Sudden Appearance, Scared by Su Yun! (7)

"The oxygen is almost used up, so we have to return to the ground first."

This news made Chen Ye and Xu Kui look at each other and frown. It seemed that things were not going as smoothly as they had imagined. Although everyone had already returned to the ground, they did not give up on investigating at all. Soon, they sat not far from the entrance of the tomb and discussed.

"We've already checked in detail just now. There aren't any grooves or traces of triggerable mechanisms. Therefore, there should only be two possibilities. The first possibility was that the trigger point of this mechanism was in a place that we could not touch. The second possibility was that this mechanism had not been set up to trigger at all. However, I personally prefer the first. After all, the person who built this tomb back then also needed to enter and leave."

Professor Cai analyzed the current situation very professionally. This analysis was quickly agreed by the others.