Born in Blood, Dare I Ask Who's Carrying a Saber! (1)

One person and one saber sat there, blocking the path ahead. This scene made the mercenaries' expressions change slightly, but they immediately reacted and were suspicious.

"Is this a living person or a dead person?" A mercenary sized up the figure in front of him in confusion. Because the clothes covered the person tightly, it was impossible to tell if the person sitting here was a living person with flesh and blood or just a skeleton.

However, judging from his clothes, he was clearly not an ancient person. Another mercenary raised the rifle in his hand warily and advanced warily. Divine Gun kept urging him through the earpiece. The mercenary replied impatiently, "We saw a person in the tomb, but he should be dead. There's no movement. Now, we're going forward to check."

These words puzzled Divine Gun. Logically speaking, in such an ancient tomb, even a corpse should have long turned into bones. Why did he have to go forward to investigate to confirm?