Man and Monkey Stirring The Universe (2)

With this thought in mind, Su Yun decided not to stop it from following him. If there was really no other way, he would send it to the zoo to appraise it. If it was not a protected animal, he would naturally adopt it.

If it was really a specially protected animal, he would hand it over to the country with the golden foil.

With this in mind, Su Yun no longer hesitated. He waved at the white monkey, indicating for it to come over. Soon, the white monkey bounced in front of Su Yun. As it scratched its fur, it looked at Su Yun curiously.

Su Yun gently touched the white monkey's head. Its fur was soft and much longer than ordinary monkeys. Moreover, its entire body was snow-white. It was indeed much better-looking and adorable than ordinary monkeys.