File and Practice Knife Techniques, Police, Pay Some Attention to Me (6)

After putting down the phone, he looked up at the dazzling sunlight, his heart filled with worry. He was worried about Su Yun. After all, the power Su Yun had provoked this time was too great. Relying on his connections was not enough to ensure Su Yun's safety.

Although the first batch of killers had been stopped, they were all testing the waters. Many powerful people were still biding their time. Who knew how many more would come?

What should he do now? Su Guowei's heart was filled with worry. He was thinking about how to protect his son.

As for Su Yun, he knew nothing about this. He did not know how much his father had sacrificed. Even after hanging up the phone, Su Yun was still puzzled. Why was there no sign of a killer along the way?

After a simple rest, Su Yun prepared to broadcast again. Although he was still worried, he still had to eat. Until now, Su Yun had not discovered any clues. This made two possibilities appear in his heart.