Unexpected (4)

The combination of the two was as if the gunshot had come from Su Yun. Coupled with the fluidity of the attack, it gave people a pleasant feeling.

However, perhaps because the poker cards were flying too quickly or because their vision was poor, they almost did not see the obvious trajectory of the poker cards.

Finally, Fu Qiang put down his gun on the other side. He was so confident that he did not even look at the target before returning to the team. Su Yun was the same. Without looking at the target in the distance, he casually threw away the remaining poker cards and strode towards Zhang Zhenghuai and company.

"Target inspection!"

The sound of the east and west verification grounds overlapped. Four police officers went to the two targets to check. However, when the two of them came to the target to take a closer look, they were dumbfounded again.