Unparalleled Hero! (6)

In that case, they were comrades. After a long battle, Su Yun's stamina was almost exhausted. This was also the reason why he had given a half-hour time limit.

This half an hour was the limit of Su Yun's stamina.

Feng Shaoyu and company's gazes were also fixed on Su Yun's figure. In this scene, Su Yun would occasionally fly needles to subdue the enemy or wave the wooden saber in his hand. Su Yun's clothes had long been dyed red by the enemy's blood, but he still held on to his oath and did not retreat for half an hour.


In the chaotic battle, among the gunshots, only this one sounded especially ear-piercing. After Su Yun cut another mercenary's throat, he quickly looked in the direction of the voice. But he saw Cang Lan fall to the ground silently in front of Divine Gun.

"Cang Lan died in battle…" Tian Sha's voice immediately came from the earpiece, announcing this bad news.