Emotional Exchange with Miss Chen (4)

She gently came to Su Yun's side and asked curiously, "Su Yun, what are you doing?"

Upon hearing that, Su Yun explained unhurriedly, "Miss Chen, I thought about it before I slept last night. If we want to leave this place, this should be the only way."

Su Yun waved the wooden saber in his hand. "Therefore, I need to do some training to increase my control over the wooden saber in my hand. This will allow the wooden saber in my hand to have greater power." With that said, he stared at the distant cliff and pondered. "Perhaps with this, we have a chance of escaping."

However, Su Yun's words made Chen Jie even more confused. She followed Su Yun's gaze in a daze and turned to look at the cliff. She really could not imagine it. The saber in Su Yun's hand was ultimately made of wood. So what if it was powerful? What effect could it have on escaping?