So He's a Cultivator! (6)

It felt like he was demonstrating it to Su Yun alone.

"Although our Northern Sect's leg faction is not proficient in saber techniques, we have a certain level of attainment. Master Su, please review it!"

Then, the representative of the Northern Sect personally went on stage and cupped his fists at Su Yun. He was holding two sabers. Combined with his leg technique, they were especially sharp. He displayed a self-created dual saber leg technique.

"I'm the current eldest disciple of the Eight Trigrams Saber. I'll go on stage to embarrass myself. Master Su, please guide me!"

After that, the collateral branch of the Northern Sect's Eight Trigrams School and the personal disciple of the Eight Trigrams Saber also climbed the arena and held a long saber to perform.

One got off the stage, and another followed. The Chinese martial arts enthusiasts were still not satisfied.