Su Yun Sends His Corpse to His Door, The Dumbfounded City Police Station (2)

The view was limited, and the audience had no idea what had happened. At this moment, Su Yun had already arrived at the door.

Could it be that an assassin had come looking for him? But he had never heard of a killer knocking politely, right? With doubts, Su Yun held the poker card in his hand and slowly moved to the peephole to look out.

However, when Zhou Xiaoxiao, who was wearing a police uniform, appeared in the peephole, Su Yun was immediately surprised. He looked at the clock on the wall. He had only been back from the police station for a few hours. Why was Zhou Xiaoxiao standing at the door again?

But at least she wasn't a killer. That was something to be grateful for. After putting away the poker cards, Su Yun slowly opened the door. After opening the door, Su Yun realized that it was not only Zhou Xiaoxiao.

Other than her, there were a few other people who looked refined. Among them was a woman who made people's eyes light up.