Magical Cultivation Method! (6)

Just as the interrogation was about to reach a stalemate and could not continue, Xu Kui, who had been silent at the side, quietly patted Zhou Nanhai's leg with his hand under the table.

"Hm?" After sensing it, Zhou Nanhai turned to look at Xu Kui.

When Charles was not paying attention, Xu Kui gave Zhou Nanhai a look, which meant that he wanted Zhou Nanhai to stop talking and let him try.

Zhou Nanhai, who understood tacitly, immediately nodded slightly. Then, he stopped speaking and let Commander Xu Kui do it.

"I think we shouldn't waste our breath." Xu Kui deliberately acted and said to Zhou Nanhai and the others, "This foreigner won't say anything."

As Xu Kui had expected, when he heard this, Charles looked up quickly as if he had found a life-saving straw.