Supernatural Battle (1)

"Su Yun?!"

"It's really Su Yun?!"

Zero and the white-robed men subconsciously took a few steps back and assumed a defensive posture out of habit. Their impression of Su Yun also became clear. They had seen Su Yun's photo before, and the person in front of them was him.



A few bolts of lightning flashed in the air again, and the surrounding area was as bright as day again. With the help of the lightning, the white-robed men carefully identified him.

That's right. The person sitting cross-legged beside the stone statue was Su Yun, whom they had been searching for. It was the real deal.

Su Yun's expression was calm as he swept his gaze across the white-robed men lined up in front of him.

Su Yun's sharp gaze shocked the white-robed men as they subconsciously put their hands on the armed belts at their waists. That was where the electromagnetic guns, grenades, and smoke grenades were placed.