Oriental Swordsman, Shocking Both Domestic and Foreign Countries with a Single Slash (1)

"Lock down the news of him leaving the country again. The later it is, the better."

After receiving the order, the police officer beside Zhou Xiaoxiao nodded and quickly left Zhang Zhenghuai's office. After all, it was not easy to contact Interpol. There are many necessary procedures that need to be prepared in advance.

Interpol was not an independent police force, nor was it an organization composed of the most powerful criminal police in the world. To be precise, Interpol was just a cooperative system. Since the establishment of the Interpol system in 1923, there has been no independent police division.

Although there were many Interpol buildings overseas, that was only a base for foreign cases needed by countries. Currently, the Interpol headquarters building is located in France and has branches worldwide.