He's in Prison, Just Live Streamed (4)

Zhou Nanhai, who originally thought that Su Yun was going to reject him, was about to say something when Su Yun spoke first. "Go home? Wouldn't I be causing trouble for myself if I go home now? Why don't you lock me up!"

Su Yun's words stunned everyone present. In all his years as a police officer, he had never heard such a ridiculous request.

"Su Yun, what kind of place do you think this is? You can come and go as you please?" Zhou Nanhai looked at Su Yun helplessly.

At that moment, Su Yun said very seriously, "Everyone outside is chasing after me now. Who knows if there will be a few desperadoes near my house waiting for me to return? In any case, you have to investigate me. At the moment, I haven't been cleared of suspicion. Therefore, even if I go home, you still have to send extra energy to keep an eye on me.