He Desires the Sun, Why Did He Need to Travel at Night in Embroidered Clothes? (4)

Now, he saw the powerful bodily functions displayed by Su Yun in the video.

X immediately had an unprecedented feeling in his heart. A voice in his heart kept telling him that Su Yun could also become the key to his breakthrough.

There must be a secret in Su Yun's body. He did not know if it was because of the genetic change, but no matter what, he had to study it. Of course, he could not give up on the golden foil, because it was the core of the research progress.

At the thought of this, X felt an excitement in his heart, and his entire body could not help but tremble. Fortunately, when he faced Thor, he used a holographic projection and could not discover his emotions at all.

Taking a few deep breaths in a row, X calmed the excitement in his heart. Then, he immediately picked up a pen and paper and wrote down what he wanted to say to Thor.