Confirming Su Yun's Identity (1)

Big Dog's voice was not loud, and because of his panic, he sounded weak. But even so, the moment the words 'Su Yun' came out of Big Dog's mouth, everyone fell silent.

Chen Ye frowned at Big Dog and asked uncertainly, "Who did you just say?" Actually, there was no need for Chen Ye to ask because Big Dog seemed to have lost his soul at this moment. He sat there and kept repeating two words:

Su Yun!

Big Dog's chest began to rise and fall more violently. Every breath seemed to require all his strength. "Su Yun… It's Su Yun. Those mercenaries are all dead. I don't want to die. Save me and send me to prison…"

The desire to live drove Big Dog to constantly ask the police officers beside him for help. It even felt a little ridiculous. A tomb raider actually cried and begged to be imprisoned. His goal was only to protect himself in prison.