In The Storm, Just For One Person (2)

Almost without thinking, Chen Jie quickly opened the backpack she had been carrying with her and took out the bandage. As she gently bandaged Su Yun's wound, she said gently, "That's all I can do for now. You have to clean your wound as soon as possible. Otherwise, once you get infected, you'll be in big trouble."

Looking at his bandaged arm, Su Yun nodded gently. He had not interacted much with Chen Jie. Strictly speaking, Chen Jie was still Su Yun's teacher. After all, Chen Jie was an archeology professor at Hibiscus City University where Su Yun was.

Although there was a difference of seven or eight years in age, the two of them had never interacted with each other. In addition, they were teachers and students. Therefore, at this moment, the two of them seemed to be a little distant.