Su Yun, Come, Show! (5)

"These two pieces of gold foil were the national treasures of China, and they hid a huge secret. No matter what, they could not be measured with money. Their value was extraordinary. As a national treasure, how could it be lost overseas? As a descendant of the Chinese, I naturally have the obligation to protect the national treasure. And as a modern citizen, I also have the obligation to protect national defense and security."

Su Yun's tone was as calm as possible. It did not sound like there were any waves. However, such ordinary words contained a powerful belief. Zhou Nanhai and the others agreed and could not help but nod.

That's right. How could we let foreigners take away our cultural relics? Putting aside the truth, at least Su Yun's words were right. As descendants of the Chinese and modern citizens, they indeed had the responsibility to protect them.