Shocking Fan City with a Battle, Su Yun Finally Appears (4)

The three of them surrounded Su Yun from three directions and decided to fight to the death. In the distance, Su Yun turned around and ran. He naturally did not dare to fight head-on. After all, once he was hit by a stray bullet, he would definitely die. He had to ensure that there were no mistakes before he could escape unscathed.

"Based on the current wind direction and rainfall, I can't throw out three cards at the same time. The best candidate to kill is on the right, but the wind speed…" As Su Yun ran, he fell into deep thought. In his supernatural state, his mind was agile. In an instant, Su Yun could tell the subtle situation at the scene. His eyes narrowed as he had a bold idea.


The next moment, Su Yun made a decision. With lightning speed, he pulled out a paper poker card. He took the opportunity, found the right angle, and suddenly turned around to deal! He could control it as if it was his own arm!

Downwind Technique! Kill!