In The Storm, Just For One Person (7)

Faced with the vice principal's question, the teacher in charge sighed helplessly. "Sir, Su Yun sent the leave information directly to the class group chat. He was also the one who applied for leave on behalf of Xu Jiajia. After that, we tried to get in touch with them, but we couldn't get through to them."

"Fool!" The Vice Principal said unhappily, "The oral defense is related to the future of every student. We can't be careless in such matters. Sometimes, these students might not realize the importance of the oral defense. As teachers, we had to tell them this clearly. If they have any difficulties, they can apply to the school. However, if they miss the oral defense, this will be a huge matter for your entire life!" As he spoke, the vice principal placed the pile of information in his hand aside. "Hurry up and transfer the information on Su Yun and Xu Jiajia to me. I'll contact them personally!"