Hot Record, Secret of the Golden Foil (1)

The livestream feed was quickly conveyed to the various fans, and the number of people in the livestream began to increase.

"F*ck! Brother Perseverance is broadcasting!"

"After being offline for so long, I thought something had happened to Brother Perseverance!"

"Speaking of which, where is the streamer? Why does the background look a little dark?"

"Holy sh*t, did you see what's written on the wall behind the streamer?"

After all, this was the police detention room, and the colors were basically blue and white.

Coupled with the words "police" that could be seen everywhere, the attentive netizens quickly saw the clues.

"What's going on? Did Brother Perseverance go in?"

"Something's wrong. How can he livestream after entering?"

"This background panel is too harsh. It's gimmicky, but it also serves as a judgment!"