Supernatural Bedevilment, Escape (4)

The torture of illness and the lack of food brought about hunger and coldness. Chen Jie was already on the verge of death.

Su Yun turned to look at Chen Jie, but the moment she saw Su Yun's eyes, Chen Jie was shocked.

These eyes were no longer warm. Instead, they were as sharp and cold as a cold pool. However, this cold pool was a pool of stagnant water. There was actually no ripple at all. There was only a kind of disregard for everything and life.

Even though Su Yun still squeezed out a smile to comfort Chen Jie, Chen Jie could still sense that there seemed to be a subtle change in Su Yun.

He seemed to be… sick.

"Chen Jie, don't worry. We'll definitely get out. Hang in there!"

There was no fatigue in Su Yun's voice. Instead, there was a sickly excitement. Chen Jie looked at Su Yun for a long time. She was clearly in pain, but she still smiled and shook her head. "Su Yun, if this is the predestined outcome, at least I can happily accept it."