Earth-shattering, World Earthquake Caused by Su Yun (4)

Such a situation was naturally what Su Yun wished for. Otherwise, no matter where he went, there would be countless pairs of eyes secretly watching him. Anyone would probably feel uncomfortable.

After returning to his familiar home, Su Yun took the initiative to check. After confirming that no outsiders had come after he left, he completely relaxed. Sitting on the sofa and watching the white monkey jump up and down in the house, Su Yun's thoughts had already drifted into the distance.

He recalled the many things that had happened outside the borders during this period of time, as well as every life and death battle.

Now that he had successfully broken through the first realm of the saber technique, Su Yun knew very well that this realm needed to be consolidated. Therefore, it was not the time to heave a sigh of relief.

However, if he wanted to consolidate this realm, the prescription that Lin Guodong had given him previously was extremely important.