Cultivation vs Technology (2)

They searched everywhere they could see, but they still could not find a single hair.

Su Yun was in the dark and they were in the light. This feeling made them very anxious. The saplings by the roadside were implicated and kicked in the waist by the white-robed men to vent their anger.

It was almost dark, and the rain was about to pour. It was not completely dark yet. It would be even harder to find when it got dark.

"Use the thermal imager!" Zero ordered the other white-robed men to use the power of technology to make Su Yun appear.

The reason why he did not take out the thermal imaging device to find Su Yun's whereabouts immediately was because it consumed an astonishing amount of electricity. In the mountains, there might be many places that needed it.

Therefore, Zero did not let his subordinates use it. He wanted to save some electricity for the critical moment. And now was the critical moment. No matter what, he had to find the hiding Su Yun!