in the distance, Su Yun's breathing became more and more stable. He could not escape the darkness and approach further, or he would be exposed to the lights, so he could only try throwing cards from afar.

Before this, he had let Gang Zi escape. This time, he had to kill him in one strike!