Shocking Fan City with a Battle, Su Yun Finally Appears (2)

It was only when the light spots quickly approached and pierced into their foreheads, hearts, and bodies that the four white-robed men reacted. "F*ck, it's not rain, it's silver needles!"

The scene of light scattering all over the sky reminded them of a hidden weapon fabricated in the ancient times of the Dragon Kingdom: Pear Blossom Storm Needles. This scene was exactly the same as described in the book.

Unfortunately, they reacted too late. The silver needles pierced into them and the four of them instantly fell to the ground. They twitched for a while and died.

Instant kill.

"F*ck! Su Yun!!" Four people were killed at once. Zero's eyes were red and his face was furious, but he was more shocked! This time, they hid in the distance and could see especially clearly with binoculars.