Only I Can Do It, Su Yun Appears (3)

Soon, Su Yun dug out a fireproof belt and picked up some dry firewood. After using dry leaves as a catalyst to light it, he built a bonfire. Tonight's food was naturally this long-eared rabbit. As it was the first time, Su Yun still looked a little cumbersome when he cleaned up. After spending a long time, he finally placed the food on the fire to roast.

Su Yun had gained a lot today. Although he had only killed a long-eared rabbit, it was very meaningful. This meant that his throwing cards strength had increased again. Human reactions were weaker than most animals, and among animals, the vigilance and reaction ability of the long-eared were among the top. Especially the feeling when he attacked. Although it was not the epiphany he had been looking for, it was enough for him to realize that this training method was effective.