When His Shadow Became a Legend (2)

"Oh, sorry, that's not what I meant. All of this was just speculation. It was also possible that he was not killed. But don't worry, we won't give up. Whether we live or die, we will find him!"

After the call ended, there was a short silence in the conference room. The atmosphere was a little oppressive. Clearly, this news stunned everyone. Not only did the Interpol lose track of Su Yun's whereabouts, but they even speculated that he had been killed?

"This …"

Although the connection did not last long, this news was too shocking. After disconnecting, Zhou Nanhai frowned and turned around to look at Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others. After a moment of silence, Zhou Nanhai slowly asked, "What do you think of what Cirion's said?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao was the first to shake her head. "We all know Su Yun's methods. Although it's indeed more dangerous overseas, he has killed the white-robed men after all. How can he be easily assassinated?"